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Completed Show the donors name in chat when they call a voteslay

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May 9, 2017
I recently ran into the problem of identifying a donor who slayed a player in-game. The chat only says "[SM]Player" or something like that when referring to the person who calls the vote. I am not sure if its bugged or something but i guess it would be helpful when trying to identify donors who wrongfully slay players.

Notice how i'm referring to a slay and not a mute/gag/kick. If I went to the ban section on the forums and looked for a mute/gag i'd find it right away because the system monitors those. But it doesn't for slays.

Note: I'm not smart when it comes to server plugins and monitoring, etc. So I honestly don't know if you guys could implement that kind of system. Also, there might already be a solution to it that I don't know.

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Sufficiently Lethal


May 29, 2016
Im slightly against this as a fellow donor, When I join servers that are full of rulebreakers, I tend to change my name, take off !ccc and go undercover gathering screenshots and demos, sometimes mute them myself. While I do understand it would make it easier to find vote abusers but you could easily just go to sourcebans and find the guy who did it, make a report and get the guys donor revoked, I would like this implemented for slays but not for mutes or kicks.


May 9, 2017
Im slightly against this as a fellow donor, When I join servers that are full of rulebreakers, I tend to change my name, take off !ccc and go undercover gathering screenshots and demos, sometimes mute them myself. While I do understand it would make it easier to find vote abusers but you could easily just go to sourcebans and find the guy who did it, make a report and get the guys donor revoked, I would like this implemented for slays but not for mutes or kicks.

I agree that undercover works great, but it also works in the advantage of the donor abuser. Who knows, maybe one day a donor could just go on a server and slay people for no reason, and nobody would know. Though I don't see that happening since donors are usually people that have played on blw for a long time. Also, since its a vote players usually press 1 to get it out of there faces and/or press 1 because the majority of people choose it. Honestly, I think at the very least tracking the slay through sourcebans would be great as it would help with demos and such. I'm just scared that it could be abused, that's all.

Also, sometimes you have to slay a person first and then mute if they are mass freekilling, so implementing for just slay would be pointless if you are trying to undercover.


Jan 15, 2017
While I do like going as an undercover donor to make sure I can catch rulebreakers so they don't just stop once I'm there, this would be very useful in identifying vote abuse on demos.
This won't affect you when joining the server just when you vote, so it shouldn't affect going undercover until you vote

hey ya

Dark Elf


Aug 26, 2017
This won't affect you when joining the server just when you vote, so it shouldn't affect going undercover until you vote
If there's more than one rulebreaker it helps, and makes it so people don't show favoritism to you. Again I don't disagree with the idea, but it would make being undercover slightly inconvenienced.


Scarcely Lethal
Aug 22, 2017
that could be really usefull for knowing the donor abusers (take goldenace for an example) he rebels and you kill him then vote comes throw and you could see who started the vote, so admins could take care of (insert abuser dumbass here) right away

DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
Not a glitch, but usually when a donor starts a gag/mute/slay/kick vote, you don't see their names appear. They could be everyone. It makes reporting donor abuse slightly more harder.

IMO though this is not really needed. If you ever experience an event of donor abuse, record it and also type !status in the console. Then every player on the server will be listed and we can pick out the donor. Though when there are 2 donors on the server, or the donor immediately leaves after the vote that method does not help.


Scarcely Lethal
Aug 22, 2017
and most of the donors dont even use the chat so we couldnt see them, so i hope this becomes a thing
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