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Declined Hollow's Moderator Application

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Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
Username: Hollow


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? 6 Days, 16 Hours

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/4320665

Mid-West USA

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I play the JB servers, specifically, and would like to moderate there.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
While I can't speak for servers outside of the main jb server I play, I've noticed a lack of moderators online at the points that I do play on the server, with rare exceptions. The only times where I'm usually seeing a mod online is when they type 1 or 2 messages and then stay silent for so long that I think that they've left, or they come in to handle someone breaking the rules, at which point they blip out of existence, if they even came in the first place.

Furthermore, I've noticed a general lack of knowledge and understanding from the moderators that do show up, leading to people getting banned that shouldn't be and vice versa. An example would include how rules regarding differences in the orders that wardens can and can't give.

Afk rules, at least since late 2022, have had two specific distinctions: Afk, where you can't move, but can look and taunt unless otherwise specified, and Afk freeze, where any inputs aren't allowed. The distinction between these two forms of AFK seem to be not well understood by those that both act as warden and the moderators that are supposed to understand those rules. Recently, without any proper change in blackwonder's rules, it seems to be that players are regarding afk to imply no looking or taunting, when that never was the case. (I have been informed that this distinction is incorrect. While I do not have many other examples I can recall off of the top of my head, I have seen other times where situations similar to this have occurred).

Furthermore, the members of the server generally don't seem to understand what is and is not implied through orders. The best example I could recall from recent knowledge was the lack of action on a warden who seemed to believe that placing down a marker implied to follow it, when it does not.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to

How often do you play TF2?
~once a day, for about 3 hours

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
for blus, it varies depending on the reason, but I have a 3-strike rule philosophy for a generic offense.

Freekills are worthy of a slay on blus, repeated freekills are teambans. Length depends on severity, anywhere between 8 hours to a day.

Massfreekills are automatic teambans. Length depends, same as repeated freekills, but repeated mfk will result in further lengths of time for the ban.

Micspam is mute worthy, slurs and other repeated hostile language is gag-worthy.

A lack of knowledge on the rules that a blu needs to follow is worthy of a warn, repeated lack of understanding is teamban worthy depending on the severity of the infractions.

Lack of microphone is also teamban worthy, due to the fact that it is practically one of the only requirements to be able to be on blu.

Cheating is an automatic permaban. Same with ddosing and other forms of server attacks.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Ash Shaw

Pokemon Master
Staff Member
Aug 2, 2020
Why would you like to become a moderator?
I've noticed a general lack of knowledge and understanding from the moderators, leading to people getting banned that shouldn't be and vice versa.
Could you please elaborate specifically what knowledge that you believe our staff members are lacking?


Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
Could you please elaborate specifically what knowledge that you believe our staff members are lacking?
The mods seem to either be biased on their own beliefs of the rules to Blackwonder jailbreak, or generally just don't know the rules themselves.
A great example I found was how for the past year that I've been playing jb on blackwonder, the rule for wardens telling reds to afk:

saying "afk" - you don't move your character, but can look around and taunt, unless otherwise specified.

saying "afk freeze" - don't move, don't look, don't taunt.

Since at least September 2022, this was how the two different forms of afk worked, however, this past month, I believe, during a round that an admin was in I got freekilled for not being "afk" which was apparently what afk freeze is defined as above. Knowing that this was the case, I reached out to mods to get that taken care of, but to my chagrin, nothing was done about it, due most likely to the moderator's lack of understanding about how the rules of the server they're moderating work.


Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.


Sufficient playtime, active sessions

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? Yes

It has been 15 days since your last teamban

Some toxicity in the chatlogs

Some other concerns


You're entitled to your opinion, but having this kind of attitude towards the team you're applying for will not do any favors for you

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
for blus, it varies depending on the reason, but I have a 3-strike rule philosophy for a generic offense. Warning for 1st offense, slay for 2nd, teamban for 3rd. Muting and gagging players who micspam, etc.
Your section is missing a lot of the "rules." The purpose of this is for you to show us that you know all of the rules and what punishments should go along with them. WHAT exactly deserves a teamban? What about the rules that aren't specific to Jailbreak? Micspam is punishable only by mute, not gag. We need you to be more specific; there should be no "etc." in this section.

You are more than welcome to edit your application to include any missing information. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. I will advise you to carefully reconsider your attitude and approach to this application.


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Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
It has been 15 days since your last teamban
I understand that this is only a quarter of the time that is suggested for me to wait out, and I also understand the reasoning for the punishment, despite my actions at the time. I hope that I have learned from that mistake and wish to see it not happen again with me.

Some toxicity in the chatlogs
I plan to improve on the behavior demonstrated, and while you can't confirm my actions until you've seen proof, I hope that you believe me in my claims. While no excuse can wave off my actions, the reason for my behavior at the time of the team ban was due to a rough day that I had going into the session. I promise to demonstrate better character and to show the control and class required of a moderator position.

Your section is missing a lot of the "rules."
Updated. Hopefully my updated application gives a clearer picture of my processes.


Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
A secondary question I have is if this application gets rejected, in 90 days time, can I use the text word-for-word from this application in the new one?

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
I have played with you a lot on JB, and I must say I don't like your toxicity towards players. You also make up your own JB rules sometimes when you dislike an action of a player. Often, when I play with you, I believe that you clearly lack knowledge of the JB rules.

My current opinion on your application is negative. In my opinion, your lack of knowledge of the rules and your making up of rules that don't exist puts you in a position in which I don't see you as a future staff member
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Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
I have played with you a lot on JB, and I must say I don't like your toxicity towards players. You also make up your own JB rules sometimes when you dislike an action of a player. Often, when I play with you, I believe that you clearly lack knowledge of the JB rules.

My current opinion on your application is negative. In my opinion, your lack of knowledge of the rules and your making up of rules that don't exist puts you in a position in which I don't see you as a future staff member
could you give some examples on the rules portion? I'm not entirely sure that I remember anything that I've done that is in line with your statement.
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Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
The closest thing that I can think of that is in relation to your statement is being misinformed on a specific rule, being taught how it actually works, and changing how I play to conform to that rule. "making up rules" has never been how I play. Furthermore, you were most often playing with me in the same server months ago. The last time I remember seeing you was towards the end of November I believe, which was the first time in months that I had seen you. Thus, I believe that your impression of me is coming from a time when I was new to the server and wasn't entirely familiar with the differences between Blackwonder and other jb servers. however, in the year that I've been playing on the server, my knowledge and understanding of the rules has grown considerably.
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Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
The closest thing that I can think of that is in relation to your statement is being misinformed on a specific rule, being taught how it actually works, and changing how I play to conform to that rule. "making up rules" has never been how I play. Furthermore, you were most often playing with me in the same server months ago. The last time I remember seeing you was towards the end of November I believe, which was the first time in months that I had seen you. Thus, I believe that your impression of me is coming from a time when I was new to the server and wasn't entirely familiar with the differences between Blackwonder and other jb servers. however, in the year that I've been playing on the server, my knowledge and understanding of the rules has grown considerably.
After reading your reply, my current opinion on your application has been changed to neutral.


Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
If there is any other questions that the mods have in regards to my application, please put them forth so I can discuss!


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Afk rules, at least since late 2022, have had two specific distinctions: Afk, where you can't move, but can look and taunt unless otherwise specified, and Afk freeze, where any inputs aren't allowed.
This is incorrect. The only accepted and official definition is afk freeze. "Normal afk" is not a recognized order unless warden explicitly gives such a definition for his own custom order.


Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
This is incorrect. The only accepted and official definition is afk freeze. "Normal afk" is not a recognized order unless warden explicitly gives such a definition for his own custom order.
My apologies then. As far as I was aware, literally everyone on the server had been playing under those rules. I'll change how I play to meet that then. All I can say is that until the game I mentioned, I hadn't seen a round where people had played differently, so seeing it done differently threw me off.


Notably Dangerous
Dec 2, 2023
Are there any other questions from the mods? I know this comment will be asked at a bad time since it's Christmas and other assorted holidays.

Deitific Presence

Staff Member
Oct 19, 2022
I'll be frank about this, anytime I've came across you so far you struck me as a person who is still completely immature and rude to everyone around you from my experience. I feel you would let your emotions guide your actions which is something I don't feel comfortable with especially if you were to be accepted with any position of authority. The professionalism is non-existent and at the rate your behavior has been, I can't support your app at this time.



Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
I would like to add what deitific comment about you today. I joined this morning and you were completely immature and annoyed over voice chat. At this point, I do not have any faith in you becoming staff here at Blackwonder.tf. Especially comes to moderators for the Jailbreak server, we need mature staff over any TF2 server we host.



The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi there,

We've let the app age a little longer to see if you would be willing to change some of your problematic behavior, but alas:

The quote below also doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence; staff applications present applicants with an opportunity to make a good impression. How do you think it reflects upon you when you ask to reuse an entire application that already got denied?

To go a step further: if applying was truly that painful for you, why apply in the first place? We are looking for staff that are happy to donate their time, and asking if you can copy-paste your entire application is antithetical to that.
A secondary question I have is if this application gets rejected, in 90 days time, can I use the text word-for-word from this application in the new one?

If I had to say something good about this application, it's how gracefully you replied to Jim's feedback in the below quote. Acknowledging a mistake (albeit a small one), apologizing, and committing to improving is nice.
My apologies then. As far as I was aware, literally everyone on the server had been playing under those rules. I'll change how I play to meet that then. All I can say is that until the game I mentioned, I hadn't seen a round where people had played differently, so seeing it done differently threw me off.

Anything else I could say about this application would be derivative. A lot of ground was covered above, and I think it's better to let it speak for itself than it is to try and surmise it. At this time, I must respectfully decline your application.
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