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Closed Report against CybuR

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☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
Who are you Reporting? CybuR

What is the accused persons SteamID? http://steamcommunity.com/id/CressyIsMLG

What rules has the reported player broken? This player is DOX / DDOS client, he's threaten me multiple times and used my friends as "messengers" of shit he wants to say to me. In order to really cut ties, we move to this server (which we enjoyed). Until he came on using the handle of 1 of our old friends, he thought he could try to trick us when I already knew it was him. (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Chizuru_Mina).

Upload any proof you have here!

Provide any links to proof here! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Chizuru_Mina

"CybuR - 04/21/2016
"Is this your house? https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8314616,-86.0177091,3a,75y,273h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYtYlmctifJgUOcB3UlgkoA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DYtYlmctifJgUOcB3UlgkoA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D273.87872%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1"

ZyperVamp - 04/28/2016
he sent me it saying hey guess whos house this is i responded Reds? and he said yep
He tracked your IP

This all shit he's pulled, he's even threatening a player under the handle of "RednecK." I've blocked CybuR since the 1st comment, but he's been starting shit for me even when I was AFK or gone.

"☯ HyperRed: TheEwokKing025: CybuR: If he doesn't give it back he knows what would happen.
☯ HyperRed: wot?
TheEwokKing025: I was asking Cybur if he lelt Redneck his aussie he said yes
TheEwokKing025: He also said if he doesnt get it back
☯ HyperRed: =.=
TheEwokKing025: He knows what will happened
☯ HyperRed: Can u screenshot that for me so I can see it all?
TheEwokKing025: so..
TheEwokKing025: i cant screenshot"


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016
Well for starters where's the evidence? (Images preferably) I know you couldn't have just wrote this up but something like this should also be reported to Steam and if necessary the Police.
Also, if that's your IP then I suggest hiding it.

I'm gonna leave this one down to Blackwonder when he's on as stated just copy and pasting isn't really evidence.

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
Well for starters where's the evidence? (Images preferably) I know you couldn't have just wrote this up but something like this should also be reported to Steam and if necessary the Police.
Also, if that's your IP then I suggest hiding it.

I'm gonna leave this one down to Blackwonder when he's on as stated just copy and pasting isn't really evidence.
I know, been hard to get much when I've done my best to keep distant due to the fact of his threats and general not trying to let him get his way. Doesn't help that my friends who still have contact with him, aren't the brightest when it comes to getting evidence ;-;. Thankfully his attempt to DOX me failed, as that info is no where close to me or about me. Yet he still gets quiet cocky, he use to brag about it at a time. But when I turned his words on him, he's tried to play it off as a "bluff." On the most part, I've been working on contacting the Police and it doesn't help this same guy told me his own evidence trying to say "Oh fight me, ur just a kid." That sorta played into my favor since now I know where and who to report, plus he even slipped his provider (internet) which I can use to contact his company which might cause him not to have any connection to use his programs. For the most part ,i need to act fast as it seems he uses this DOX as a toy when it's more a danger. Just the other day, a friend of mine told me how he was using the DOX to "send a pizza" to a friend. :/ Just slowly getting out of hand. I'll see if I can get anything, such as a Screenshot of him admitting it or the so called "program" that he tried to send my friends. Thank you for looking at this though, hope you have a nice day!

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
Ok, so far I scavenged up some of his threats (indirect sorta) that he used toward a fellow friend of mine (DexterHecks). This is old, on his youtube, and doesn't show much. But I guess it's a good start, I hope I can dig up some more stuff (BTW Dexter never told him where he lived).


I'll keep on working, thank you for reading again.

EDIT : These are messages he sent to me via Discord (an app).

^ That's when he started an argument over false things, I told him I was tired of it and I wanted him to knock it off. So he says I put fuel on the fire, then admits he'll never let this end (he hasn't so far).

^ After I blocked him. (both)

In reality, this all happened due to the fact a friend of his started an arguement I tried to push him away due to the KYS messages he was sending to another friend of mine. Then CybuR (his BF) gets involved, keeps making shit worse, ends up getting a player to commit suicide (IRL), and then proceeded to DOX/DDOS me when I had no contact (as far as I was told, it was a link through an old friend I had on Steam).
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Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016

This is from YT, we need proof from one of our servers, though this evidence might suffice, again if its to get him banned then we'd need to leave this down to Blackwonder, as he's the only one who can grab an IP, as we (the mods) don't have the tools for it.


☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016

This is from YT, we need proof from one of our servers, though this evidence might suffice, again if its to get him banned then we'd need to leave this down to Blackwonder, as he's the only one who can grab an IP, as we (the mods) don't have the tools for it.

If I was to get on the server, find a way to get him to admit to it (through chat, since he tends to use mic) - DOX / DDOS. Would that be an acceptable cause? If so... that might be hard as can be since I've kept a tight distance for my own safety, still working on seeing if a friend of mine can catch him admitting it. If it comes down to it, I'll see if I can get a strong VPN (against his shit) and get him to admit it....


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016

Of course it would, just make sure you get a screenshot of the console as well using status to get their Steam ID.


☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016

Of course it would, just make sure you get a screenshot of the console as well using status to get their Steam ID.

? Ok, I'll see if my friend can do that (since he needs to get him to say it in chat rather than via mic). Thanks for the info and advice.


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016
Again, we need proof over server this isn't evidence or something we could use to get him banned as anyone could have written that up, though that is some primitive way of trying to crash someones net specially if they ran it locally, unless they had something like 10GBPS connection speed, but then they'd be traced easily by their ISP and probably sent to court or have their services terminated.

But again, we need proof from the server else we cannot take action.

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
Ok, I wasn't sure if this program could tie back to them. But if I was to take this to police (since invasion of privacy and death threats), then I have some form of solid link to him. I'll see if I can get a recording either today or this week (fps might lagg tho), the goal would be to call him out and basically argue which would lead him to eventually say things bit by bit (I plan to have it on the Black Wonder servers, so that it can allow you guys to take action). Hopefully this will get the confession I need for this case, still wish that Valve has some form of section for this (since he's not a cheater, but his harassment has gone to a personal and life risk level).

Thank you again for this cooperation (listening to me an assisting), just hard to say what evidence I can actually use against him any case instead of just on these servers (legal, providers, etc.).

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016

^ This is what we needed, him admitting to DOX/DDOS in an indirect fashion and contradicting is own facts. This was on the BlackWonder x10 All Crit server.


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016

I'll have to watch this when I get back from work as I gotta leave in like 20 minutes, so please be patient.
Either that or another admin look into this as I'm gonna be gone for 8 hours :p


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
Absolute overreaction to get the police involved. This guy is just a massive troll, but he is taking it way too far. Engaging with him was a huge mistake from your side. Blocking him from the first moment and just ignoring him would have solved the problem. The guy obviously has no idea about DDoSing, nor will IP tracking get you the physical location of someone since this information is protected by law and can only be accessed by law enforcing bodies such as the police.

The bat file is harmless. Here are the contents:

color 02
title R.I.P Red
ping -t -l 20000

Basically you'd just ping this IP 20000 times, which was intended to simulate a DoS/DDoS. This would have however not worked since Windows waits for a reply from the router before issuing the next ping request.

Ultimately his goal was probably to get a good laugh of you, which he probably did. I recommend to not engage in situations like these in the future. Ignoring the person will be more than enough to disarm the situation.
Further did I issue a permanent ban since it's harassment taken way too far.
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☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
Absolute overreaction to get the police involved. This guy is just a massive troll, but he is taking it way too far. Engaging with him was a huge mistake from your side. Blocking him from the first moment and just ignoring him would have solved the problem. The guy obviously has no idea about DDoSing, nor will IP tracking get you the physical location of someone since this information is protected by law and can only be accessed by law enforcing bodies such as the police.

The bat file is harmless. Here are the contents:

color 02
title R.I.P Red
ping -t -l 20000

Basically you'd just ping this IP 20000 times, which was intended to simulate a DoS/DDoS. This would have however not worked since Windows waits for a reply from the router before issuing the next ping request.

Ultimately his goal was probably to get a good laugh of you, which he probably did. I recommend to not engage in situations like these in the future. Ignoring the person will be more than enough to disarm the situation.
Further did I issue a permanent ban since it's harassment taken way too far.
Thank you for the help, ignoring him won't be an issue when I can come on without he him tailing me anymore. With this new info in light, I probably won't take this police. At the same time, I want to since I know his address now and with the death threats it is something illegal. I'm curious to see how this may end though, with him being perm banned and with the fact he threatened to VAC ban me. Even the fact that he's been trying to "buddy" owners of other servers (OVERLORDS and Medic's Servers) in an attempt to "attack me" or simply find new ways to harass me.

Sorry this took so long to get, I'm glad this bit is finally over and you guys were there to help with my circumstance.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
After having a talk to the accused one, it has become clear to me that a ban form our servers is not justifiable, since the accused and the accuser's disagreement is personal and needs no involvement from my side.
I do however want these personal issues to be kept private and not openly discussed on the servers, as it is in my best interest to keep drama away from my community.

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
You realize that CybuR could easily use his half truths as demonstrated, I came to BlackWonder after he became a buddy of the owner for the pest two servers I was on. Me and CybuR never really had a disagreement, that was me with his boyfriend which he exploded into drama and brought up these threats. Every time I try to leave him behind, CybuR just ends up following me. He thinks that giving me a label or trying to make me look like a villain justifies anything, I honestly don't care what people think. But when I can't go anywhere on TF2, without him following me and send threats. Then it gets down right ridiculous. Heck, that day before the argument, he sent a threat which Clown Face told me which was "I'm going to hire a guy to kill Red." He won't leave me alone, so this drama can end. As long as CybuR follows me to a server, he'll end up causing drama. What I did for the recording was on purpose, I made that argument start in hopes to catch what I needed. Of course, different from before, he ended up changing his story when I called him out on it. If you mention the name "Samuel Russ" it might cause him to remember, this was the supposed person who lived in that address and when I went on the Discord to question/confront this. He ended up saying he did, saying that if I lived there then I should move out for a week, and stuff like that. If you watch carefully, what he does and says are two different things. Earlier that day, a few hours before CybuR got on the BlackWonder server, one my friends caught him running his mouth about the DOX (on another server). He was getting cocky saying that he did it and was able to "scare me." Sadly, the people I know lack any form of recording (since he only uses mic).

Just to wrap it up, CybuR has a tendency to "influence" or "manipulate" (as he put it) people to support him, he was able to explode the issue into drama by going to others and spreading rumors. I just want away from him and that, which he won't allow. I guarantee (depending on his mood and whose on), he might end up running his mouth on one your servers about this in hopes to prove his "strength" aka get cocky. Either way, in his mind as far as it goes. Everything he does is morally right, even though he says something different that what happens. So in the end, he'll always start drama with a poor reason and try to give false reasons (which he knows aren't true) to glorify the thing. In this just caused him to end up thinking that harassing people is something he can do, it also means that he can follow me onto the server again to continue this. Simply ignoring him won't help when he uses the chat and others to convey threats to me, even when I don't acknowledge his existence (what I did before, to end this drama. I'm tired of it and I don't want him to have it follow me). Which is another example of him defining his word, he said he dropped the issue yet he still tried to threaten/harass me.

Knowing the way this is, he tried to improvise what happened and what I am. This whole thing, was because his boyfriend lost a rank in Discord after he abused it. Me and CybuR never really argued, it was basically him saying "I'll do this if u don't," "I can always do this if you don't," and etc. He dragged this out into STEAM as well, both forms I blocked him which prevented the direct contact. He then carried it onto TF2, which I left the server and since then he's followed saying that it was because of my "friends." He even got more people involved, one committed suicide (which blamed me for) the other was suicidal and constantly threatened he'd cut himself. That just made the issue worse and added more with more drama on top, am I just suppose to take this kinda abuse when I'm playing a game? That's something that he doesn't realize, this is a game which he has no justified reason to threaten me. To already prevent that other thing, no I did not threaten him or his friends. He caused me to snap at one point, I was extremely aggravated. I expressed how I felt to my friends, which ended up getting to CybuR ("things I wish could happen, but aren't possible"). This was right after the issue where he got cocky saying bull about me being a "Samuel Russ" and that he was trying to threaten my life, just down right annoying and stupid of him to do.

Then is there some way to prevent him from causing anymore trouble for me? Muting him, he just ends up finding another way to harass (he's even tried changing his name to carry the issues on). VAC ban? Nope, he already threatened that he would get me banned for no reason and make an alternate account. I don't care if CybuR actually DOXed (or 1 of his pals) or it was just a bluff, the fact that he tried to threaten me is enough for legal issues (Cyber Bulling, assault). Toward the end, he still admitted that he had DOX before "I have DOXed, dumb-asses who deserved it." (He said that before, when he did it to me. Which he added on to by saying that I was 1, which gave him the right to do it).


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016
I'm surprised that nothings been done against him in real life for the threats.

If you have full evidence then take it to who ever deals with this to deal with him...

But seeing as Blackwonder is deciding on this I'll have to leave the decision down to him.

☯ HyperRed

May 14, 2016
I'm surprised that nothings been done against him in real life for the threats.

If you have full evidence then take it to who ever deals with this to deal with him...

But seeing as Blackwonder is deciding on this I'll have to leave the decision down to him.
Ok, I'm just not sure how to go about this. He says that he hasn't given me his location (he has, just tries to be cocky still), if you hear it again in the video. I also am sure of his provide (idk how tbh, since a friend told me, I guess I was a lucky chance that someone happen to mention the company and he said "Oh yeah, I have them, they're horrible."), for Internet connection that is. So I could do that, plus the officials could get a warrant to view his computer which his where they'll find the host of these threats. But who deals with this sort of issue? Is there a dedicated position/job for it?


Holy Buckets
Jan 20, 2016
Probably best to go to the police who could probably direct you from there, though I would assume they would take the necessary steps in sorting this.

It has been known that the police do deal with these type of things, at least from what I read over news n such xD
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