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Search results

  1. P

    Resolved Report against Hollow (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? Hollow What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:838595403] What is the reason of the report? freekill Any other proof you have in case you were on the fence...
  2. P

    Resolved Report against pogthegrub (jbus)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? pogthegrub What server game mode is the report concerned with? jbus What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:1090985357] What is the reason of the report? mfk Any other proof you have https://clipchamp.com/watch/YBomAlucVvn...
  3. P

    Completed Re-enable weapon drops/ ragdolls on jb

    you only want ragdolls enabled because you got guardbanned, get over it lol L
  4. P

    Resolved Report against Phishy Ryscu (Jailbreak)

    https://clipchamp.com/watch/dL8RRB3uFmS my perspective I thought I heard start upon arrival so I went, but you can still tell I was confused (happens about halfway thru video) Common sense, if most people aren't doing a very simple order, maybe you weren't heard?
  5. P

    Invalid Report against Colonel Kirb (jbus)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? Colonel Kirb What server game mode is the report concerned with? jbus What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:855769447] What is the reason of the report? lr deny Any other proof you have https://imgur.com/a/4dP1jNM i have...
  6. P

    Declined Report against Mothman (Jailbreak)

  7. P

    Resolved Report against Joshuason (US JB)

    funky town anyone?
  8. P

    Resolved Report against emorphia (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? emorphia What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:312241759] What is the reason of the report? freekill Any other proof you have https://clipchamp.com/watch/i6iADLb9iP7 i...
  9. P

    Declined Preacher_Platinum's Team Ban appeal

    "get in" is not the natural terminology to use for going to a marker out in the open, especially when you are already in an area you can "get in"
  10. P

    Declined Preacher_Platinum's Team Ban appeal

    Username: Preacher_Platinum What is your type of punishment? Team Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? [U:1:160410033] Who has punished you? 10k Why were you punished? kill order Why should we revoke your punishment...
  11. P

    Resolved Report against Jim (idk)

    your ACTUAL thought out response to this was "lol i've done worse"? dban the staff for a day for posting memes then, and mute them for harassment? also, him lying about his identity wasn't him protecting his admin whatever, he already said he was a mod, he just said he was a different mod...
  12. P

    Declined Report against icos (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? icos What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:98443700] What is the reason of the report? mfk Any other proof you have https://clipchamp.com/watch/rf6AGIEIQhu
  13. P

    Resolved Report against Jim (idk)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? Jim What server game mode is the report concerned with? idk What is the accused persons's SteamID? N/A What is the reason of the report? idk the specific reason Any other proof you have...
  14. P

    Declined Preacher_Platinum's Mute appeal

    you are allowed to make memes in general???
  15. P

    Declined Preacher_Platinum's Mute appeal

    Username: Preacher_Platinum What is your type of punishment? Mute Where were you banned from? Discord What is your DiscordID? Gilthunder05#9213 Who has punished you? ??? Why were you punished? ??? Why should we revoke your punishment? Apparently my punishment was supposed to be...
  16. P

    Declined Preacher_Platinum's Ban appeal

    Username: Preacher_Platinum What is your type of punishment? Ban Where were you banned from? Discord What is your DiscordID? 643547643150204928 Who has punished you? 10k Why were you punished? antagonizing other users Why should we revoke your punishment? my latest messages...
  17. P

    Resolved Report against RusteR (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? RusteR What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:170413633] What is the reason of the report? lots Any other proof you have https://clipchamp.com/watch/A26zDLEHRf4
  18. P

    Resolved Report against rontu (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? rontu What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/id/r0ntu fuck the steam update What is the reason of the report? lots Any other proof you have...
  19. P

    Declined no-crit jb

    no random crits no guard crits "the server will die" https://tfstats.tf/server/158 MIA JB https://tfstats.tf/server/174 BR JB https://tfstats.tf/server/572248 AUS JB https://tfstats.tf/server/1127296 JB https://tfstats.tf/server/1150060 2nd AUS JB
  20. P

    Resolved Report against your average anti-racict man (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? your average anti-racict man What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199186632781/ steamidfinder not work for me What is the reason of the...
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