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Rules (unauthorized changes)

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    Blackwonder.tf Rules

    Rules are the backbone of any community, so be sure to visit this section and read up on the gamemode you want to play, to avoid any misunderstandings or punishments!

    General community rules

    Do as you're told

    Follow the rules and instructions given to you by Staff Members.

    No NSFW/inappropriate language

    Don't discuss anything inappropriate, share any kind of NSFW images, or have any kind of NSFW sprays/conscientious objectors. Use your common sense to decide if the image is SFW or not. As a general rule of thumb, if you wouldn't show it to your boss/teacher/mother, don't share it/show it off here.

    Don't be rude

    Sexism, hate speech, and insults aren't tolerated here. This includes racism, vulgarity, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, sexual harassment, being passive aggressive and any other form of offensive speech. Please just be respectful and have a good time here. As a rule of thumb, treat others how you'd like to be treated.

    No spam

    This includes pasting the same text/image to flood chat, using a soundboard, playing music over your mic, and repeatedly switching/disconnecting from voice chat.

    Use common sense

    just use your head. If you're questioning if you should do something, it's probably a good idea to not do that thing. If you use common sense, you're very likely to avoid breaking any rules.

    No advertising cheats

    Advertising hacks/cheats is forbidden in our community.

    No cheating/hacking

    If advertising them isn't allowed, then using them most certainly isn't either. Using third party applications to give you a bonus over other users is pathetic and if you require these applications to assist you then, we suggest you play a simpler game such as Farming Simulator, rather than a game which will require you to actually learn, and have skill.
    In minecraft, client-side mods like Optifine are allowed, but other modifications such as X-ray texture packs, Minimaps and other modifications are not.

    No doxxing

    Doxxing is the process of revealing a person's personal information such as their real name, telephone number and address. Unless you have their permission to share this kind of sensitive information, don't share it.

    Discord rules

    Image/link posting guidelines

    You are allowed to post images and social media links as long as it follows the Rules and is relevant to the conversation in #general.

    No malicious links/content

    This includes using our server as a gateway to dm people malicious links. You are allowed to advertise discords in any channel as long as you aren't actively spamming it and it follows Discord's TOS.

    Use adequate text channels for what you want to post

    It is fairly easy to figure out, if you require help, go to "Request Help". If you are struggling, maybe ask instead of breaking the rules.

    English only except for #no-english

    We're mainly an english community, so please only speak english in the discord except for the specialized #no-english channel.

    Minecraft rules

    No abusing/exploiting

    Now, there are certain exploits that we may be lenient towards, such as going above the nether ceiling to build gold farms. But exploits used solely for personal gains, such as duplicating items, are not allowed.

    No griefing

    This is not only limited to griefing server-specific areas such as spawn. Do not intentionally destroy someone else's property. Although faction raiding is allowed, yes, and through which a little destruction may be needed to enter someone's base to raid. The act of Griefing on its own to destroy someone's entire base is not.
    If you Over-claim someone else's land, then this does not apply. Over-claiming is a fundamental part of Factions. Once you claim it, it's yours.

    Team Fortress 2 rules

    For Gamemode-specific rules, click here! [insert links]

    English only when using voice chat

    You can only speak English in voice chat, however, you are free to speak whatever language you like in chat. On the Brazilian servers you may speak Portuguese.

    Have a proper microphone and make sure your voice doesn't disturb the players in the server.

    Don't use your microphone to talk if your mic is low quality enough that your voice becomes inaudible. This includes if your mic produces high pitched noises and/or static interference, or if your voice is unhearable above anything in your background, such as other people talking, TVs or your computer itself.

    No exploiting

    Exploting glitches in the game to get an advantage over other players is not allowed. If you find a glitch in the game, report it to Valve. If you find a glitch in a map or custom gamemode, report it to the creator of said content and also to us if possible. By reporting it to us we can make a temporary fix.

    Don't call out undercover staff

    Undercover admins are there to punish people that think they can get away with breaking rules, do NOT expose them.

    Do not abuse !calladmin

    Only use calladmin when necessary, we respond to as many as we can but thanks to false calls and spam we will get to actual calls later.

    No spawncamping

    You may not block enemy team players from leaving their spawn if that spawn has a single exit. If a spawn has multiple exits there must always be at least one that is left unguarded. Spawn camping is allowed on Trade, Achievement and on Class Warfare servers due to the nature of the gamemode.

    No griefing

    Do not act in a way that is either against the objective of the gamemode you are playing or in a way that might annoy the players in the server.

    Donator rules

    Do not call votes on yourself

    Simple. calling votes on yourself clogs up the system and prevents other votes from being called. It will also add the punishment to your record which might cause problems down the line.

    Do not call votes on friends or people asking for it

    As the previous rule states, this will clog up the system and add a punishment to the player's record. Don't call votes unless necessary.

    Do not call votes as a joke

    Once again, this will clog up the system and cause an unnecessary punishment to be recorded on the player's record.

    Do not use donator commands to gain an advantage

    We don't want our servers to be "pay to win". Abusing the extra features we give you as thanks for donating to gain an advantage in-game isn't something we want.

    Put valid vote reasons

    Votes you call on people are recorded on our bans website. If we need to check the reason you called a vote, and you didn't put a proper reason, it will be counted as donor abuse.

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