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Declined 's icos999 appeal

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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
What's your username?

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? icos999

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
Breaking the rules

Why should we revoke your punishment?
Because I did nothing to deserve a banning. I was polite, considerate, and provided the context that was asked for by 10k.
Simply read for yourselves to see this: https://blackwonder.tf/threads/two-simple-questions-about-jailbreak-rules.37317/
Nothing specific was said about why I was banned. The message I get is "Banned for breaking the rules". I think it should rather read "banned for asking about the rules", since that was all I did.

In this thread https://blackwonder.tf/threads/s-icos999-appeal.37305/ Jim claimed that I am free to either ask about the rules either on discord or on the forums. Free to ask a question about the rules and free to gen banned for doing so, apparently.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
You've typed up multiple essays claiming you're confused whether a single situation is a freekill or not, and somehow don't understand what common sense is either. You're digging for staff approval that you can misuse (as you did here), and/or being a hypocrite (as you were here).
I originally had my doubts about your ban but now that I had a look at the context its questionable whether or not you should be allowed on the forums at all.




Jul 12, 2023
You've typed up multiple essays claiming you're confused whether a single situation is a freekill or not,
As were multiple admins (including yourself), given that Jim resolved the question and disagreed with you.
and somehow don't understand what common sense is either
Do you not realize how ridiculous you sound to call things commons sense when you disagree with other members of your own staff about those things? You're implicitly admitting that neither you, nor a lot of other members of staff have this mythical common sense.
You're digging for staff approval that you can misuse (as you did here)
That's just dishonesty on your part. I didn't ask for staff approval after the fact but rather previous to the fact, to determine which behavior was acceptable according to this server's rules. I got an answer from Comet, and got team banned for following the answer. A player trying to clarify situations from staff, getting explicit answers from staff and getting banned for following those answers, and lied about by claiming that them following those answers is "misuse of staff approval" is honestly one of the most dishonest things I've read. I genuinely don't understand how you're not revolted by what you wrote, given how dishonest it is.
and/or being a hypocrite (as you were here).
This is also completely dishonest. I think it's not your first time claiming I'm a hypocrite for reporting things while making appeals. Yet you never explain how that is hypocritical (because of course you can't, because you're making it up as you go along). There is nothing cruel about making reports. It's simply about documenting players behavior. The cruelty, if there is any, is only on the part of the staff who chooses to punish or not punish the behavior in question. I have never complained about being reported. I think that's totally fine. The more reports, the better. I have complained, however, of being punished unjustly. That's the whole point of appeal threads. And I do believe I was punished unjustly and abused by staff on here multiple times.




Jul 12, 2023
To be perfectly clear, I am OK with being forum banned/team banned for being found annoying/disliked by the admins. Just don't be dishonest and lie about me. That's all I'm asking for.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
As were multiple admins (including yourself), given that Jim resolved the question and disagreed with you.
I said what the situation sounded like at the time. I couldn't actually see what was going on since there wasn't any evidence, which is why I stated you would have to provide such in the future. Jim viewing the evidence and accurately passing judgment is not a contradiction.
Do you not realize how ridiculous you sound to call things commons sense when you disagree with other members of your own staff about those things? You're implicitly admitting that neither you, nor a lot of other members of staff have this mythical common sense.
Says the one calling it mythical. If you can't figure it out, I'm not going to explain it to you.
That's just dishonesty on your part. I didn't ask for staff approval after the fact but rather previous to the fact, to determine which behavior was acceptable according to this server's rules. I got an answer from Comet, and got team banned for following the answer. A player trying to clarify situations from staff, getting explicit answers from staff and getting banned for following those answers, and lied about by claiming that them following those answers is "misuse of staff approval" is honestly one of the most dishonest things I've read. I genuinely don't understand how you're not revolted by what you wrote, given how dishonest it is.
You deliberately used vague language when asking about an unreasonable situation to an admin in order to justify creating that situation. It seems like you were trying the same thing with your more recent question, though it looks like it didn't work out this time.
This is also completely dishonest. I think it's not your first time claiming I'm a hypocrite for reporting things while making appeals. Yet you never explain how that is hypocritical (because of course you can't, because you're making it up as you go along). There is nothing cruel about making reports. It's simply about documenting players behavior. The cruelty, if there is any, is only on the part of the staff who chooses to punish or not punish the behavior in question. I have never complained about being reported. I think that's totally fine. The more reports, the better. I have complained, however, of being punished unjustly. That's the whole point of appeal threads. And I do believe I was punished unjustly and abused by staff on here multiple times.
Hypocrisy is saying one thing while doing its opposite. Someone constantly breaking rules then calling others out for the exact same behavior would be rightfully considered a hypocrite. So would someone who claims to not know what common sense is yet constantly types in advanced, grammatically perfect english in every single interaction.
I may be inaccurate on occasion, but I'm not a liar. Punishment expired.
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