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Declined Downloafy's Moderator Application

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New Member
Nov 12, 2023
Username: Downloafy2


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year?
Yes I do, to be exact I have 72.18h/3d11m

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/37834880

Canada, Quebec

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I usually play on blackwonder VSH servers, so that's the one I want to moderate
Blackwonder UK | VS Saxton Hale | Sky-High Resort 24/:
Blackwonder US | VS Saxton Hale | Reservoir 24/7:
Blackwonder US | VS Saxton Hale | Sky-High Resort 24/:

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I decided to apply because I have seen many toxicity and cheaters in the community of some of the blackwonder servers and in the VSH servers I play there aren't a lot of admins joining in the game mode. The only one admin that in the VSH servers is upper. I have knowledge about mapping but not doing plugins (I know a tiny bit of how to do plugins).
Helped a few Admins ban a few cheaters, Helping a few players.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

How often do you play TF2?
I play tf2 everyday except when I spend time with family. I have almost 1k hours (945.3 Hours to be exact)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
Fake Calladmin: Warn 1, Warn 2, 2h Ban, 3h Ban, 4h, 12h Ban, 24h Ban. | Calling admins about something stupid or doesn't have enough evidence that leads to wasting the admin's time |
Voiding Votekicks/Votebans: 4h, 8h, 12h, 2d. | Voiding Votekicks/Votebans should not be acceptable |
Cheating: Cheating will result in an instant ban, Cheating will not be allowed in blackwonder.tf servers. | Can be appealed in the forums (P.S.A: you will need to record evidence and send it into the forums |
Exploiting: Exploiting a map/spot that other players/Hale cannot get to is not acceptable it would not be fun for the others.
Chat/Mic Spam: Warn 1, Warn 2, 1h mute, 4h mute, 10h mute, Perma Muted. | Chat/Mic spamming is not acceptable in this community you can really hurt someone's ear |
TeamBan: Not Playing the Game Correctly. | Ex: (Jailbreak): If a Blu player randomly kills all reds without any reasons isn't fun for the other players |
Time Delaying: This stops people from enjoying the game and ruins the experience for other players.
Being Friendly: Being friendly could ruin the enjoyment for everyone else and removes the purpose of the game.
No Camping: regardless of the class/team it is still against the rules.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I do, if I call in sick I will not be able to moderator for the day.
I will take breaks from time to time.
I will take family breaks. (Meaning spending time with family or friends)

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? French

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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year?

Insufficient playtime

No priors

Chatlogs are concerning. Behavior appears toxic

I don't really think I'm suited to be a moderator in some servers, I need experience in order to know if I'm suited to moderate servers.
Don't think of this as a trial to see whether or not you're suited to moderate. If you feel like you're not, then it never hurts to be safe and take more time to spend some time learning the rules of the servers. This is also why we ask our applicants to meet the minimum playtime requirement.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
Muted: Toxicity.
Gagged: Toxicity in chat.
Silence: Toxicity in Both.
Spraybanned: Spraying Porn, hentai, Gore, Mutilation <- (this one would be a ban), etc.
TeamBanned: Not Playing the game mode correctly.
Kicked: Too much toxicity or others.
Slay/Smite/Explode: Not Playing The Game Correctly.
Banned: Cheating, Toxicity or others.
Section here is missing a lot of information. You need to be more specific with what "Not playing the Game correctly" means. Remember, this section is for you to show us that you know all of the rules, especially the server-specific rules that come with Jailbreak.

Consider these tips:

Spraybanned: Spraying Porn, hentai, Gore, Mutilation <- (this one would be a ban), etc.
We don't ban for these, just a sprayban.

Banned: Cheating, Toxicity or others.
Toxicity only warrants a respective gag/mute for the offense.

Take some time to learn the rules of the server you want to moderate. Lots of experience comes with simply spending more time playtime. Reading the rules also helps. In the meantime, be mindful of your behavior as racism and toxicity from applicants are discouraged. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thanks


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
Do you have at least 3 days cumulative playtime on BlackWonder servers in the last year?

By '3 days' we do not mean just having played on 3 different days, but an actual total playtime of 72 hours across ANY blackwonder servers. Playtime shows us you have plenty of first-hand experience with the servers, and shows you are likely familiar with the players, the rulebreakers, and the community rules. There will be a negative impact on your application if you are significantly below these 3 days of playtime.


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi Downloafy

Since I have seen you in-game and experienced your behaviors, I would like to commet on your app. Also, including missing important information that is necessary that you must witness or take care of as a staff member here at Blackwonder.

Now this is an interesting one due to you being a minor and such but besides that point, I believe you act immature at your age but that is also the important part of learning and growing. From you, I would like you to act more mature (considering you're young) since you are applying as a staff here at Blackwonder. In-game I have seen you spam weird noises into your mic which is a bit confusing to me because THIS SPECIFIC SECTION says:
Chat/Mic Spam: Warn 1, Warn 2, 1h mute, 4h mute, 10h mute, Perma Muted. | Chat/Mic spamming is not acceptable in this community you can really hurt someone's ear |
Also jumping ladders into a 1 - 4 - 10 hour mute into a perm is a BIG JUMP. We go from priors that leads to the next step of jumping the ladder. I had to make 2 reports of you spamming weird noises into the mic which got taken care of by Ash Shaw and Heatmaker. The other one got taken care of by Butler in-game.

Missing Information (Maybe plagiarism too):
You're missing some other information like donator abuse, griefing, etc. Seraphina talk about spraybans but now you removed it from the app. All you had to was edit it into being spraybanned instead of an actual ban.
TeamBan: Not Playing the Game Correctly. | Ex: (Jailbreak): If a Blu player randomly kills all reds without any reasons isn't fun for the other players |
We don't usually team ban since players are choosing to be hale and choosing to be not.

Fake Calladmin: Warn 1, Warn 2, 2h Ban, 3h Ban, 4h, 12h Ban, 24h Ban. | Calling admins about something stupid or doesn't have enough evidence that leads to wasting the admin's time |



It's like you copied it then reword it.

Time Delaying: This stops people from enjoying the game and ruins the experience for other players.
Being Friendly: Being friendly could ruin the enjoyment for everyone else and removes the purpose of the game.
No Camping: regardless of the class/team it is still against the rules.
Did you forget the ladders for these ones?

Also, your chat logs are still concerning.

That's all from me, although good luck.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
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