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Declined Remove the "common sense" rule

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2120
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Deleted member 2120

The rules should be clear, specific, and to the point. What one may consider common sense another may not. This rule is way too vague and unclear, and to be frank, utterly lazy. There can be so many rules attributed to this you can't possibly expect everybody to know these common sense rules. I don't have much more to say, just wanted to make a quick suggestion about this.

EDIT: The common sense rule should be replaced with the actual rules that would fall under it. Just want to make that clear.


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
People shouldn't question what would fall under the rule or not. They should have a clear understanding.
There is no such event in History where rules are so perfect that nobody questions them. The issue is not the miscommunication but the unwillingness to ask. No matter how in depth we go with the rules and how crystal clear the definitions can be, there is undoubtedly going to at least be ONE person who is unclear about it. That is why we have to trust the playerbase, at the very least, that they either have some common sense or are at least willing to ask questions.

This, of course, is not discouragement. You are free to suggest rules that you believe are not actually properly explained.

Deleted member 2120

There is no such event in History where rules are so perfect that nobody questions them. The issue is not the miscommunication but the unwillingness to ask. No matter how in depth we go with the rules and how crystal clear the definitions can be, there is undoubtedly going to at least be ONE person who is unclear about it. That is why we have to trust the playerbase, at the very least, that they either have some common sense or are at least willing to ask questions.

This, of course, is not discouragement. You are free to suggest rules that you believe are not actually properly explained.
A lot less people will feel confused if you be a lot more specific though.

Deleted member 2120

Give us some few examples.
So I am going to assume that things ilke harassment and sexual themes with chat are prohibited.
These are taken from a gmod community I play on.
  1. Be respectful to all players out-of-character (OOC.)
Do not mock, ridicule, bully, or use explicit language towards other players. Debates are okay, however, personal attacks rather than an intellectual standpoint is not okay. Example: Calling someone "stupid" is not an acceptable debate point.

  1. Any threats, harassment, action, or intent to harm other players in the community, the community itself, or the servers or websites related there to is absolutely forbidden. Actions include but are not limited to: Hacking, exploiting, cheating, scripting, DDOSing, putting props in a door to break them, or using a third party program to get an unfair advantage.
These are from a SCP roleplay server but they can still fit in.

Deleted member 2120

  • Do not encourage other players to break rules. This includes using ( OOC ) chat which instructs another player to use out of game knowledge to Metagame (defined below.)
Also this which I would assume would fall under the no common sense rule.


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
  1. Be respectful to all players out-of-character (OOC.)
Do not mock, ridicule, bully, or use explicit language towards other players. Debates are okay, however, personal attacks rather than an intellectual standpoint is not okay. Example: Calling someone "stupid" is not an acceptable debate point.

Hacking, exploiting, cheating, scripting, DDOSing, putting props in a door to break them, or using a third party program to get an unfair advantage.

  • Do not encourage other players to break rules. This includes using ( OOC ) chat which instructs another player to use out of game knowledge to Metagame (defined below.)
Also this which I would assume would fall under the no common sense rule.
This is called incitement, this is applied in law. It's common sense that you are just as guilty of telling someone to break the rules in real life, why can't it be similar ingame?
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Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
So I would now assume that you do not have any more examples that you believe had not been clarified?

Deleted member 2120

View attachment 8406

View attachment 8405

This is called incitement, this is applied in law. It's common sense that you are just as guilty of telling someone to break the rules in real life, why can't it be similar ingame?
The rules of the game are supposed to tell you what and what not to do. The laws of different nations don't apply to tf2 unless they are primary internet based laws. Anyway, you can close this. My mind has been changed and I want to watch Dan Vs (great tv show you should check it out if you can find it online)


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Common sense says I should leave the thread open until there's no responses for a few days in case there are any more questions.

Deleted member 2120

Common sense says I should leave the thread open until there's no responses for a few days in case there are any more questions.
Do me a favor and eat a cactus whole.


Steve Harvey Oswald

Blackwonder's Own
Nov 12, 2016
From the original thread:
View attachment 8372

User states: Rules don't say to not ABUSE therefore it is not punishable. Common sense tells us of course it's punishable. Exploiting rule also applies.


@Festive Steve H Oswald the fact that you decide to ignore what everyone else has said and only decided to bash my comment completely out of context makes your argument irrelevant. If you want to argue with me about what common sense is or not this is not the thread for it.

You seem to be misunderstanding the purpose of my posts here. This is a friendly debate we're having here. You seem to be taking this whole thing much more personally than intended. We're all friends here, nothing anywhere close to "bashing" is going on here. What it comes down to is that your post happened literally hours before the thread was created, and it was the perfect example as to why the rule isn't good. While we're here, though, let's go ahead and pick this post apart.

the fact that you decide to ignore what everyone else has said and only decided to bash my comment completely out of context makes your argument irrelevant.

At the time of me posting my response to you, there were only three other responses, which were indirectly acknowledged. The responses were, "we can't add literally everything to the rules." You'd see my response to this, if you chose to read it instead of actively disregarding it because you were the only person who was quoted. I'll say it again, though, to save everybody the time of scrolling through 4 pages of banter.

I liked Jim's answer of "do not exploit." You don't even need to specifically write out each and every scenario, you just need it to fall under the umbrella of one of our bigger rules. People are a lot more likely to accept, "abusing our firing system to get free freedays." as an exploit than, "oh it's just common sense." All the admins have been interpreting this thread as, "write down more rules forever," when in reality you don't really need to do that. If you can just come up for reasons why something is against the rules given our current ruleset, then it's against the rules, and when somebody is banned you can just point to the rule.

Common sense tells us of course it's punishable. Exploiting rule also applies.

So here's the thing, if a rule falls under the "do not exploit" category, it doesn't need to fall under a "Common sense" category. That's like if your mother caught you doing heroin, and when you ask why you should stop she says, "Because it's extremely dangerous but also because I said so."

If you want to argue with me about what common sense is or not this is not the thread for it.

You know full well that isn't what's being argued here. The whole purpose of talking about what is considered "common sense" is to point out that rules already apply to these situations. There is no need to for a common sense rule. You can't write something down in a rule and say, "okay so you aren't allowed to do this just so everybody knows." and then when somebody breaks the rule say, "yeah it's common sense, bud." It's literally written what the rule is and what the rule entitles. It's not that it's a matter of common sense, it's a matter of a specific rule actually being broken. And would you like to know why I keep bringing up the post you made in the other thread? Because it is evidence that shows this. Jim gives a very reasonable answer as to why abusing !fire is not allowed. He cites an exact rule, and his reasoning makes perfect sense. But then we just go and throw in, "oh it's common sense, that's the rule that would be broken." And the biggest kicker is that it isn't even common sense. A thread had to be made asking whether or not it was against the rules.

I don't know why I'm continuing on replying to this thread. You're clearly not willing to listen and you took every single point I made and simply disregarded them because you didn't like my opinion. And like I said last time, you've already made up your mind.


Who you gonna call?!
Staff Member


Jun 26, 2016
Rules can't be too specific, not here, not in real life. You can read a bunch of legislation that is really fucking vague and it's the court's job to interpret them in the end. There is no problem with the common sense rule. Everything that falls under "common sense" that isn't covered by the other rules you have to get a warning for before being punished so it doesn't even lead to abuse because if an admin is using the common sense rule in-game he should always give a warning beforehand and explain the situation. This rule is no more vague than if we had a rule like "Don't behave badly". You can play the ultimate skeptic and tell us that not everyone agrees on what "badly" means and if moral bad even exists in the universe or if the universe even exists, but reasonable people don't engage in that kind of rhetoric because it leads to nowhere, we assume that these things exist and go from there so we can have a productive, good faith discussion.
Just like in real life, if new problems arrive that are not very well understood by a significant part of the player base and come up over and over we can add a new rule, but I don't think that ever happens these days. 99% of the time the "common sense" rule doesn't get cited and the one time it gets cited it's some niche issue where a 12 year old is being obnoxious in an obscure way. That's the only use of it, so niche cases can be handled by the admins. The existence of these niche cases doesn't mean that the common sense rule is bad.
pls close thread thank you.
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Apr 11, 2017
Yes, people are always finding ways to break rules but they will break rules either way. This is for people who are willing to follow the rules....

If people are willing to follow the rules, they will never have any problems that apply to the common sense rule. They will ask questions before they act to ensure they aren't breaking the rules. It's common sense to ask questions before doing something you're unsure of.

Pretty sure those who write the laws of the land are smart enough to cover most bases. You are also comparing the laws of an entire nation to the rule page for a community for a 10 year old game.

Imagine, if you will, that BlackWonder is a kingdom, and Benedevil its ruler. Benedevil has created a rule set, which has been improved upon by himself and his band of merry men (and women) to make it simpler. The administrators are the attorneys that create the "laws" of BlackWonder, and they've done the same, as Rainbow has said, as real life attorneys. (I've probably butchered that but whatever, I had fun writing it)

If you guys don't know then I get to have full access to your steam account for 27 hours
Now list them out or give me your steam account.

You should be banned from the forums for this, and I hope it has already been done.

And what else? There is a lot more that falls under common sense. Hell, some people my not know that they can't type out sexual content because the rules don't explicitly say that they can. Don't you think that would be easy to have in the rules?

The rule NO INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT comes to mind, no? Bloody hell...

Sorry for the post, but it's just a shitstorm in here, and MY COMMON SENSE that twinnzlers doesn't understand common sense.


I watch you sleep c:
Staff Member
Apr 18, 2016
Physical version of the blackwonder rule book every player has to order and read through before being allowed to play on the servers because common sense wasn't specific enough 2k18(colorized)
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