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Accepted Venusari's Moderator Application

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Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2020
Username: Venusari


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes, 13 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes, 34 seconds

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/2188585

United States, Texas

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
While playing TF2 I spend a majority of time on community servers most prominently Blackwonder's Zombie Survival and Zombie Escape. I am quite familiar with the server-wide rules that Blackwonder enforces as well as the specific rules that are enforced within these two gamemodes and thus wish to mainly moderate Zombie Survival and Zombie Escape.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
As a person who has dedicated their time on these servers for more than 3+ years, it would be an understatement to mention the amount of troublemakers I've seen, and not to forget the moderators far and few between often times these said troublemakers are overlooked, missed, or even entirely ignored whatever the case these players avoid consequences without care. I am purely pursuing the position of moderator to solely punish players that disturb the peace of the server and nothing else.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Chibby & Stormxy

How often do you play TF2?
On average I play TF2 for 3 hours a day, 6 hours each on weekends, totaling around 30 hours a week.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate


Perma Ban
Advertising Cheats.
Perma Silence
Inappropriate Spray.
Donor Abuse:
verbal warning > warning > remove donor role > blacklisted donor role
!calladmin Abuse:
verbal warning > warning > 1 hr ban > 3 hr ban > 6 hr ban > 12 hr ban > 1d ban > 3d ban > 7d ban > Perma ban
verbal warning > warning > 1 hr gag/or mute > 3 hr gag/or mute > 6 hr gag/or mute > 12 hr gag/or mute > 1d gag/or mute > 3d gag/or mute > 5d gag/mute > 7d gag/or mute > Perma gag/or mute
Hate Speech.
warning > 6 hr silence > 12 hr silence > 1d silence > 3d silence > 5d silence> 7d silence > Perma silence
Evading Punishment (Alt Swapping).
warning > Perma ban the Alt + increase original account punishment
Evading Punishment (Name Changing).
warning > increase original punishment

Griefing (Teaming, Troll Teleporters, Troll Summons).
verbal warning > warning > 1 hr ban > 3 hr ban > 6 hr ban > 12 hr ban > 1d ban > 3d ban > 7d ban > Perma ban
verbal warning > warn > kick > 6h ban > 12h ban > 1d ban > 3d ban > 5d ban > 7d ban > perma ban
Exploiting. (OOB/banned spots, unintended game mechanics).
verbal warning > warning > 3 hr ban > 6 hr ban > 12 hr ban > 1d ban > 3d ban > 7d ban > Perma Ban[/SPOILER]

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Although I'm not very active on the main BLW discord server, you can find me on my own BLW sub-community discord server talking there instead, so if you wish to gather more information about me you can check those logs as well.
• Medal is my recording software
• I am knowledgeable of Hammer map editor and somewhat skilled at using it,

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2020
If anyone is curious as to what the BLW sub-community discord server I mentioned is please refer to the image below. These links are located on the main Blackwonder.tf discord server held within the "sub-communities" channel. The server I referred to on the thread is the very top one, "Blackwonder.tf Zombie Survival." I am the owner of that independent and officially endorsed sub-community discord server and manage it as a hangout place for any members that are interested in the gamemode and community.
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Staff Member
Oct 29, 2020
Hello Venusari (AKA Gary)
Gonna go over your app since I have some interactions with you

You have pretty good playtime though some gaps between play sessions but you seem to be trying to get in more play sessions (For Zombie Survival)

Only 1 ban from 2021 otherwise no prior punishments I was able to find

Recent logs are pretty clean

Now I'm gonna go over some experiences with you in game and discord, your pretty nice in game and always wanting to help improve the game mode with some new balancing ideas as well helping some players. On Discord your pretty chill and get the community's vote on changes, help manage part of zs, and some interactions I had with you are mostly positive.

Now to some cons I will bring up, you were pretty inactive only occasionally joining the server up until April 26th when you started becoming active, but like mentioned above there are some gaps but mostly a nit pick.

You also commented on a report (here) when it wasn't needed back in 2021

Another thing to bring up, while you do have knowledge in map making, the last map you made for zs was back in 2021, a pretty long time since. The activity is mostly what you could improve but other wise I don't have much negative experiences with you. (Though definitely update this if anything new pops up)

But overall, Zombie Survival can really benefit having another mod on the game mode. Most of the problems you had were around 2 years ago and can be shrugged off. Other staff might comment on this since your applying for more than one gamemode.
Otherwise that concludes my reply and Good Luck.

Screenshot 2023-06-02 232038.png

Screenshot 2023-06-02 232104.png


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016

Your activity on our servers has since fallen, but I would be a hypocrite to judge you for that; I more than anyone else know that life can get in the way and managing has to take a back seat sometimes, and it seems like your activity follows the same pattern. Sole concern aside, decently solid app. There's some formatting ugliness with the punishment ladder, but I don't have a much to criticize; it's clearly thought-out and some love and effort was put into this. Welcome!
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