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Declined Admin Application from Aegeus Dusk

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2049
  • Start date
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Deleted member 2049

Personal Information


Your Age

San Antonio, Texas

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
LA, TX, and NY are the most common ones I play on

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I've had some problems in the past, mostly being toxic around and to others. I will admit I did have a lot of bumps on the road of blackwonder. I was dealing with a hard time after leaving my previous server that treated me like dirt after certain events involving me and some people I knew from there. I've helped a few friends learn how to play jailbreak in that server and now today they are mods/admins on that server. Sadly after certain events they now treat me like dirt, making me feel pain knowing people who were once friends are now my enemies. During the time I left that server I came across a server known as blackwonder, I loved everything about it. Including the friendly people, good gameplay, and fun I felt a long time ago. I was welcomed into the server with nice and awesome admins a long with good players. But I still had some demons in my head that increased my aggressiveness. After a few months passed I came back hoping to start fresh, I even tried making friends with the admins so there would be no beef between me and anyone. Some people still dislike me, and I don't blame them, I just hope that one day they can see past that and see my true side. Recently i've noticed the lack of admins when some things happen, using my donor powers I try to keep things calm and running smoothly (at least for a short while) in the servers so admins can take the lead and continue to help blackwonder. If I can get anything from this application, if its structural feedback or trust in me from others, I will call it an accomplishment in my book and continue to build myself further. ~Aegeus

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Rainbow Rob
(Are the current ones I know the most)

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
Weekends (All day and night if no plans) Weekdays (4:25pm-9:00pm) [Central Time Zone]

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
All of my punishments will depend on the situation, such as how long they have been micspamming, previous reports, other bans, gags, mutes, ect.


Hacking: After gathering the most supportive evidence and close inspection [Permanent Ban]

Minor Chat Spam: [1-3 Hour gag]

Major Chat Spam: [1 day gag] (depending if the user has previous gags or reports)

Minor Mic Spam: [2-3 hour mute] (depending if the user intends to mic spam)

Major Mic Spam: [1 day mute] (depending if the user has previous mic spam reports/mutes)

Player Disrespect: Warning given -->[2-5 hour mute/gag] (depending if the user lightly or heavily disrespects the player)

Exploiting: Warning given --> slay --> [1-2 day ban] (depending on if the user continues to exploit)


Accidental Freekill: Chance given to slay themself, [1-3 hour teamban] (depending how many were killed and if the user shows to not know many rules or repeated warnings given about mistakes)

Mass Freekill: [1-2 Week Ban] (depending if the user has previous teambans/bans for freekilling)

Ammo Glitching: [1-3 day ban] (depending if the user does it on purpose or receives it without intention)

Map exploiting/game glitching: Warning, slay [1-2 day ban] (depending if the user has continued in the past or if not complying with these request)

Talking over warden: Warning --> [1-4 hour mute] (Depending if the player has previous mutes for overtalk)

LR Denial: [2-4 hour teamban]

Preforming a mic check: First I will announce that I am doing a mic check through mic and using the admin announce thing stating I am doing a mic check and to not overtalk me. What I will do is go down the list of blus and call each name one at a time. If someone does not respond within the time given I will permanently teamban them until they verify they have a mic. If someone has a mic that is inaudible or very bad quality to where I cant understand it I will teamban them for 2-3 hours to give them time to fix it.

AFK person: I will give them a time limit to respond or show signs of activity or they will get kicked from the game

[If you have any questions about certain things like a punishment for an offence, please ask it so I can respond as soon as possible]

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I've been trying to be as respectful as possible when it comes to disputes or problems. If you have any questions or find any errors, mistakes, or need changes, feel free to ask me so I can know what to change or fix. I appreciate any feedback given so I can use it to structure myself in anyway. I was most recently vouched by a friend known as "Kiyan the pepsi turtle" to become admin. Along with a few others over the last few weeks.
EDIT 1: Added Mic check operation, LR denial punishment, talking over warden, and AFK to the section of jailbreak of my application
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hey ya

Dark Elf


Aug 26, 2017
Overall, looking pretty good. I may not, but you certainly have excellent activity on the forums.

-Great forum activity
-Online during player/server activity rises in his region
-Nice and friendly guy (from my experience at least)
-Familiar with admins and admin commands
-Knows how to make reports well
-No previous admin experience
-Somewhat low discord activity (not on every day but he posts relatively frequently when he does go on)
-Kinda generic(ish) reason for admin, though I admit I couldn't think of a better one
-Punishments aren't super detailed in my opinion. I'd want to know how would you scale punishments to repeat offenders (though I'm not sure this is needed, but it'd be a nice touch)

All of the cons are variably minor to me, so I'm going to go with a +Support Going to change to +Neutral based on the bans/comm blocks/appeal brought up by Overkill & Robb, maybe a bit leaning to +Support. Once everything is explained, I'll probably change back to +Support After seeing how you replied to the admins, I'm going to swap to +Neutral leaning -Support

Good luck!
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Deleted member 2049

Overall, looking pretty good. I may not, but you certainly have excellent activity on the forums.

-Great forum activity
-Online during player/server activity rises in his region
-Nice and friendly guy (from my experience at least)
-Familiar with admins and admin commands
-Knows how to make reports well
-No previous admin experience
-Somewhat low discord activity (not on every day but he posts relatively frequently when he does go on)
-Kinda generic(ish) reason for admin, though I admit I couldn't think of a better one
-Punishments aren't super detailed in my opinion. I'd want to know how would you scale punishments to repeat offenders (though I'm not sure this is needed, but it'd be a nice touch)

All of the cons are variably minor to me, so I'm going to go with a +Support

Good luck!
Hey m8, I appreciate the feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read my application.


a byte
May 9, 2017

Deleted member 2049

I'm completely neutral on the application. I have played with you and seen you in discord and never had a problem with you plus you seem like a very nice guy. Could you explain one thing though?

This was posted 1 and a half months ago. I don't want to beat on you, just want an explanation. Hope you understand.
it wont let me open the link, can you screenshot it please?

Deleted member 2049

If you press Advanced and then "proceed to IP" it will take you there.
i got it, but anyways sure i will explain it

There is a mod named Red and an admin named Benji. After having past experiences with both of this players, I decided to stop playing with them whenever they join or are in game because I dislike both of them. Little did I know when I got into a dispute with Red he decided to talk to benji about it. Thus is a reason why i was gonna get banned. But then when I was playing a game without benji or red, benji joined in my game to give me the ban, before that I never knew I was gonna get banned so I just left whenever red or benji joined so I wont have to play with them. Benji thought I was ban evading so he extended it to a full week. I made an appeal explaining how I didnt intend to ban evade because i never knew it was gonna happen. Neither of them believed me so I had to wait it out


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
After a few months passed I came back hoping to start fresh

I decided to stop playing with them whenever they join or are in game because I dislike both of them.

So, you still go off occasionally with some vulgarity.

Also, from MY perspective it could look like you are rude in one community and ping-pong back and forth with reports of you being toxic in both Idleservers and here. It just sounds a little fishy at the moment, and I typically default to the least common denominator. However, I am not going to make any judgements on it right now, I'll leave a bit more tomorrow, because I do have a positive thing or two to add.

Deleted member 2049

So, you still go off occasionally with some vulgarity.

Also, from MY perspective it could look like you are rude in one community and ping-pong back and forth with reports of you being toxic in both Idleservers and here. It just sounds a little fishy at the moment, and I typically default to the least common denominator. However, I am not going to make any judgements on it right now, I'll leave a bit more tomorrow, because I do have a positive thing or two to add.
Sorry Im having trouble understanding what you mean. Do you mean like me going into idleserver to be mean? Or me being toxic in general in both communities? Usually whenever I feel threatened in idleserver I defend myself and end up getting ganged up on by others there. They would never take a look at my point but instead force me into looking at theirs. I will admit I do go off but rarely depending on the problem. Sometimes im never able to speak when everyone talks at once in game or if I cant make a point with them being blinded by their own. If you could explain/ask me the question you have about that I should be able to answer. I wont disagree with what you have to say because it does seem that way because of my past.

Deleted member 2049

You're toxic, immature and I know you gladly break a rule or 2 if it is for the fun of everybody. Sooo I'm going to go with a "please no" and a "please don't ever try this again".
I understand where you are coming from, I was really toxic in the past and I was immature a lot of the time. I stated I am trying to change the way people look at me by acting the way I shouldve haved. I hope we can become friends one day. Oh and I never got to say this but I just remembered. Sorry for teasing you with that polar bear


Wicked Nasty


Mar 18, 2017
You're toxic, immature
Well, guess you are the prime example..
"please no" and a "please don't ever try this again".

Rating based on this app and the bans, I can agree that the punishments could be more detailed (will you even give a warning), and the Jailbreak section could be expanded to somewhat match the current jailbreak rules.

Regarding the Comm Blocks, the last one was 3+ months ago, some say it's enough time to change, some say it's not, I will belive your words that you changed for good.
You also do have some activity spikes, altough these are rather minor and you seem to be currently visiting school so no blame on you.

Neutral due to already mentioned things, may +support based on future comments on this app.

Deleted member 2049

Well, guess you are the prime example..


Rating based on this app and the bans, I can agree that the punishments could be more detailed (will you even give a warning), and the Jailbreak section could be expanded to somewhat match the current jailbreak rules.

Regarding the Comm Blocks, the last one was 3+ months ago, some say it's enough time to change, some say it's not, I will belive your words that you changed for good.
You also do have some activity spikes, altough these are rather minor and you seem to be currently visiting school so no blame on you.

Neutral due to already mentioned things, may +support based on future comments on this app.
Hi jiggly, I appreciate you taking the time to read my app and comments. Thank you for also telling me about punishment details. Is there anything you need to know specifically about punishments? Feel free to ask about which punishments are needed.


Wicked Nasty


Mar 18, 2017
Just filter some of the common jailbreak problems and add them to your rules section, I have overtalking warden, no mic on blue and LR denial on mind.
You could also be unique and explain when and how exactly you would perform a miccheck, as I recently found admins varying from each other.

Deleted member 2049

Just filter some of the common jailbreak problems and add them to your rules section, I have overtalking warden, no mic on blue and LR denial on mind.
You could also be unique and explain when and how exactly you would perform a miccheck, as I recently found admins varying from each other.
gotcha, thanks

EDIT 1: Added Mic check operation, LR denial punishment, talking over warden, and AFK to the section of jailbreak of my application
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Wicked Nasty


Mar 18, 2017
EDIT 1: Added Mic check operation, LR denial punishment, talking over warden, and AFK to the section of jailbreak of my application

Add this at the end of the application so people don't have to scroll the comments to see your tinkering.

DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
Let's rate!

  • Known admin commands
  • Tries to follow the rules, asks for clarification of the rules about specific situation and helps other players
  • Good English knowledge
  • Decent forum activity
  • Made 9 reports, none of them invalid. One still pending

Additional Note: confuses me. Though it was in 2016, could you mind explaining that one? If not for the application, I am personally interested what happened there.

Conclusion: Even though there are several factors that benefit you for a chance to become an admin, I am still the opinion that you applied too soon. The "drama" pointed out by @Overkill is not even two months ago. For me, that is not enough time. While you might have decided for yourself to have a "fresh start", trust is not gained that easily. People's opinions of you are not swayed that fast. IMO, you should have waited a few more months to really show that you mean it, that it is not only "hollow talk".

This is the reason why I am going for a -Support for now.

I still do wish you best of luck with you application.


RainbowRob made a mistake. I found it while looking through all the content of Aegeus Dusk. He forgot to change the prefix of report thread from "Pending" to "Resolved". I have screenshot proof. Shame on you @RainbowRob (plzdon'tbanmeforpointingout)

Deleted member 2049

Let's rate!

  • Known admin commands
  • Tries to follow the rules, asks for clarification of the rules about specific situation and helps other players
  • Good English knowledge
  • Decent forum activity
  • Made 9 reports, none of them invalid. One still pending

Additional Note: confuses me. Though it was in 2016, could you mind explaining that one? If not for the application, I am personally interested what happened there.

Conclusion: Even though there are several factors that benefit you for a chance to become an admin, I am still the opinion that you applied too soon. The "drama" pointed out by @Overkill is not even two months ago. For me, that is not enough time. While you might have decided for yourself to have a "fresh start", trust is not gained that easily. People's opinions of you are not swayed that fast. IMO, you should have waited a few more months to really show that you mean it, that it is not only "hollow talk".

This is the reason why I am going for a -Support for now.

I still do wish you best of luck with you application.


RainbowRob made a mistake. I found it while looking through all the content of Aegeus Dusk. He forgot to change the prefix of report thread from "Pending" to "Resolved". I have screenshot proof. Shame on you @RainbowRob (plzdon'tbanmeforpointingout)
Hi, thanks for sharing your feedback. Although I do share some concerns and questions. Why do other community problems matter in this application? And ive explained the problem/drama with idleserver, so why is it still here? The NSFW profile post doesnt seem to matter much either but I dont blame you on your questions about my maturity.
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