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Declined Admin Application from AgentPiman

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Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
Member Name AgentPiman

Name Agent

Contact Information Forums, e-mail (send conversation if need be), Discord (rarely).

Your Age 14

Location Florida, United States of America

Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:45990312

Other Information I prefer not to be added on Steam. If need be, send a conversation.

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

If Yes, which ones? I used to be staff in ShadowRain, a Terraria server. I stopped because Terraria got really boring. I can link you to my application there if you would like.

Why do you want to become an admin? Well, I have been on LA Trade for a ridiculous amount of time (about 400 hours currently), the server I am applying for. I consider myself a nice person, and with admin powers I vow to become much more responsible. Fish, who is an admin as well, said that he has a lot of trouble managing servers and I believe that with my huge amount of activity, I can manage all the trade servers BlackWonder has. I do believe that I am responsible enough to manage trade servers. I'm also on the forums everyday, so I can respond very fast to your comments and/or needs.

Are you familiar with admin commands? No

Do you know any of our current staff members? Yes

If Yes, please tell us the their names. Fish-Related Crimes

Please tell us when you usually play and are available. (EST) Monday through Thursday: 4:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Friday: 4:30 P.M. to 11 P.M. or 12 A.M.
Saturday: 10 A.M. to 11 P.M. or 12 A.M.
Sunday: 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

On what servers do you usually play? BlackWonder LA Trade. Seldom activity in NY Trade.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I'll do this Pro and Con style.
+Very tolerant.
+I have an admin to vouch for me.
+Decent amount of experience in trading.
+Very responsible.
+Very nice unless disrespected (but I do not use bias)
+Extremely active, and I know where to find all trade servers, since I'm applying for one of them.
+Always open to converse.
+If I do get the job, Fish will be at ease since we'll spread the work.
+I can take jokes and constructive criticism, if you consider it a pro.
+I almost always have evidence for bans/gags/mutes.
-Only one admin to vouch for me.
-Only 1 week on the forums.
-History of getting angry due to bugs and disrespectful players.

Fish told me to apply, and he said he will write down why. Feel free to leave constructive criticism as well.

How would you go about punishing a hacker/spammer/simple rulebreaker...etc.?
Hacker: Record a demo file to support my suspicions, then permanently ban him/her.
Spammer/Micspammer: 3 warnings, then gag/mute for 30-60 minutes depending on severity.
Simple Rulebreaker: Depends on how "much" they broke it; will still give warnings.
Scammer: Screenshot for proof, warn all players on the server, then ban the scammer.
Hack advertiser: Screenshot for proof, then permanently ban them.
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Somewhat Threatening


Sep 18, 2016
-Only one admin to vouch for me.
-Only 1 week on the forums.
-History of getting angry due to bugs and disrespectful players.

Why list your cons when you could improve on them first? Like the inactivity on the forums, why don't you just spend a little more time here and THEN apply. I'm not an admin, just giving my 2cents on that part of the app. It just kinda bothered me.


Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
Why list your cons when you could improve on them first? Like the inactivity on the forums, why don't you just spend a little more time here and THEN apply. I'm not an admin, just giving my 2cents on that part of the app. It just kinda bothered me.
First and foremost, thank you for your reply.
The application was made early because Fish is having a hard time managing the trade servers. I think I'm very qualified to become a trade admin due to my activity on the servers and my [self-proclaimed] tolerance to rulebreakers. I do not lose my patience to them.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
I know it seems as if Pi applied really early, but I requested it. It'd be nice to have a helping hand around the trade servers, and I believe Pi would be fit for the job. While he is newer to the forums and that is a factor, I believe it's overshadowed by a couple of other concerns that I can remedy. My only concerns are a lack of knowledge in the trading area (which can be taught) and the ignorance of admin commands and sourcebans, which I'm also willing to sit down and teach. I'm super convinced Pi would be a great addition to the team, as he also calls me regularly when a rule is being broken. I think we all know whether or not I support this app.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
Hello AgentPiman (I spelled it the right way this time),
It is nice to see that you applied, don't sweat it that your forum time is little.
There are not a lot of trade admins so it is nice to see a change there.

I don't do pros and cons so here are just some things I think about this app.
  • You don't know admin commands but they can be taught.
  • You MAYBE don't know your way around Sourcebans but that is taught easily.
  • Being an admin on trade server doesn't REQUIRE knowledge of trading. You are there to keep the peace and punish those that break rules. Having a knowledge of trading is great but not REQUIRED.
  • You looked at yourself and evaluated your pros and cons. That is not an easy thing to do, even though you put so many pros there.
  • Like you said, not a lot of forum activity.
  • You say you know how to find all trade servers because you are applying for one. That seems kind of weird to me but fine.
  • 3 warnings.... that is a lot, don't know how long that would stay.
  • You are online a lot.
Just my input into this, you seem like a nice person and I wish you luck


EDIT: Got rid of the typos.
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Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
Hello AgentPiman (I spelled it the right way this time),
It is nice to see that you applied, don't sweat it that your forum time is little.
There are not a lot of trade admins so it is nice to see a change there.

I don't do pros and cons so here are just some things think about this app.
  • You don't know admin commands but they can be thaught.
  • You MAYBE don't know your way around Sourcebans but that is thaught easily.
  • Being an admin on trade server doesn't REQUIRE knowledge of trading. You are there to keep the peace and punish those that brea rules. Having a knowledge of trading is great but not REQUIRED.
  • You looked at yourself and evaluated your pros and cons. That is not an easy thing to do, even though you put so many pros there.
  • Like you said, not a lot of forum activity.
  • You say you know how to find all trade servers because you are applying for one. That seems kind of weird to me, but fine.
  • 3 warnings.... that is a lot, don't know how long that would stay.
  • You are online a lot.
Just my input into this, you seem like a nice person and I wish you luck


(sorry for typo, is on tablet and will correct them once on PC)
Well, decent knowledge in trading can give you the "nose" for "smelling" who is scamming and who isn't, so I can give a warning to whoever may be interested. I give 3 warnings because I'm very tolerant, but anything beyond that limit will not be acceptable. I said I'm applying for one trade server because that's where I mainly am; but I will start to hop into other trade servers for a little while so I can manage them. Sorry if my syntax was pretty awkward; but this is what I meant.


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Okay, right off the bat, you listed your cons. I hate when I see people do this. You are literally telling me exactly what you think is wrong with you and your application and why you shouldn't be accepted. Maybe instead of listing them, fix them?

But lets start with the pros and cons.

- Active on the trade server.
- Previous administration experience.

- Only knows one admin.
- Been on the forums for 1 week.
- Haven't seen him on Discord.
- Gets angry easily.
- Lists his own cons.

By listing your own cons, it makes it look like you aren't willing to improve and that you rushed this. I know Fish wanted you to apply, but if Fish needs help on a trade server, he can simply message another admin. If you only made an application because of Fish, do you even enjoy the community? Do you even want to improve the community? These things have me concerned.

All in all, I am going with Neutral but leaning towards -Support. Fish can vouch for you, and I do trust Fish, but it's not enough.


Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
Okay, right off the bat, you listed your cons. I hate when I see people do this. You are literally telling me exactly what you think is wrong with you and your application and why you shouldn't be accepted. Maybe instead of listing them, fix them?

But lets start with the pros and cons.

- Active on the trade server.
- Previous administration experience.

- Only knows one admin.
- Been on the forums for 1 week.
- Haven't seen him on Discord.
- Gets angry easily.
- Lists his own cons.

By listing your own cons, it makes it look like you aren't willing to improve and that you rushed this. I know Fish wanted you to apply, but if Fish needs help on a trade server, he can simply message another admin. If you only made an application because of Fish, do you even enjoy the community? Do you even want to improve the community? These things have me concerned.

All in all, I am going with Neutral but leaning towards -Support. Fish can vouch for you, and I do trust Fish, but it's not enough.
Listing cons shows that you are honest, and an honest admin is most likely a good one. Listing only pros when you have cons is illogical (https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/65/Cherry_Picking). Even though the cons make it look like I won't improve, it isn't inevitable. I'm also on Discord, so I'm not sure if you can say it's a con if YOU haven't seen me on, right? We might live in different time zones or be on at different times. I'm working on those cons already (except only knows one admin; your fifth con isn't really a con), even if it doesn't look like it. Fish is also on at times but his activity on BlackWonder is nowhere near mine. He even said that I'm fit for the job, so wouldn't it be smart for me to manage the trade servers, which have little to no admins (according to Lucas above)? Lucas also said to disregard forum time. I do appreciate your feedback, though. It really helps me :^)


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Listing cons shows that you are honest, and an honest admin is most likely a good one. Listing only pros when you have cons is illogical (https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/65/Cherry_Picking). Even though the cons make it look like I won't improve, it isn't inevitable. I'm also on Discord, so I'm not sure if you can say it's a con if YOU haven't seen me on, right? We might live in different time zones or be on at different times. I'm working on those cons already (except only knows one admin; your fifth con isn't really a con), even if it doesn't look like it. Fish is also on at times but his activity on BlackWonder is nowhere near mine. He even said that I'm fit for the job, so wouldn't it be smart for me to manage the trade servers, which have little to no admins (according to Lucas above)? Lucas also said to disregard forum time. I do appreciate your feedback, though. It really helps me :^)

I am basically on Discord all day, from like 7am to 12PM GMT at most weekends. Which is why I said that, I basically cover most time, but fair play if you do actually go on it. The 5th con is a con, if you go into an interview for a job you won't say "Well basically I am completely lazy, I really can't be bothered and I am just here for the money." You put a spin on it, a better way to say things "I am quite a relaxed person" for example. And your activity on the servers doesn't really need to be compared to another admins, 100s of people have more time than me on Jailbreak, but I am still admin? And Forum Activity does matter, you can't just "disregard" it. It is a fairly big issue for me and other admins. But I am glad you are actually looking at the feedback people are giving you.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Okay, right off the bat, you listed your cons. I hate when I see people do this. You are literally telling me exactly what you think is wrong with you and your application and why you shouldn't be accepted. Maybe instead of listing them, fix them?

But lets start with the pros and cons.

- Active on the trade server.
- Previous administration experience.

- Only knows one admin.
- Been on the forums for 1 week.
- Haven't seen him on Discord.
- Gets angry easily.
- Lists his own cons.

By listing your own cons, it makes it look like you aren't willing to improve and that you rushed this. I know Fish wanted you to apply, but if Fish needs help on a trade server, he can simply message another admin. If you only made an application because of Fish, do you even enjoy the community? Do you even want to improve the community? These things have me concerned.

All in all, I am going with Neutral but leaning towards -Support. Fish can vouch for you, and I do trust Fish, but it's not enough.
I understand I can call another admin if I need help, but I see a lot of scenarios where that can be inconvenient for myself and the admin in question. What if the admin is overseeing another server? Piman is pretty much always on trade, and can hop servers with ease. Also, after all of these hours spent on trade, Piman has developed sort of an eye for trading, if you will, and having such trading knowledge is incredibly vital to helping run a trade server.
EDIT: Also, the way Piman worded it sounded like he's applying because I told him to. Piman planned to apply after he ironed out a lot of those cons, but for the reasons above, I requested Piman apply.


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Listing cons shows that you are honest, and an honest admin is most likely a good one. Listing only pros when you have cons is illogical (https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/65/Cherry_Picking). Even though the cons make it look like I won't improve, it isn't inevitable. I'm also on Discord, so I'm not sure if you can say it's a con if YOU haven't seen me on, right? We might live in different time zones or be on at different times. I'm working on those cons already (except only knows one admin; your fifth con isn't really a con), even if it doesn't look like it. Fish is also on at times but his activity on BlackWonder is nowhere near mine. He even said that I'm fit for the job, so wouldn't it be smart for me to manage the trade servers, which have little to no admins (according to Lucas above)? Lucas also said to disregard forum time. I do appreciate your feedback, though. It really helps me :^)
I'm not too fond of the listing cons myself, but it's not a massive deal. I do however, hate the fact that you've said it proves you're honest. The irony here is that you know the impression it makes, and could be lying to make that impression, especially with the subtle self promotion. (See "an honest admin is a good admin") I don't have an opinion on this application at the minute, but feel free to challenge my interpretation. The replies often reveal more than the application does anyway. I'll be looking out for you on the forums and Discord. Trade servers aren't my thing.


Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
I am basically on Discord all day, from like 7am to 12PM GMT at most weekends. Which is why I said that, I basically cover most time, but fair play if you do actually go on it. The 5th con is a con, if you go into an interview for a job you won't say "Well basically I am completely lazy, I really can't be bothered and I am just here for the money." You put a spin on it, a better way to say things "I am quite a relaxed person" for example. And your activity on the servers doesn't really need to be compared to another admins, 100s of people have more time than me on Jailbreak, but I am still admin? And Forum Activity does matter, you can't just "disregard" it. It is a fairly big issue for me and other admins. But I am glad you are actually looking at the feedback people are giving you.
I'm not too fond of the listing cons myself, but it's not a massive deal. I do however, hate the fact that you've said it proves you're honest. The irony here is that you know the impression it makes, and could be lying to make that impression, especially with the subtle self promotion. (See "an honest admin is a good admin") I don't have an opinion on this application at the minute, but feel free to challenge my interpretation. The replies often reveal more than the application does anyway. I'll be looking out for you on the forums and Discord. Trade servers aren't my thing.
An honest admin is most likely a good admin. I never said that it's a guarantee. I know it's hard to convince that one is honest with little evidence, but a claim poorly argued doesn't make it necessarily false (thinking so is fallacious reasoning). I'm not sure how I would "prove" myself to be honest, so it would be nice for you to think of a way, and to add on to it, keep the idea hidden from me so I won't do just what you thought of.


Sufficiently Lethal
Nov 20, 2016
Alright right off hand I have noticed a few things as @Grizzly Stated, "The irony here is that you know the impression it makes and could be lying to make that impression, especially with the subtle self-promotion." that made it seem that you COULD be lying right off the bat, I say prove your honesty.

My Opinion has to be leaning towards NEGATIVE Support.
Sorry mate. @AgentPiman Goodluck

As of @Lucas, He has a good point.
  • You don't know admin commands but they can be taught.
  • You MAYBE don't know your way around Sourcebans but that is taught easily.
  • Being an admin on trade server doesn't REQUIRE knowledge of trading. You are there to keep the peace and punish those that break rules. Having a knowledge of trading is great but not REQUIRED.
  • You looked at yourself and evaluated your pros and cons. That is not an easy thing to do, even though you put so many pros there.
  • Like you said, not a lot of forum activity.
  • You say you know how to find all trade servers because you are applying for one. That seems kind of weird to me but fine.
  • 3 warnings.... that is a lot, don't know how long that would stay.
  • You are online a lot.

As also stated by @Ben289


- Only knows one admin.
- Been on the forums for 1 week.
- Haven't seen him on Discord.
- Gets angry easily.
- Lists his own cons.


Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
I say prove your honesty.
I'm not sure how I would "prove" myself to be honest, so it would be nice for you to think of a way, and to add on to it, keep the idea hidden from me so I won't do just what you thought of.
I listed cons to try and keep my application free from fallacious reasoning.
My application is still subject to change, and I'm working on effacing the cons said. Thank you for your reply.


Sufficiently Lethal
Nov 20, 2016
I listed cons to try and keep my application free from fallacious reasoning.
My application is still subject to change, and I'm working on effacing the cons said. Thank you for your reply.

Alright man have a nice night I wish the best to you.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Howdy @AgentPiman !

You certainly seem like a well-intentioned guy, and you seem to have a more honest opinion of yourself, than many people. Listing your own cons is an interesting thing, and I actually see it as a PRO for you. I have some advice.

Jump on discord. You dont have to be serious, just banter with whatever users are on. Be courteous and just chat with some people.
Try out a few other servers. There are not moderator/admins for just one type of server. Although most of us have our comfort zones.
Echoing what I said in a report a few minutes ago. I think you would benefit from sitting back a little bit more and inspecting an entire situation. Being rash and/or only punishing one person in a crowd can hurt the server's trust of the admins.

I am - Negative for now. Just make an effort to meet more of us and try to remove yourself from conflict, so maybe you will have a more objective view of things. ;-)


Totally Ordinary
Jan 8, 2017
Hello @RainbowRob ,

Firstly, thank you for your reply.
Secondly, I do understand that I can use Discord to request help, but most of the times that I do it, it takes at least 10 minutes for one admin to respond (when Fish is offline). I mainly reported Beezaah and Stingy because they were the main rulebreakers (plus, two wrongs don't make a right, Beezaah shouldn't have attacked back). Since there was a clusterfunk of voices in the server, it would have taken quite some time to pick ALL the rulebreakers and send individual reports. If I was an admin in this situation, though, I would warn/mute/gag appropriately. Also, the Discord server is rather inactive when I am on. Not trying to be derogatory, but
Be courteous and just chat with some people.
I think you would benefit from sitting back a little bit more and inspecting an entire situation. Being rash and/or only punishing one person in a crowd can hurt the server's trust of the admins.
so maybe you will have a more objective view of things. ;-)
is quite an overgeneralization. Since when was I really biased? I do try to understand the situation in question, but since I don't have all day (plus, it was a clusterfunk), would I really have a chance if no moderator was on the server? It feels like a loaded situation. I do think that this situation would have been handled better if admins respond to Discord quickly, or if I became an admin myself. I'm also ramping up Discord activity, so that won't be a problem.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Hello @RainbowRob ,

Firstly, thank you for your reply.
Secondly, I do understand that I can use Discord to request help, but most of the times that I do it, it takes at least 10 minutes for one admin to respond (when Fish is offline). I mainly reported Beezaah and Stingy because they were the main rulebreakers (plus, two wrongs don't make a right, Beezaah shouldn't have attacked back). Since there was a clusterfunk of voices in the server, it would have taken quite some time to pick ALL the rulebreakers and send individual reports. If I was an admin in this situation, though, I would warn/mute/gag appropriately. Also, the Discord server is rather inactive when I am on. Not trying to be derogatory, but

is quite an overgeneralization. Since when was I really biased? I do try to understand the situation in question, but since I don't have all day (plus, it was a clusterfunk), would I really have a chance if no moderator was on the server? It feels like a loaded situation. I do think that this situation would have been handled better if admins respond to Discord quickly, or if I became an admin myself. I'm also ramping up Discord activity, so that won't be a problem.
Woah buddy.

I was just suggesting that we need to stay objective in general.

And I was suggesting that you go on discord to talk to people, not just report them. Just to say hello and join in on whatever people are discussing. :)
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