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News UberUpgrades Patch Notes

Cake :3

Notably Dangerous
Staff Member
Apr 18, 2018
"After 5 years of no updates.... It was time to get an update" - CJ or something idk

Plugin/gameplay changes:

Detonator and Scorchshot now have seperate Upgrade lists from Flaregun and Manmelter
Note: Flaregun has no use for blast radius & considering that the use cases are completely different I decided to do this.

2) Increased the characted limit within the plugin to 128 (Previsouly 64) to prevent issues with menu not displaying correctly or at all.
Note: Thanks Bene :hampter:

3) Removed some attributes that were related to server crashes caused by bad actors & random occurences.
Note: This should make the servers more playable.

4) Removed the thing that spammed your chat with "use qbuy"
Note: It was annoying & didn't let you read chat at all if you were upgrading.

5) Most Special tweaks have been converted into a buyable "Damage Multiplier" upgrade on the "Damage upgrades" page.
Note: This should make the gamemode more new-player Friendly while changing just about nothing

6) Converted some conditional damage multipliers into consistent ones
Note: Soldiers can now use their banners freely without worrying about their damage plumetting. Allows pyros to use other flamethrowers & not just the phlog when running flareguns. Demos now don't have to charge their stickies for an extra multplier.

Alright. Now let's move on to the thing that people actually care about. The numbers! (Balance changes)

Overall/Multiclass Changes:

Health initial cost has been reduced from 100>75 & amount per buy has been increased from 20>25 (40>50 for heavy)
Note: In the later stages of the game it became a oneshot fest where the only thing that could save you was a medics overheal. Hopefully this change makes the fights feel less anticlimactic in most cases. Due to a rounding error the cost will decrease by 1$ every now & then

2) Health Regen initial cost has been reduced from 325>250 & amount per buy has been increased from 4>5
Note: Same as the previous change. Excluding the rounding error.

3) Specific Tweak to Damage Multiplier cost Adjustments:

1. Crossbow, SyringeGun, Bow, Rescue Ranger changed from 1200$ per 25% > 1000$ per 25%
2. Flaregun and Manmelter changed from 1200$ per 25% > 750$ per 25%
Mini Note: These just suck so i thought about making them slightly less worse.

3. Rocket Launchers, Sticky & Nades changed from 1750$ per 25% > 2250$ per 25%
Mini Note: These weapons were a bit too good considering that blast radius exists. This should make them slightly worse at single target damage compared to Most Hitscan Weapons

4. Detonator changed from 2875$ per 50% > 2000$ per 25%
Mini Note: Extreme mobility, on demand damage with blast radius & Insane scaling made this weapon one of the main picks as well. This should knock it down a notch.

5. Shields changed from 300$ per 45% > 225$ per 45%
Mini note: Don't let the numbers fool you. Shields don't do any damage outside breathing distance.

4) Shotguns, Pistols, SMG:
1. "Damage Hidden Multiplier" cap increased from 400%>900% and initial cost reduced from 500>400
2. "Accuracy Scales Damage" initial cost reduced from 800>600 (Also affects Miniguns)
Note: These weapons just sucked so much in mid-late game. These changes should make them more a consistent & viable option later on.

5) Laser weapons (Pompon & Bison, maybe also short curcuit some time later?) will now have an additional afterburn damage mult available.
Note: It's funny to use these weapons but they sucked so much, this should make them more viable

Class specific Changes

6) Demo
1. Removed Max health as a purchasable attribute from the boots
2. Changed the Damage taken resistance on the shields from -50% > -35% max
3. Changed the Sticky Charge rate multiplier max from -98% > -99% (2x Increase in speed), decreased amount per buy from -10% > -5% and halved the Initial cost.
Note: Demoknight was extremely tanky & severely outpaced everyone in early-mid game in terms of survivability. These changes should make him way less annoying. Demoknight will still be at the very least 18.3% more tanky than scout when maxed out. The Sticky change will increase the firerate of stickies by a good bit, bringing them in line with other high damage explosives explosives in that department.

7) Engineer
1. Added "Crit Damage multiplier" and "Bolts become Arrows" to the Rescure Ranger
2. Added the Wrangler building health Tweak attribute to the Short curcuit as well.
Note: Rescue ranger fell into the category of "Fun but bad", now including the buff to the Damage multiplier it should be a pretty solid weapon. The addition of the building health Tweak attribute on the short curcuit will allow engis to use a slightly different and laid back tinge of a defensive option. Not adding M2 Fire rate to Curcuit tho lol

8) Medic
1. Removed Uber on Hit from most of the weapons, Ubersaw will still give 3% per hit (15%/s on average when maxed out on fire rate)
2. Reduced max Uber Duration bonus from 40 > 7 (15s Uber when Maxed)
3. Reduces the cap for Ubercharge rate Bonus from 3900% > 900%
4. Decreased the Overheal Bonus cap from 7900%>150% & decreased the cost% increase ratio from 0.65 > 0.5 but increased the initial cost from 115>250
5. Removed Overheal Decay speed bonus
5. Removed Uber Rate for Medics
6. Removed Preserve Ubercharge
Note: Removed the 2 Useless attributes. Making Uber last less & take it longer to get should discourage most people from just sitting in spawn & waiting for it to fill up. Decreasing the Overheal cap and removing the decay penalty will significantly decrease the amount of boring people who just sit in spawn & overheal their team to as much as they can. 3x HP when overhealed is enough. Maybe I'll see a medic actually playing the game after 5 years....

Conclusion: I spent over 2 hours writing this please give this gamemode a try. I truly hope you enjoy the gamemode. Maybe if there will be any more changes I'll post them here similar to the previous thread. Please leave your opinions, questions & suggestions here. Please be reasonable with the suggestions & provide some logic on why it should be considered.
Previous Patch Notes (from 2019 lol)
BLW UU server List: - EU (Germany) -United Kingdom - New York - Los Angeles - Texas - Brazil

Cake :3

Notably Dangerous
Staff Member
Apr 18, 2018

Scout baseballs are now affected by available damage multipliers. Base damage for sandman is 48, 16 for Wrap assasin ornaments (They triple hit on a direct)

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