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Declined Admin Application from Mitra

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Feb 12, 2017
Personal Information

Mitra (formerly Capp)

Your Age
14 ½

EU, Germany

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?
I was an administrator on the Panda-Community Jailbreak and Trade servers for almost a year, and a moderator on a Garry's Mod server (which is now closed) for a small time.

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
I mainly play on Jailbreak, I sometimes show up on other servers as well, such as Long Maps or x10, which don’t require any special rules like for example Deathrun.

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
  • I want to get rid of rulebreakers and make sure they don’t ruin the fun on the servers. Since I joined this community there have been multiple instances of where for example a kid became the warden and had no idea what they were doing or people who simply just wanted to grief by slaughtering everyone on the server or people which misinterpret the last request and so on. I would like to get rid of this if I become an admin.
  • I think that rule breakers don’t receive fitting punishments because of their previous offenses. They keep getting 30-minute comms/bans by donors, but that won’t keep them from continuing breaking rules, especially the ones who avoid the votes made by them. I know a couple of people which keep breaking rules and get away with it by either avoiding the vote and returning on the next day or by simply just continuing after 30 minutes. I would make sure they receive the right punishments to keep them from causing trouble.
  • It seems like I am playing at times on which the other Jailbreak administrators are not available, so I am better able to keep rulebreakers of the servers at those times.
  • I have a lot of free time to spend since the last time I was an administrator and I would like to use the time as one again.
Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us their names.

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
My timezone is CEST, on Monday-Friday I can play from about 4pm-10pm (depending on school/events, etc), and on weekends I can mostly be on the servers for the entire day.

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
If I catch a rulebreaker, I will first give out a warning either through the chat or through slapping them before any punishment is given.
Lengths may increase depending on previous punishments or how badly it was.

General Punishments:

Being Rude/Spamming/Foreign Language: 2-hour gag/mute.

Immature Voice: 3 days mute.

Calling Out Admin: 1-day silence.

Advertising Hacks: Permanent gag/mute.

Bad Spray: Picture of the spray > Spray ban.

Hacking: Recording of the hacker > Permanent ban.

Exploiting: 1-day ban.

Call Abuse: 1-day ban.

Jailbreak Related Punishments:

Overtalking: 2 hour mute.

Ghosting: 2-hour silence.

False Accusations: 2-hour silence.

Armory Camping/Griefing/Constantly Baiting or Freehitting/Wasting Time/LR Denial/Delaying: Slay.
Constantly doing that will result in a guardban/ban.

Freekilling/Favoritism/Illegal FF/Freekill Orders/Inactive Guard or not staying close to warden/Failing as Warden/etc.: 4-hour guardban.

Massive Freekilling: 1 week ban.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I can be a fun guy to play with and hate others ruining the fun, but I can also be very serious. Others also say that I can stay calm in hot situations and that I’m pretty mature for my age. I can be mostly reached through either Steam or Discord. I sadly don't know how certain situations are handled here, so I will most likely ask other Jailbreak admins about certain situations.
If anyone has questions, feel free to ask them.

EDIT1: Fixed some spelling mistakes, rewrote some points (especially "Why do you want to become an admin?"), separated Overtalking, Ghosting, False Accusations, changed some punishment lengths.
EDIT2: Changed Immature Voice from 1 week to 3 days, hope it's good now.
EDIT3: Fixed some spelling mistakes.
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Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
1. I didn't know who you were... Until I read the ("formerly Capp") :p
2. I read through it quickly and I didn't see any major spelling mistakes
3. Looks like there was put a lot of effort into the app
4. Detailed punishments, a bit lenient sometimes, still good though
5. I confirm that I know you :)

Neutral for now, gonna do some digging. Good luck Mitra :)


Sufficiently Lethal


May 29, 2016
Really nice,sensible guy
He has been an admin before(Even though it was panda, no offence they are quite the cancerous bunch)
I think he has admin material
Its up to the admins to choose though, Im irrelevant xD


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Okay, first of all thank you for submitting an admin application! I must say, the new format is quite sexy if I do say so myself.

Now, I haven't looked through any chat logs or previous bans/comm blocks, however, I haven't seen any major issues with you on the forums. As I haven't really played on the servers with you for a long period of time, or even talked to you, I can't really comment on you as a person, so I will be commenting on your application alone.

First of all, spelling and grammar. This is an admin application, shortening words down instead of using the full, correct spelling, seems a bit stupid to me. You should also read back through and find other errors, when reading it I found a few which should be easily corrected. Make sure you have names capitalised, punctuation in the correct place and words actually spelt correctly instead of being lazy and shortening them

Next let's talk about your reasoning to become admin... Right away, and I always seem to be saying this, but we need something new. I am basically reading the exact same reason for becoming admin in each application, and once that happens, I just zone out and get bored and immediately think that you don't look at previous applications. So can you please expand on why you want to become admin, give us some examples of what you believe you could achieve by becoming admin. How will it benefit you? How will it benefit the community? What do you bring that no one else brings?

Your punishments are also very relaxed, 1 day for someone who mass freekills? You clearly have not been paying attention to previous applications, and what other admins have been doing. Also, over talking, false accusations and ghosting should surely each go in a separate area due to them having nothing to do with each other. I don't think you will ever gag someone for over talking. Also, I would personally mute someone for quite a long time if they have an immature voice on the mic. Their voice won't be changing in a few days. So a few hours won't be enough.

But at the moment, I am currently at Neutral.

Thanks and have a great day!


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
ext let's talk about your reasoning to become admin... Right away, and I always seem to be saying this, but we need something new. I am basically reading the exact same reason for becoming admin in each application, and once that happens, I just zone out and get bored and immediately think that you don't look at previous applications. So can you please expand on why you want to become admin, give us some examples of what you believe you could achieve by becoming admin. How will it benefit you? How will it benefit the community? What do you bring that no one else brings?
Why do we all know every time a new application arrives that you say the exact same thing :p
But yes, it is standard (I was thinking about putting that as my number 6, did not want to take another job from you though)


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Why do we all know every time a new application arrives that you say the exact same thing :p
But yes, it is standard (I was thinking about putting that as my number 6, did not want to take another job from you though)

Until I see something where I think "Wow", I will always post it. :)

Also @Delta mind not being childish for just one minute? Thanks.




Feb 12, 2017
Okay, first of all thank you for submitting an admin application! I must say, the new format is quite sexy if I do say so myself.

Now, I haven't looked through any chat logs or previous bans/comm blocks, however, I haven't seen any major issues with you on the forums. As I haven't really played on the servers with you for a long period of time, or even talked to you, I can't really comment on you as a person, so I will be commenting on your application alone.

First of all, spelling and grammar. This is an admin application, shortening words down instead of using the full, correct spelling, seems a bit stupid to me. You should also read back through and find other errors, when reading it I found a few which should be easily corrected. Make sure you have names capitalised, punctuation in the correct place and words actually spelt correctly instead of being lazy and shortening them

Next let's talk about your reasoning to become admin... Right away, and I always seem to be saying this, but we need something new. I am basically reading the exact same reason for becoming admin in each application, and once that happens, I just zone out and get bored and immediately think that you don't look at previous applications. So can you please expand on why you want to become admin, give us some examples of what you believe you could achieve by becoming admin. How will it benefit you? How will it benefit the community? What do you bring that no one else brings?

Your punishments are also very relaxed, 1 day for someone who mass freekills? You clearly have not been paying attention to previous applications, and what other admins have been doing. Also, over talking, false accusations and ghosting should surely each go in a separate area due to them having nothing to do with each other. I don't think you will ever gag someone for over talking. Also, I would personally mute someone for quite a long time if they have an immature voice on the mic. Their voice won't be changing in a few days. So a few hours won't be enough.

But at the moment, I am currently at Neutral.

Thanks and have a great day!
Thanks for the feedback, I tried editing the application based on it.


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
It's been a journey

I'm going to start right off with admitting triix and I shared a few laughs at you a couple years ago as yet another jailbreak critter, but eventually, as some do, you made yourself acquainted with the rules and started asking politely for explanations and information instead of yelling freekill. We really didn't think you were ready for the responsibility when you became a trial on panda, and you had episodes where you were a bit too comfortable with your own decisions and punishments that we didn't agree on whatsoever, but over time I stopped having issues (and also left panda around the same time, maybe that's a reason). If you the thing that caused me to complain to you over PM, that same thing could possibly get you demoted here.

Right now you've got two really desirable qualities - experience and spare time. If accepted, you'd assimilate smoothly into the team and start taking care of the servers almost immediately, which is great. Might need a couple quick rundowns of commands related to custom plugins, but that'll be quick. I actually don't quite know how familiar you are with the blw JB rules compared to other JB rules you might be used to, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Application itself is neat, I don't see any discrepancies in what you've written and what we know (no lying on 'who do you know', 'do you know commands' to seem like a better applicant than you are etc). Punishments pretty thorough, though I'd give more than two hours to someone speaking a foreign language, it'll probably take them longer than that to learn English if they sound young (which 90% of those muted for FL do). I'd also not give a full week to 'immature voice', because usually the problem with these people is either their microphone or speaking in such a way that their squeakiness makes them completely unintelligible, which is what we punish for, not just the unforgivable act of 'being young'. The 'generic reason' a certain muzzleface likes to complain about is understandable, but you are the first person I'm aware of that has included a half-year in the age, so maybe that'll please his eccentric taste.

Keep in mind that there's a lot more to do here than take care of one half-full jailbreak and one trade server, for admins here there will basically always be someplace we could go to help out, in which case a completionist mindset isn't too helpful to have. It's just impossible to enforce all servers at all times.

Of course, we'll have to discuss in the background about hate-symbols, raids and general group asshattery though, because that is really not a reasonable thing to do and won't get you far here.

Oh, and if accepted, try not to be too quick at reaching the inevitable endgame of Cammy's Law.
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Nov 6, 2016
It's been a journey

I'm going to start right off with admitting triix and I shared a few laughs at you a couple years ago as yet another jailbreak critter, but eventually, as some do, you made yourself acquainted with the rules and started asking politely for explanations and information instead of yelling freekill. We really didn't think you were ready for the responsibility when you became a trial on panda, and you had episodes where you were a bit too comfortable with your own decisions and punishments that we didn't agree on whatsoever, but over time I stopped having issues (and also left panda around the same time, maybe that's a reason). If you the thing that caused me to complain to you over PM, that same thing could possibly get you demoted here.

Right now you've got two really desirable qualities - experience and spare time. If accepted, you'd assimilate smoothly into the team and start taking care of the servers almost immediately, which is great. Might need a couple quick rundowns of commands related to custom plugins, but that'll be quick. I actually don't quite know how familiar you are with the blw JB rules compared to other JB rules you might be used to, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Application itself is neat, I don't see any discrepancies in what you've written and what we know (no lying on 'who do you know', 'do you know commands' to seem like a better applicant than you are etc). Punishments pretty thorough, though I'd give more than two hours to someone speaking a foreign language, it'll probably take them longer than that to learn English if they sound young (which 90% of those muted for FL do). I'd also not give a full week to 'immature voice', because usually the problem with these people is either their microphone or speaking in such a way that their squeakiness makes them completely unintelligible, which is what we punish for, not just the unforgivable act of 'being young'. The 'generic reason' a certain muzzleface likes to complain about is understandable, but you are the first person I'm aware of that has included a half-year in the age, so maybe that'll please his eccentric taste.

Keep in mind that there's a lot more to do here than take care of one half-full jailbreak and one trade server, for admins here there will basically always be someplace we could go to help out, in which case a completionist mindset isn't too helpful to have. It's just impossible to enforce all servers at all times.

Oh, and if accepted, try not to be too quick at reaching the inevitable endgame of Cammy's Law.
Backing this up with a conversation with a panda admin.
Let's say you "were" an admin on blackwonder. Would you do the same just like what you did on panda? And also you need to cooperate with other jailbreak admins on team. If you don't the problems may go to hell very fast. You do have clean chatlogs and you are active on discord and servers. But, your punishments are too harsh IMO
Immature Voice: 1 week mute.
Muting a player that has an immature voice for 1 week? People who have immature voices can use their mics as long as they act mature.
I'm at a neutral for now.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Don't know what I was thinking when I put down -Support for something as silly as misunderstanding a piece of the application. I was initially put off when you would change things quickly after each post but you simply misunderstood. You have admin experience and your punishments look fine aside from your lack of warnings. Follows rules, reports rule breakers and is helpful as donor. If you are accepted make sure there isn't another incident similar to the one in your old community. We are a team and drama is never good. Otherwise +Support
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Jun 19, 2016
Backing this up with a conversation with a panda admin.
Let's say you "were" an admin on blackwonder. Would you do the same just like what you did on panda? And also you need to cooperate with other jailbreak admins on team. If you don't the problems may go to hell very fast. You do have clean chatlogs and you are active on discord and servers. But, your punishments are too harsh IMO

Muting a player that has an immature voice for 1 week? People who have immature voices can use their mics as long as they act mature.
I'm at a neutral for now.

I have to quickly state Capp can easily work together with a team, the people he couldn't work together with (in panda) were admins that would act before asking the entire jailbreak team what they thought about something.(in this case they were making up new JB rules without talking about it with other JB admins) Those admins afterwards got Capp demoted by basically telling the owner to do it (They did lie about the reason though).

All this followed up with the owner spreading rumours/lies about capp and half of the community believes it so asking them isn't the best idea.




Feb 12, 2017
Backing this up with a conversation with a panda admin.
Let's say you "were" an admin on blackwonder. Would you do the same just like what you did on panda? And also you need to cooperate with other jailbreak admins on team. If you don't the problems may go to hell very fast. You do have clean chatlogs and you are active on discord and servers. But, your punishments are too harsh IMO

Muting a player that has an immature voice for 1 week? People who have immature voices can use their mics as long as they act mature.
I'm at a neutral for now.

Nightascythe hasn't been working with me at all, as she's a Slender Fortress admin and does not administrate Jailbreak. What she said about my demotion/ban is not completely true and is only that what she picked up. I had no problems with the other Jailbreak admins, it was only one certain trial admin wich was just causing problems. I was trying to solve the problems I had with them, but they refused. I don't behave like how she described me.


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
You've made some drastic punishment edits based on some feedback when this is supposed to be what you think they should be..

I believe he took my feedback as fact rather than opinion, which may have caused problems here.

Muting a player that has an immature voice for 1 week? People who have immature voices can use their mics as long as they act mature.

In all honesty it's not exactly a bad thing... I would do even longer to be honest. If you can provide me evidence that the little 9 year old kids we mute for a day or 2 won't just come back on and irritate people with the same squeaky voice after the short mute, then I will agree that it is to much. However, I don't see the downside to muting them for a long time? If they do use the mic, then they are likely annoying people with it due to the pitch of their voice.

However, @Mitra you still have the same grammatical errors and you haven't resolved them. So could you please go back through it please and just edit it? It will be a 2 minute job.


Mildly Menacing


Feb 13, 2017
I'm going with a +support. Your application is very well written. I've played with you a few times, you're really nice and followed the rules. I'd like to see you on the administrative team sometime. :D


Somewhat Threatening
Apr 15, 2017
+support from me knows the rules well and is promising i dont have much to say
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Pablo The Wizard

Face Melting
Jan 3, 2017
Sounds Way inser Tham 14, Gud spelning lajk mej.
No but for real though mature voice, knows the rules, is respected by alot of players (Including myself) looks promising I'm going +Support good luck!
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Aug 19, 2016
From the few times I have played with you I have not seen anything that could negatively influence my vote on this app, the app itself is fairly good and you are relatively well known. Although your past is not pristine, nobody's past is thus considering these points and some others I will remain neutral inclining towards support.

Darthie 2.0 (:

Spectacularly Lethal
Jun 3, 2016
okey, Im not going to bother reading it so I will just say what other people say. Your a person respected by lots of people (is that true?), Seems very mature for her age. Good luck (;.

(anyone wondering why i keep doing all these image is because I love dogs)
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