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Adjust stalemate timer on the Dodgeball servers.




Mar 19, 2020

As a regular dodgeball player from your servers, I love playing against the dodgeball bot to see how far I can go.

Unfortunately, I have noticed that there is
a timer before the round gets stalemated (10minutes and 09 seconds) which is very annoying. Whenever it happens, the round ends and thus the rocket dissapears without any traces of the speed reached. The same logic can apply for when two players are 1v1'ing with godmode on, after 10 minutes and 09 seconds, it just stops. You might think that this isnt a big deal but when you've been reflecting for 10 minutes straight you find it very frustrating.

My suggestion is that the stalemate timer gets extended or completely removed so that we can fully rally without interruptions.

(Example of the stalemate timer triggering :
-credit to Nuno.76 for clipping) (Full video :

Sincerely yours,

Ricky :3

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Jul 31, 2020
poor dead people who just wanna get back to the game that has to watch you rally for 30+ mins.. 1v1 would be fine but i can see that people would get annoyed at some point, especially if you do it multiple rounds at a time.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
poor dead people who just wanna get back to the game that has to watch you rally for 30+ mins.. 1v1 would be fine but i can see that people would get annoyed at some point, especially if you do it multiple rounds at a time.
perhaps there could be a workaround? Like, after 5 minutes of 1v1, dead people can vote whether to let them keep going or to end the round so they can play too?
ofc the timing is variable, it's just a suggestion




Mar 19, 2020
poor dead people who just wanna get back to the game that has to watch you rally for 30+ mins.. 1v1 would be fine but i can see that people would get annoyed at some point, especially if you do it multiple rounds at a time.
Hi Ricky,

I would like to point out (for the non-dodgeball players) that normal 1v1 fights against a player (or the bot) usually takes up to less than a minute to a maximum of around 3 minutes, which means that 5+ minutes fights are a rare occurence as most people cannot do them on ''will''. Additionally, I strongly believe that such high speeds are ONLY reachable using the bot (crashing issues for players at around 227 and 459 deflections, see the linked video at 3 minutes and 11 seconds for a 227 deflections crash). This means that it will mostly happen when the bot is on and players ''waiting to play'' could just simply disable the bot (by typing !votepvb) to end the round and get a chance to play or just wait for me to die, although I always make sure to attempt those high speed rallies against the bot whenever the server is empty (you can see in the first long video I sent that the only person who joined the server during the WHOLE 10 minutes was Nuno.76 and that is only because I called him to hop on at 4am).

perhaps there could be a workaround? Like, after 5 minutes of 1v1, dead people can vote whether to let them keep going or to end the round so they can play too?
ofc the timing is variable, it's just a suggestion
I do think this is a good idea as there is a plugin in your deathrun and versus saxton hale servers (and maybe even other gamemodes) that lets people vote to extend the round timer by 2 minutes whenever there is 2 minutes remaining. Dodgeball might be one of the only, if not the only gamemode that doesnt have that plugin.
what about adding the vote for extending the round like on deathrun?

Anyways, I do believe that a vote to extend the stalemate timer would be a good fitting solution to solve this problem.
Thank you for reading,

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