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Declined Mack7491's Moderator Application

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Aug 18, 2019
User name: Mack7491


Your Age


Your SteamID

Your DiscordID
Mack7491 #8928

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate?

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Because i would want to moderate it when noeone els is online and because im on tf2 for a long time . And that tons of people suffer from rule breakers like mic spam and racism.
Mostly so i could help out the community and be a good person.
And that im always in sicuations when theres no staff in a server and people are being abuse of a perosn mic spaming and more.
Note: I would neer abuse my power at any situation.
And one one my chat logs from 2018 have an N word that has been sayd not by me by my brother at thta time he was playing on my pc on my account and im really sorry for that.
Also i dont like it when players ruin other players gameplay when they micspam ,chat spam so they cant even have a conversation with friends.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know

When are you usually available to play?
From 4PM to 10PM EU time.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
1. Chat Spam / Mic spam 35m gag or mute, If they keep doing it when its ifted then its (1day Gag/mute)
2. Speaking in another language in voice chat/Player discrespect, warn, if it continues (1 day mute/gag .)
3. Inappropriate content, Spray ban, Carying them on a sign or on you player avatar or your name-Ill warn them and ask them to change it to something apropriate, if they dont remove it or change it ill kick them if they still have it a (2 day ban.)
4. Advertising hacks - Perm mute/gag.
5. Exploits, Warn player using / attempting to use it, if they continue using it or trying to use it, (1day ban)
6. !calladmin Abuse - (3 day server ban.)

1. If a person gives our info on traps while hes dead, warn him if he keeps doing it (GAG 3h.) if he abuses it and does it every time (10h MUTE/GAG)
2. If a person force delay ill slay him if he does it again 1day ban, if he does it again 3 day, if he abuses it (1 WEAK BAN.)
3. If a person fakes a freerun warn them if they do it again 1 day ban if they do it again (5day ban) if they abuse it (10 DAY BAN.)
4. If a person suicides as death ill warn them to not do it if they keep doing it ill ban them for (3 days .) And if they abuse it (1 WEAK BAN)
5. If a person quits the server while death and rejoins at the next round ill give him a (3 DAY BAN.)

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I really love Blackwonder The community is awesome all the admins are nice they help me out some times especialy Gibus and Boop noodle also i learn from my old mistakes. I am sorry that i was toxic and all in the discord chat thsi wont happen again.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
I'll be closing this app as your other application has been recently declined due to your behavior in the discord.

Please let some time pass before re-applying.
Thank you for your interest in being staff on BLW servers, we hope you still enjoy playing here.
Have a nice day.
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