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Closed TF2×100 heal issues


New Member
Dec 22, 2021
My friends and I have been regulars on the US highertower ×100 server for some time now, and as of sometime in mid November when the update came out that patched the infinite health razorback glitch for mvm, most classes have been unable to overheal the way they were before. This has left the game mode in a really broken state and I wondered if there ever will be a fix for it or if a fix is currently on the way

A friend of mine tried contacting one of the ×100 devs about this on discord and got no reply, and I haven't seen any forum posts about it here so I figured I'd be the first.


New Member
Dec 22, 2021
What exactly is broken?
The healing/overheal aspect.

Normally most classes have a way of overhealing to 21000 health (ex. Danger shield snipers are overhealed by bullets, pyros are overhealed by flare gun projectiles). This doesn't work anymore because of the razorback overheal patch for mvm and it's left the game mode in a really weird state. Eight of the nine classes have at least one class they are simply unable to kill because of this.


New Member
Feb 24, 2022
I second this,
With the removal of -dmg it also took away the knockback from the weapons making every weapon with -dmg useless (rockets are an exception) because they simply do nothing under normal circumstances. An example of using a weapon with negative damage before the change would be the disciplinary action as if you got above an enemy and hit them you would fling them across the map towards you allowing you to pull them into a killbox. Now the whip only has the ability to provide a (short) speed boost, almost completely useless.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
honestly, I don't see this really as a problem, more a suggestion to turn this back to the old stats.
IMO, I think x100 and similar plugins need a rework to change the stats to the current updated one. Hell, the danger shield doesn't even have anything to do with bullet damage anymore, it's a fire-retardant shield.

Moved this thread to suggestions btw.


New Member
Dec 22, 2021
bumping this because admins gave a non-answer

I really mean this in the nicest way, and im not trying to be rude by saying it, but i dont think it really matters whether you think its not a problem or not. the people who play x100 (and from what ive seen, this extends to x1000) see this as a problem, and by any definition of the word, it IS a problem. whether the weapon stats are updated or not doesnt change that -dmg doesnt work, which makes half the weapons do absolutely nothing or makes certain classes completely unplayable when they werent before this patch. x100 has become a pretty dead gamemode because of this. even all of the fun stuff that players who were new to the gamemode would do doesnt work anymore (like soldier with the whip, which used to deal negative damage and do a lot of negative knockback, flinging players into you, and now it does absolutely nothing). some weapons that didnt deal damage at least did knockback before the patch. theres nothing fun to experiment with anymore because most of the weapons just dont do anything at all. theres nothing keeping people playing the gamemode unless they enjoy stomping the whole lobby as one of the two or three classes that were unaffected by the patch and are now completely overpowered (kunai/amby spy, overheal fan/arm scout). whether it was caused by an exploit or not, it was still intended to be used in this gamemode, and the absense of that ruins it.

Sure, you can take this as a suggestion rather than an issue report i guess, im not one to tell you what to do, but i HIGHLY implore you to fix, or at the VERY LEAST look into these issues so that this gamemode doesnt become completely dead.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
Non-answer? I think it was pretty clear.
Two things to explore as a self note:
Override functions of damage attribute
Check if attribute exists with same properties as old attribute

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