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Accepted DuckLurch's Moderator Application

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New Member
Feb 25, 2023
Username: DuckLurch


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes. Being online almost dayly on Blw.-Servers since December 2016.

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/player/427700


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
DuckLurch #0725

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
Jail-BreakUS, Jail-BreakEU, Blackwonder-x... crit servers, Blackwonder trade servers, Deathrun servers

Why would you like to become a moderator?
The active Blackwonder Jail-Break player base needs me!

I am an active Blackwonder Jailbreak player. I would like not to say, even one of the most experienced Jail-Break players on Blackwonder. I was playing this morning, when the urge to make a mod. application, hit me because of a massfreekiller. My goal is to make the Blackwonder servers a community-friendly place for every player. No hackers, no mic-spamers, no toxicity among any players and to have a nice and chill atmosphere. In the last couple of years i have experienced a lot of stuff on Blackwonder servers. One of the biggest problems in my opinion, is a missing, active admin/ moderator player base on the Jail-Break servers. Since i am also playing on other Jailbreak communities(when the Blackwonder servers are empty), i see the difference between Blackwonder and other Jail-Break communities. They got an almost 24/7 online admin/mod team. But I will solve that problem! My love for the Blackwonder community is endless and it is my most favourite Blackwonder community.

Having been an admin in the Blackwonder community in the past, I consider my chances of this application being accepted to be rather slim. However, I'm writing this application because my hopes of promoting the Blackwonder community outweigh my fears of rejection. My commblog list is long and well aged but i aged too and thus i became more mature.

If you think I can advance and improve the future of the Blackwonder community,

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Benedevil, Rainbowrobb, will5023, 2010wolf, GeneralZimmer, Egg, Pienamai, CometPM, Wanka, Jim, Ben, Viking34, honey, Fenneko, Goldie, Dell, Pkay, Kiryoto, Melectrome, IrishFox, Cinnamon

How often do you play TF2?
24/7 CET

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
*General Rules*

Chat/mic spamming:
Warn > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > permanent gag or mute

Different Language in Voice Chat:
Warn > 1hr > 4hrs > 12hrs > 1day > 3days > 1week > 1month > permanent mute

Warn > 1 day > 3 day > 1 week > 2 week gag or mute > permanent gag or mute

Pornography spray:
permanent spray-ban

warning > slay > ban for 60 > 120 > 720 > 1440 > 10080 > 20160 > 43800 > permanent

I'll start recording so I have a prove and than perm. ban when I am sure they are hacking

Advertising hacks:
spectate the guy > warning > perm. silence
if he/she is hacking > perm ban

Shouting out the admin/mod when he/she wants to be under cover:
60 > 120 > 720 > 1440 > 10080 >20160 > 43800 > permanent mute

!calladmin abuse:
Warn > 1hr > 4hrs > 12hrs > 1day > 4days > 1week > 1month > permanent ban

*Death Run*

warning 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. gag or mute

warning > slay > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. ban

Fake freerun:
warning > slay > kick > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. ban

Suicide as death:
This is a difficult point but if he/she does it on purpose(so if he/she suicides assoon he/she is the death) > warning > move to red team > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. team-ban

*Jailbreak Rules*

Over-talking during a mic check:
warning > 30 > 60 > 120 > 720 > 1440 > 10080 > 20160 > permanent mute

Talking over warden giving orders:
warning > 30 > 60 > 120 > 720 > 1440 > 10080 > 20160 > perm. mute

Armory Camping:
warning > slay

Delaying the round:
if the person is not rebelling or hunting > warning > slay

warning > 30 > 60> 120 >720 >1440 >10080 >20160 >permanent mute

Sticky Trapping:
warning > slay


Ammo glitching:
Slay + Warn > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > permanent ban

Being AFK:
kick from the server

*Red-Team Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Freeday abuse:
warning > slay

*Blue-Team Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Non-working mic :
warning + moving the player to red team > perm teamban (player can write an appeal when he/she has a mic)

warning > one day teamban

warning > slay > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day> 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. teamban

Mass freekill:
slay > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day> 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. teamban

Not with warden:
warning > slay

Team killing:
slay > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day> 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. teamban

Warn > Slay > 1hr > 4hr > 12hr > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > perm. ban

No mic :
warning + moving the player to red team > perm teamban (player can write an appeal when he/she has a mic)

Denial of LR:
warning > slay

*Warden Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Tricky orders:
warning > slay + force warden on somebody

Illegal FF:
warning > slay + force warden on somebody > 4h teamban

Illegal orders:
warning > slay + force warden on somebody

Unwardening from server-selected warden:
warning + slay + force warden on somebody > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > teamban

Not repeating:

Illegal days/games:
warning > slay + force warden on somebody > 1day > 4day > 1week > 1month > teamban

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I've been on this community since 2016 almost every day because i love the Blackwonder community!
I had to make another Blackwonder forum account because i wanted to have an email account only for gaming.

My commblog list is long and well aged but i aged too and thus i became more mature.

If you think I can advance and improve the future of the Blackwonder community,

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? German


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
Why didn't you use this account https://blackwonder.tf/threads/admin-application-from-duck-lurch.11868/

Hi Rob, i am writing from my other account now. It was faster for me to make a new account than trying all of my password combinations i have. I know there is the "Forgot Password" function but somehow i didn't recieve any password reset email...After a couple of minutes trying all of my passwords, i finally revived this account.
Is there a way to transfer the application to this account?
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The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hey Ducklurch,

Thanks for your patience while we work on the backlog. Your dedication to the community cannot be understated; we appreciate your support over all of the years.

I think it's worthwhile addressing the elephant in the room for the sake of people who may be looking at other applications for inspiration, and for those who may be in a similar predicament. You were removed years ago for admin abuse, when you were still a young teenager. I believe that a well-thought punishment ladder, relatively clean chat logs, and thoughtful reasoning for your staff application have demonstrated your growth over the years. Your penchant for blw.tf is perhaps the only thing that remains unchanged. I think it goes without saying what will happen if you choose to abuse permissions again.

The only real downside I want to emphasize is choosing such a wide swath of servers, and not covering all of your bases with them in your punishments. Maybe this is just me being a stickler from being one of the only trade-centric admins, but I think it's important to understand how to punish people trying to middleman, what to do in the event of someone running away from a spycrab, and more. It kind of reminded me of business students who in their applications talk about wanting to work at "FAANG" companies. The corollary criticism then being that they are casting too wide of a net, and they appear to lack a particular passion. Whatever- I'm getting persnickety, it's clear that your passion is JB, but I'd be careful asking for more perms without providing the level of substance you did for JB.

Welcome to the team! If it wasn't clear, you have perms on JB servers.
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