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Declined [Jailbreak] Re-add airblast

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Face Melting
Jul 2, 2018
I believe airblasting should be re-enabled due to its positives being higher than the negatives.
The main issue airblast causes is freehitting, but that's something that happens without it as well, and can be easily dealt with,
The benefits of it are giving blues easier crowd control and making them harder to rush, as well as making pyro a better class for BLU, giving him better uses than just mfking and accidentally setting half the reds on fire.
It will enable pyros to prevent rushes, and stop ubers more easily. the only counter to uber currently (except saying meds no healing) is the holiday punch, but that one is extremely risky.


Staff Member


Jul 26, 2017
Pyro is a popular class to play, ubering isn't a big problem as wardens can restrict healing, and there is endless freehit potential. I don't see why this should be added.

Pyros can easily kill rushes with their flamethrower and you can easily just bhop away from ubered players if need be.


Face Melting
Jul 2, 2018
Pyro is a popular class to play
pyro is one of the classes i see played the least
ubering isn't a big problem as wardens can restrict healing
why does warden need to restrict healing every round, why not give blues another way of dealing with it?
and there is endless freehit potential
there is endless freehit potential in everything, mad milk is still enabled, you can still shove with the short stop. You can freehit with every single weapon and force warden to take reds to medic if he wishes to play a health based minigame. someone getting a small push does the least damage out of these (except the mad milk maybe), and pushing people into minigames? that can be easily punished if blues cannot keep their finger of the m2 button, and is one of the least effective mfk methods we have on our severs.
Pyros can easily kill rushes with their flamethrower
if they're next to the reds its risking setting a huge crowd on fire, a risk that doesn't exist with airblast due to the worst damage being done is just them being pushed away a bit
you can easily just bhop away from ubered players if need be.
bhop takes a bit of time to build, just 1 lucky crit, or many times just 2 hits is enough to kill the warden, as well as you not always being in an open space with the ability of just running away.
I don't see why this should be added.
to give blues other options, not always restricting reds and hiding or running.


Staff Member


Jul 26, 2017
Pyro is played more than you give credit for and is by no means a bad class. Giving reds free uber is a bad idea regardless of whether you can deny it or not. The only situation where it wouldn't be freehitting is when the red is rebelling and airblasting away someone who only has melee when you have crits is not required to kill them. If it's next to a group of none rebels then you can just either use your secondary or aim away from the group or move backwards. Bhopping away or just running away from someone will waste almost all of the uber before they catch you. Again, pyro is a good class who does not need other options in my opinion. Blues in general clearly have the advantage with their crits and making medic useless would just make it less fun to play against.
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