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Declined Admin Application from Vick

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Aug 17, 2017
Personal Information


Your Age

Uppsala Sweden

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?
I was admin on a romanian server but quit. I was admin on a JB server but soonly after retired. I am not so familiar with the admin commands because a friend asked the owner to give me admin Powers and he trusted me. I handled it well but struggled with mic checking and hesitated.

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
Blackwonder EU JB
I sometimes pop onto LA or NY JB

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I've Always been that guy that obeys the rules. I could even manage a server when I was 13 years old with 30 people.. I can be a fun person but also a serious person. I want the players to have a better experience of the server. I am in general a serious person.

Usually when I see a player breaking a rule I Think of what I could've done and how I would've handled the situation. I can take crititism very well and stand up for my opinon.

I want to keep the servers as Clean and as nice as possible so that new players will give a good impression about this server. I really want to improve the server. I want to get rid of naughty rulebreakers.
Basically, I want to help the players if something goes wrong.

I want to add that feel that I am very active on the servers.

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Pkay (We dont talk so much)

I have not added many admins, the reason being is that I dont want to get fame and only add them for this reason.

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
UTC+01:00 14.00 usually up to 23.00 on weekdays and on weekends, it depends.

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
NOTE : If its a first time offender SOME of these punishments may not apply and could be shortened.
And I would lengthen ban/gag/mute if the players has previous comms or bans.

General Punishments

Hacker: I would get sufficent evidence in form of a demo or a video and then perma ban.

Promoting hacks : If its a joke I would only gag for 1 day but if spammed or more I would lenghten up to a week.

CHAT Spammer: I would kindly tell him/her to stop and if they dont, gag for 2 hours or more depending on the seriousness.

MIC Spammer: I would ask him to stop and If he doesn't obey I would mute 2 hours or more depending on the seriousness of the situation.

Disrespecting a player : Gag for 1 day or more depending on how Heavy the insults are. (However, if its nothing more than a "You suck" or "Go to hell" I would gag under 2 hours)

Racism: I would ask the player to stop, if not I would gag for 12 hours or more depending on how he/she behaves.

Jailbreak rules

Massfreekill: Ban for 1 week team ban if first time offender. If he/she does it again I will lengthen his/her ban to 1month -----> 2months -------> 3months, etc.

Freekill: If done unintentionally and truly an accident I would let it slip and if I saw who got unfairly killed I would respawn that player. However, If done intentionally I would Slay and ban 1 day.

Warden giving impossible orders: I would tell him/she why it's not allowed and then if he/she understands, i'd let it slip. However, if he doesnt care I would slay and teamban depending on how many reds that got killed during the impossible order.

Warden having no mic: c:would ask kindly for him to give orders. If he doesn't I would slay and teamban until he shows he/she has a mic. If no one else goes warden I'll forcewarden a random blue just too not ruin the round.

Favourtising: I would ask why first and if he/she listnes i'd let it slip. However, if he/she doesn't listen I would slay and ban for 1 day if first time offender.

Griefing: If the player did it unintentionally I would slay only but If the player did it on purpose I would proceed with a ban for 1 day or more depending on the severity.

Delaying: If a player delays, i'd first slap, beacon and if the player doesn't react or respond I'd procced with a slay. (Applies to everyone)

Warden doing a banned minigame/day: tell the warden that its not allowed first. If the Warden doesn't listen I would slay.(Applies to doing meatgrinder as a first gamemode, Theatre with over 8 people, kitchen with over 8 players and a special round twice without a round between)

Ghosting: I would tell the player to stop and if the player doesn't react or respond I would gag/mute for 1 day or more depending ón how much he ghosted.

Exploiting: First I would tell the player to go out, If not I would slay and ban for 1 day.

Talking over warden: I would ask the player who's overtalking to stop. If he deosn't I would proceed to mute him/her 1day.

Not having a mic as blue: I would ask him/her clearly and a couple of times to give him a change to active mic and speak. If the player isn't responding in mic I would perma teamban the player until he/she shows that he/she has a mic.

Warden giving tricky orders: I would ask him to stop and if not, slay.

Inproppiate spray: Spray ban until he/she Changes it.

Illegal ff: immediately turn it off and ask why. If done accidently and no one got hurt I would let It slip. However, if the warden does this on purpose I would slay and ban for 1 day
(If the warden accidently does it and turns it off too late I would only just slay).

If its a guard and if I caught the guard I would ban that guard for 1 week.

Overtalking during a mic check: I would ask him to not overtalk and if he continues I would gag for 2 hours.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
So, Regarding the comms the first ones were from when I was new. I've gotten more mature in how I act and I belive that enough time has passed for me too realize what i've done, realize the consequences and learn from It. Questions on discords are minor things and should not be taking into consideration here.
My latest gag was from "overtalking" Many people overtalked warden and I was apperantly the "loudest"

I have a clear history when it comes too administrating. No previous heavy bans on other communites as far as I know..
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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
If Yes, which ones?
I was admin on a romanian server but quit. I was admin on a JB server but soonly after retired. I am not so familiar with the admin commands because a friend asked the owner to give me admin Powers and he trusted me. I handled it well but struggled with mic checking and hesitated.

I have to say that this is not inspiring any level of confidence that I look for in an applicant. Aside from the poor grammar, you appear to have a serious lack of dedication to being an admin. You appear to quit before you even learn the admin commands. Care to take a moment and expand on this prior to looking at the rest of your app?




Aug 17, 2017
I have to say that this is not inspiring any level of confidence that I look for in an applicant. Aside from the poor grammar, you appear to have a serious lack of dedication to being an admin. You appear to quit before you even learn the admin commands. Care to take a moment and expand on this prior to looking at the rest of your app?
Hi RainbowRob!

I mainly quit because the servers were mostly dead. I didnt know that I was gonna switch to a community like this. I am sorry that you feel this way about me. I am trying to be dedicated.

I will fix the grammatical errors. Thanks for taking your time reading my app!
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Truly Feared


Oct 15, 2017
Aside from the spelling mistakes, I disagree with you being able to take criticism well. Based on our brief encounters, you seem like someone who can’t be all too serious and/or take criticism. Going back to what @RainbowRob said, I don’t have much confidence in that you’ll be able to handle the position. Quitting before actually learning commands doesn’t look so good on you. I’d say this is based on your rather young age (just an assumption). Handling such a job can be quite overwhelming. For the time being, -support.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi RainbowRob!

I mainly quit because the servers were mostly dead.
This makes me question your commitment, as it can be interpreted as "I jumped ship for a more popular community as soon as the one I worked for began to die."
I'm not too convinced...

Osome Oli

Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 2, 2017
Your application has grammatical and punctual errors, especially with capitalisation.

Also, if we refer to https://blackwonder.tf/threads/report-against-dj-ennis-ezmcpz.7805/ , we can see that you teamkilled with illegal FF, showing a lack of knowledge of rules.

Because I'm not an admin nor a respected user here nobody cares what I think, but I just want to put these things here for consideration.




Aug 17, 2017
Aside from the grammatical errors I realize that I am not ready. Thanks for putting down time to reply to my app. I was too full of myself and I hope it will change. For now, Close this thread. I will keep trying to be dedicated though but I hope you all understand. I made an app, I was happy and then when you guys commented and I saw myself what i've done wrong. My application was also too rushed. Now, this doesn't mean that I cant take crititism, Instead I try to improve from what i've done Before. I try to change based on your cititism. But for now, Close this thread.

Thanks, Vick.
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