Completed Jailbreak Warden Any Class

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New Member
I love the nice community of servers you have here, especially your jailbreak ones, without all those fancy things like other servers. But one thing I dont like, is that you have to play as soldier when you're warden. I love being warden, but it is difficult for me since I do not like the soldier class and am not very good at it. While I was writing this post, a person on your NY Jailbreak server was complaining about how he had to be a soldier and not his Pyro. I hope you take your time to view my suggestion, and thank you!


Swiss Knife


The reason is that Soldier has a Warden skin. So it's easier to see who is Warden so for example you know who to follow when he says "Follow me".


Scarcely Lethal


We can solve that with some sort of indicator, we could maybe have a little glow or recolor for the warden and the freedays.


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
+1 to being allowed to play as any class as warden.

Prisoners can do /cw to see who the warden is, and look for the speech bubble above their head when orders are given.

...also, there's a current bug that allows you to play as any class anyway, so why not just give everyone the option on demand...

Boney African Feet

An Extraordinary Nerd


I highly agree especially for days like warday soldier is pretty much useless also I always see complaints about people disliking soldier and not wanting to play him.

Also I think Spunkie has a really good idea. :D

2010wolf |

Wooh, Sick airshot duuuuude!
Staff Member
Wardens can now be all classes

Yay :3

B-Hop has been in Jailbreak for months now

there is the EU jailbreak server that you disabled the Bhop in there (cuz someone requested that), and i believe it's been like this for a while too, however every other jailbreak server has the bhop enabled.

sooooooooo that's that.
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