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Declined Admin Application from Tuffbob

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Aug 24, 2017
Personal Information


Your Age

Chichester ,United Kingdom

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?
. A W3E Freindly Jailbreak Admin ---> ""
.Been recommend to be a Admin on Heart.tf or AKA DarkNight Gaming

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
I usually play on :
.BlackWonder | Jailbreak ""
.BlackWonder | Trade #1 ""
.BlackWonder | Jump

However if there is a problem on another server i will join it

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I've been playing Blackwonder for the last 3 months and i have found it very Friendly and a welcoming Community. However with all good things there are some bad things. Whenever i get onto a Blackwonder server i always see "FREEKILLLLLLERRR PLZ TEAMBAAANNN" and i want to do something about that.

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
People i have talked too for a few times

I've seen/played:

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
UTC+00:00 10:00 -20:00

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
Note:When the Rulebreaker has been "Perma Banned" the Rule breaker can always post an appeal on the forums

General Punishments:

Hacker: Record , Then Permanent Ban
Racism on chat or mic : Warning , Then a 1-3 Hour Gag/Mute
Spam in mic : Warning , Then Mute for an Hour (However if he has history of Spamming make it longer)
Spam in chat: Warning , Then Gag for an Hour (However if he has history of Spamming make it longer)
Exploiting: Warning, Then a Kick
Inappropriate/Illegal Spray: Warning , Then Permanent Spray Ban
!calladmin: 1 Day Ban (Depending on the situation)
Hack Advertising: Warning , The Permanent Mute/GAG
English in Mic One warning Then a permanent mute

Jailbreak Punishment:

Ghosting: Warning, Then Silence
Overtalking the Warden:Warning, Then Mute for 30-60 minutes
Armour y or Medic Camping : Warning, Then Slay
Round Dealying: Warn Them to stop hiding/running
Sticky Trapping: Warning
Freekill : No warning , Teamban for 1 hour
Mass Freekill Defintly no warning , Teamban 1 week
AFK: Move to spectators
Baiting Freekill: 30-60 minutes Team ban (Depending on the situation)
Bad Mic Warning,Then Teamban for 30 minutes
No Mic Warning, Then Teamban for an Hour
Unwarding: Warning, . Teamban for 30-60 minutes
Freehitting: Warning , Then Slay, Then Teamban for 30 minutes:
Hogging Warden: Warning , Then a 60 minute Teamban

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
As on the question "Have you managed servers previously?"
I Have been on War3Evo for 1 year now and a admin for 9 months ---> Server Here ""
It is a really good community and i have been happy to Moderate the server

.On the Blackwonder Discord
.Mostly Active on the forums

Welp That's All folks , Thanks for taking your time to read my forum

Peace - Tuffbob
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Jun 3, 2017
I know that these blocks are old, but I wanted to add them anyways
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hey ya

Dark Elf


Aug 26, 2017
What's your discord account? Unless you use a different name I haven't seen you.

68.75% (11/16) of your posts were today, and you also weren't on the forums at all for the entirety of November or October, plus you made 5 prior posts, one being the introduction in early august, then a random thread a month later in September. You should put more work into being active on our discord and forums, because as of now I personally and most others don't really know who you are.

Edit: As of this edit (5 days later) applicant has not made a single forum post (or responded to the app) or made any attempt to contact any admin, or use the discord at all. Unless you went on a trip, this shows you aren't very dedicated. Furthermore, the app doesn't have very much effort put into it and due to your lack of dedication, I still have yet to really know who you are. I will be going with -support
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
I don't know you but you don't seem to show you're a leg up compared to the average applicant.

-Support for now
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