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Accepted Dr. Limestein's Ban appeal

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Dr. Limestein

New Member


Aug 28, 2019
User name: Dr. Limestein

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? ► BlackWonder UK | Highertower | x100 Weapo...

What is your SteamID?

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
[Anti-Cheat] Aimbot Detected (ST) | Weapon: tf_weapon_minigun

Why should we revoke your punishment?
To be honest, I never cheat at all in games and never will, I have an account with some kind of pricey stuff, if I did cheat I would lose all the expensive items in my inventory

So what happened? I was on a 100x server on highertower, I was on a rampage with the cheap Huo-long, Gloves of running, and Dalakohs bar combo, after I reached over 500 points dominating 7 people with the huo-longs fire damage bonus.
I was on a roll, running over the place burning players to death with the huo long.
After that, I get slapped with a cold permanent ban on my face by the console, it mistaken me for aimbotting.
I don't have video unfortunately but I do have screenshots, I never record things as I'm not a fan of recording things but you know what huo long heavies do on 100x
if you can give me a response, that'd be nice.
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Dr. Limestein

New Member


Aug 28, 2019
Is the console that bugged or something? I mean, I'm kinda confused about getting banned for using a cheap loadout on a 100x server

And yes, I was banned on► BlackWonder UK | Highertower | x100 Weapo... sorry I forgot that.
I forget easiliy
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