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Freekillers On AUS jailbreak


Jun 30, 2019
Can you guys do something about the constant free killers and mic spammers on AUS jailbreak?

It's getting ridiculous that a community full of admins is incapable of banning freekillers and mic spammers.

Like they're on every night, and are never banned.


Notably Dangerous
Staff Member


Dec 11, 2019
You could just make reports of those players breaking the rules with demo proof since there are quite a few mods for AUS jb.

Supreme Leader(3)

Blackwonder's Own
Nov 13, 2018
Yes, don't be lazy and handle them yourself other than just complaining why a admin/mod isn't there, they have a life, if you're not going to report it only shows that you can't be bothered and i don't see you asking for help in the blackwonder discord.
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Spectacularly Lethal


May 29, 2020
It really doesn't look like this thread is accomplishing anything, so i'm going to spell it out to the OP and hopefully he gets it.

Admins/Mods are not getting paid to moderate the servers and are going to have outside lives out of the server. Blackwonder relies on player reports and player vigilance in order to help moderate the server... Especially on the jailbreak servers.

I suggest you do three things.

Make use of the #requesthelp channel in discord in order to ask for help with rulebreakers, if you don't receive a reply it may be because they are already on the server as an undercover or nobody is available at that moment of time.

My other suggestion is that you read these two threads and learn how to make player reports.

Lastly, you could donate and receive vote privileges that allow you to vote punish rulebreakers, the period of vote punishments usually last 30 minutes and that's long enough that most rulebreakers will just get bored enough and leave.

I have given you many resources in order for you to help the staff team keep the server safe and clean, I hope this helps.


Sep 22, 2019
Can you guys do something about the constant free killers and mic spammers on AUS jailbreak?

It's getting ridiculous that a community full of admins is incapable of banning freekillers and mic spammers.

Like they're on every night, and are never banned.
We are doing the best we can so stop being demanding, there is literally heaps of other Black wonder servers you could be playing on

human being

Aug 8, 2020
Everyone in this thread is retarded except OP, holy shit. No wonder he left. Do you people ever read your post before hitting "reply" and think, "maybe I shouldn't post this."

When you people say "hundreds of servers," how many of those consistently get more than 5 people?

When admins completely neglect a server with people in it, they have a right to complain and wonder "huh, why do they not care?" The answer being of course that most of them are children and/or moderators. The actual admins do not give enough of a fuck and since moderator permissions only extend to one server they can't do anything. There are like maybe 2-3 jailbreak servers and 20+ others and yet half the fucking staff is jailbreak specialized. Between this and people complaining about the donor bot not working for like a month, it's no wonder that player numbers and active servers are declining. All the consistent players left or troll now because the community is too brain dead. I mean I know that Team Fortress 2 is inherently available to children due to being free and on steam, but lord, there is such a significant amount of younger players.

Since everyone else in this thread was too fucking dense to realize it, he wasn't calling admins to ban 1-2 people breaking the rules every night, he was saying that the server gets new rule breakers consistently and that an admin or moderator visiting the server once a day would be infinitely more efficient than making reports.

I know that the servers have lived much longer than normal, though that can be attributed largely to lowering the staff acceptance standard and the introduction of the moderator system (both of which the head admins were against until it inconvenienced them due to dwindling player count). This is a horrible long term strategy. I don't know what will happen first, the servers die or rob gets arrested for pedophilia. I'd hope both, but both issues are as resilient as a tumor.


May 30, 2019
Just need 1 or 2 more dedicated AUS jb mods. I would say the bigger problem lately for the server is a handful of very dedicated trolls/troublemakers who just keep coming back.They’re evidently able to avoid SourceSleuth and IP bans - their methods vary.

The problem is that reporting these people is not very useful. I.e. they’re reported on the forums and summarily banned once mods get around to handling the report. The problem is they can still screw the server over for an hour or more, maybe even a couple of hours, and simply make an alt to return once banned.

I’m not suggesting the existing mods are incompetent - just American. I.e., most are literally asleep at the time AUS is most active. We need a few regular, frequent AUS players to be mods who can stick around in the busy times. I’m not about to expect a mod who applied to moderate US jb to spend hours playing on an AUS server with shitty ping and people they don’t know.

See, there’s no point for oceanman if he gets banned, joins on an alt... then promptly gets banned on the alt because the mod is still on and watching out for him. Easy. I’d be happy to apply myself, but I think I need to improve my chatlogs. Honestly, I’m considering just making an app anyway with how bad the situation’s gotten.


Staff Member


Aug 24, 2019
I'm always open to be pinged in request help, the only three time's i'll probably never respond is if i'm out-somewhere irl or if i'm full screened in a game and don't get the notification, or if i'm sleeping.


May 30, 2019
This issue’s been much better lately, have definitely had Quishy respond to a lot of stuff. Haven’t seen oceanman in quite some time

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