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Accepted Uncle Grapes's Team Ban appeal

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Uncle Grapes

New Member
Jun 17, 2019
User name: Uncle Grapes

What is your type of punishment?
Team Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198450476401/

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
i got banned because i had no mic

Why should we revoke your punishment?
well,i have a mic now. and its been like 6 months already. i try to play brazilian jb servers and wait for a admin to come but i never see one (or maybe i just always happen to join when an admin isnt online on the brazil jb server,i dunno),everyone sees and hears me talking(in portuguese of course),i even asked a player once if there was an admin online and he said (administradores sao uma lenda aqui![admins are a myth here]) so can some admin actually unban me from blue team? its been 6 months or more already and if you need me to proove that i have a mic,i will glady talk on my mic,im just waiting for a damn admin to show up!

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
Use your mic for any staff in game and the teamban will be revoked. If you don't see any staff in game, feel free to ask in the discord.
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