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A new age of Jailbreak Tf2 - Essay by Its Reyn Time


Apr 29, 2024
Dear Staff of Blackwonder,

I have conjured this proposal to help save your fine server, I have kept it concise and to the point, however this is a complex issue so I have had to give some much needed context. I thank you for reading this proposal, I hope you will read it thoroughly, thank you.

What is TF2 Jailbreak?

Its a place of both jails and breaking, joys and sadness, reds and blus, Kimmels and Snakemans. Its a land of dualities really, a power struggle between order and chaos. Some could say it is a representation of humanity itself, our constant battle for survival, building cities, giving last requests and yet also sending ourselves to our doom global warming, making people play climb. I personally am enamoured with it our desire to build systems and then tear them down. However I have not addressed the elephant in the room, I have established that Jailbreak works because we have built a system designed for people to follow and rebel at the same time but I have not addressed why this apparatus we call Jailbreak can work, The Warden.

To be The Warden

The Warden is tasked with both ordering the blus and the reds, narrowly avoiding constant assassination plots, devised by cunning spies or an army of bunny hopping Heavys, The Warden provides order, a purpose, a reason to play. Some believe The Warden is on a power trip, I must admit in my more infantile days on this fine server, I too believed that but then I asked myself, why is The Warden "power tripping" in truth its a genius move, they are showing us our places, terms like "afk freeze" and "crouch walk" seem at first to just be orders for the sake of orders, bossing around anywhere from actual feti to groomers here for said feti but they are actually instilling force felt for the rest of the round.

I understand why many imbecile reds may not understand it, or even the more so educated blus, which is why I have a proposal to bring justice to the server once and for all, the rule to end all rules, but first you must learn a bit about my humble self.

My Insignificant self

I have been playing TF2 Blackwonder Jailbreak for a time now, I have seen many wardens, retire and backstabbed, many freedays come and gone. I have fought for The Warden respect I know that they deserve, every round without fail "RESPECT THE WARDEN" sent at the start with friendly reminder sprinkled throughout the round, "WARDEN DISRESPECT IS KOS", "OBEY THE WARDEN", "DO AS WARDEN COMMANDS". When someone foolishly decides to fire The Warden I shout, fille with passion, "DO NOT FIRE FIREING IS WARDEN DISRESPECT".I made a spray, to place in the most populated areas (seen below). I have been named by some as "warden glazer", "the meat rider", "failed abortion" all badges I don with honour. In my heart I truly respect The Warden, for sacrificing their chance to fit in with society, jobs and other normal person activities all to make sure the tf2 prison is kept in order, however others are not as, enlightened as me which at long last brings me to the suggestion


My Proposal

Warden disrespect needs to be KOS, its quite simple really, I am sure you well mannered, highly educated admins will concur and comprehend with this suggestion . The reds must learn that if they want their joyous rotation of climb, death run, spinner (its called sweeper but spinner is a better name) and the occasional vs sentry they must learn to respect the big man in the particle, The Warden.

This should be listed out in the rules of the server, most likely in bold maybe even number one on the list. Thats up to you well adjusted admins to decide. Just like the adds it should appear in pop ups for people to view and press the continue button right as they make that jump last jump on climb, causing them to fall to their inevitable death.

This is already backed by the highly respected Bergenco who has become rich in credits from ensuring that people follow the rules, he even on occasion takes the lead as The Warden and does a quite fine and respectable job at it, rarely being back stabbed by those pesky spies. I hope you and the fine Blackwonder staff (much finer than the panda staff if I do say so myself) will consider this proposal with the attention it deserves, I look forward to your response.

You Must Help Save Jailbreak Now

I hope your Time is always Reyn

Sincerely - Its Reyn Time



Staff Member
Jul 16, 2023
yes. this is great. this will single-handedly cure jailbreak of everything. this needs to be added ASAP.

(quick demo)

I mean it even fits right in.

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wario land 3

Jan 31, 2024
#respectthewarden i am sick and tired of being freekilled by no-lifers who cant be bothered to follow simple directions! we should make it bannable instead of kos!!!


Apr 29, 2024
do we still have to respect the warden after we kill them? like do we have to send our condolences to their kangaroo wife?
I wouldnt worry about that. I would worry about my very own private team of blus, who have officially marked you as kos, irl. But yes The Warden must be respected pre, during and post life, you wouldnt spit on a war hero's grave would you? that goes triple for The Warden. #RespectTheWarden


Apr 29, 2024
Smh gotta hate Reyn #WardenDisrespect4ever!!!
Say it to my face you Warden Disrespecter, you wont because if I was ever in a 100 mile radius of you, I would be equipped in a full hazmat suit, blocking my face. your stench is so foul and hair so greasy you literally have a case to be made for breaking the geneva convention for chemical warfare.

Respect not just the warden but all of us by taking a shower, please.



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