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Declined Jailbreak Cvars

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Truly Feared
Jun 15, 2016
Here you can Suggest Cvar changes on the Jailbreak Servers.
Your Suggestions are going to be added in the "All Suggestions" Section under the Cvar List
How to suggest changes:
[Cvar] [Value] [Reason]
sm_tf2jail_warden_auto - 0 - Some Guards may be AFK

Cvar Structure:
[Cvar] [Value] [Explenation]
sm_tf2jail_warden_models - 1 - Enable custom models for Warden: (1 = on, 0 = off)

Note that requested changes may not happen
Some Cvars may not work

CvarValues listed below are all Default
Not all Cvars were listed below. See Link below Cvar List for the complete List


  • sm_tf2jail_warden_models - 1 - Enable custom models for Warden: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_forceclass - 1 - Force Wardens to be the class assigned to the models: (1 = yes, 0 = no)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_wearables - 1 - Strip Wardens wearables: (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_stabprotection - 0 - Give Wardens backstab protection: (2 = Always, 1 = Once, 0 = Disabled)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_timer - 20 - Time in seconds after Warden is unset or lost to lock Warden: (0 = Disabled, NON-FLOAT VALUE)
  • sm_tf2jail_random_warden_timer - 5 - Seconds after the round starts to choose a warden: (0 = instant, default: 5)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_limit - 3 - Number of allowed Wardens per user per map: (0.0 = unlimited) (Only Works with !w)
Random Warden
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_auto - 1 - Automatically assign a random Wardens on round start: (1 = on, 0 = off)
Rebell System
  • sm_tf2jail_rebelling_enable - 1 - Enable the Rebel system: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_rebelling_time - 30.0 - Rebel timer: (1.0 - 60.0, 0 = always)
  • sm_tf2jail_criticals - 1 - Which team gets crits: (0 = off, 1 = blue, 2 = red, 3 = both)
  • sm_tf2jail_criticals_type - 2 - Type of crits given: (1 = mini, 2 = full)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_death_crits - 1 - Disable critical hits on Warden death: (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
Fire Warden
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_veto_status - 1 - Status to allow votes to fire wardens: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_veto_votesneeded - 0.60 - Percentage of players required for fire Wardens vote: (default 0.60 - 60%) (0.05 - 1.00)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_veto_minplayers - 0 - Minimum amount of players required for fire Wardens vote: (0 - MaxPlayers)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_veto_postaction - 0 - Fire Wardens instantly on vote success or next round: (0 = instant, 1 = Next round)
  • sm_tf2jail_warden_veto_passlimit - 3 - Limit to Wardens fired by players via votes: (1 - 10, 0 = unlimited)
Freekill Marker
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_enable - 1 - Enable the Freekill system: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_seconds - 6.0 - Time in seconds minimum for freekill flag on mark: (1.0 - 60.0)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_kills - 6 - Number of kills required to flag for freekilling: (1.0 - MaxPlayers)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_wave - 60.0 - Time in seconds until client is banned for being marked: (1.0 Minimum)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_action - 2 - Action towards marked freekiller: (2 = Ban client based on cvars, 1 = Slay the client, 0 = remove mark on timer)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_ban_reason - You have been banned for freekilling. - Message to give the client if they're marked as a freekiller and banned.
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_ban_reason_dc - You have been banned for freekilling and disconnecting. - Message to give the client if they're marked as a freekiller/disconnected and banned.
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_duration - 60 - Time banned after timer ends: (0 = permanent)
  • sm_tf2jail_freekilling_duration_dc - 120 - Time banned if disconnected after timer ends: (0 = permanent)
Freeday System
  • sm_tf2jail_lastrequest_automatic - 1 - Automatically grant last request to last prisoner alive: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_lastrequest_lock_warden - 1 - Lock Wardens during last request rounds: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_freeday_limit - 3 - Max number of freedays for the lr: (1.0 - 16.0)
Weapon Specials
  • sm_tf2jail_democharge - 1 - Allow demomen to charge: (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
  • sm_tf2jail_doublejump - 1 - Deny scouts to double jump: (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
  • sm_tf2jail_airblast - 1 - Deny pyros to airblast: (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
Round Timer
  • sm_tf2jail_roundtimer_status - 1 - Status of the round timer: (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
  • sm_tf2jail_roundtimer_time - 600 - Amount of time normally on the timer: (0.0 = disabled)
  • sm_tf2jail_roundtimer_time_freeday - 300 - Amount of time on 1st day freeday: (0.0 = disabled)
  • sm_tf2jail_roundtimer_center - 0 - Show center text for round timer: (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
  • sm_tf2jail_roundtimer_execute - sm_slay ATRed - Commands to execute to server on timer end: (Minimum 64 characters)
  • sm_tf2jail_auto_balance - 1 - Should the plugin autobalance teams: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_balance_ratio - 0.5 - Ratio for autobalance: (Example: 0.5 = 2:4)
  • sm_tf2jail_preference_enable - 0 - Allow clients to choose their preferred teams/roles: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_preference_blue - 0 - Enable the preference for Blue if preferences are enabled: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_preference_warden - 0 - Enable the preference for Blue if preferences are enabled: (1 = on, 0 = off)
MicCheck System
  • sm_tf2jail_microphonecheck_enable - 1 - Check blue clients for microphone: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_microphonecheck_type - 1 - Block blue team or Wardens if no microphone: (1 = Blue, 0 = Wardens only)
  • sm_tf2jail_mute_red - 2 - Mute Red team: (2 = mute prisoners alive and all dead, 1 = mute prisoners on round start based on redmute_time, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_mute_red_time - 15 - Mute time for redmute: (1.0 - 60.0)
  • sm_tf2jail_mute_blue - 2 - Mute Blue players: (2 = always except Wardens, 1 = while Wardens is active, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_mute_dead - 1 - Mute Dead players: (1 = on, 0 = off)
  • sm_tf2jail_cell_timer - 60 - Time after Arena round start to open doors: (1.0 - 60.0) (0.0 = off)
All Suggestions:

Full List of Cvars for TFJail:


Full List of Admin Commands for TFJail:

Full List of Public Commands for TFJail:

Jailbreak Rules:
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