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Declined DerpyKira's Moderator Application

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Sep 30, 2018
User name: DerpyKira


Your Age


Your SteamID

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
I used to be an admin on the VSH x10 NecGaming server. This was 3+ years ago and i parted with this server because of most admins disagreeing with the owner over several things. This led to fellow admins leaving the community and i eventually did the same.
Here is a link to their steam group (as far as i know, the forum has died for some time now):

On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate?
I play exclusively on the DR #2 server and it is the one i wish to moderate.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I have been with the BlackWonder community for quite some time now and even though I am not active on the forum, I spend most of my time on TF2 in the DR #2 server. I enjoy the time i spend there immensely but there are times when unruly or toxic player will ruin the fun for everyone. As a donor, it is possible for me and other donors to resolve some issues but sometimes donor commands are not enough. As far as I know, there is only one admin dedicated to DR #2 and while they do moderate well, they are not always there. This is why I want to help and moderate this server, to make DR #2 an even more enjoyable server to play on for everyone.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf, Benedevil

When are you usually available to play?
From 10AM GMT to 11PM GMT.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Hacking: permaban with a demo of the person hacking.

Mic/chat spam : warning through voice or regular chat. If the warning is ignored > 30min mute/gag > 1 day > 3 days > 1 week > permanent.

Childish voice on mic/non-english speaker on mic : warn the player that they should not use their mic/speak english on voice chat > 30min mute > 1 day > 3 days > 1 week > permanent.

Skipping traps/exploiting a map: warn the player not to skip/exploit. If the warning is ignored > slay > if the user persists > kick > 1 day ban > 3 days ban > 1 week ban > permanent.

Ghosting: warn the player to stop. If he doesn't > kick > 1 day ban > 3 days > 1 week > permanent.

Fake freerun: warn the player not to do a fake freerun again > kick > 1 day ban > 3 days > 1 week > permanent.

Delaying: warn the player delaying to get a move on > slay > kick > 1 day ban > 3 days > 1 week > permanent.

Calladmin abuse: warn the user not to abuse calladmin. if user persists > 1 day ban > 3 days ban > 1 week ban > permanent.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
It has been several years since i did moderate a server, this means i don't remember most commands and will need time to pick them up again.

EDIT: added my real name and added punishments for delaying and fake freerun
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Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf

The Fattest and the Fluffiest
Staff Member
Nov 30, 2016
On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate?
I play exclusively on the DR #2 server and it is the one i wish to moderate.
Deathrun Buddies :3 Always good to have more Staff on Deathrun.

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf
Can confirm this.

Chat logs could look for improvement, a lot of F's and C's...

Nice to see you finally applying Derpy :3

On DR#2 nearly every time I'm on there myself. Always trying to stop people from exploiting, and delaying which is good.
Always reporting people that are breaking the rules if you can't resolve it yourself.
Your punishments are ok, but there are some like Ghosting: Going from a warning to kicking may seem a little excessive, it may be better to try gagging them first. But apart from that everything else looks ok for now :)

Going to stay on a +Support vote for now... Unless something else turns up.
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Sep 30, 2018
Hey Tony! Thank you for replying to my app!
I do admit that i tend to use the f bomb quite often, i can work on that! When it comes to the c words though, i do use it from here and there it's true but keep in mind that there was a player at some point on DR #2 that was literally named "Scunt" ^^'


Professional Nap Taker
Staff Member
Feb 2, 2017
Why do you feel the need to perma ban someone after a week? That seems a little too harsh. Also, can you give me an example of someone skipping a trap that would deserve a punishment? I'm asking this because some maps purposely have a way to skip the trap or someone rolls a rtd to allow them to skip it or even just bhopping fast enough to pass it, so what are some scenarios that a player would get punished for skipping a trap?


Sep 30, 2018
Hello Alex, thanks for replying to my application!

Maybe i'm too strict on the perma ban after 1 week but i feel like if someone were to come back from a 1 week ban and still break the rules while knowing why they got banned in the first place, they're not worth keeping around. I might be wrong on that. Again, i might be too strict.

Regarding the punishments for trap skipping, wintervalley was (and still kinda is) a good example. Before it was fixed, players could bhop to avoid nearly every trap on the map and skip the 50/50 trap (that skip is still possible). These are the kind of skips/exploits i would punish. Bhopping fast enough to try and speed through a trap is okay i believe.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
I am going to be sort of blunt here. Come back when you have gone 60 days without saying cunt or fag at other players. Also, the escalation from 1 week to perm is quite aggressive.
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