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Answered A few JB questions.

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Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Okay, so there's been a few arguments about this and I'd like a bit of a clear verdict on whether or not a few things can be done in Jailbreak.

The first one is a command that Ben and GRXD got in a bit of a "debate" about recently which Ben commonly uses. The command is "(crouch walk to the yellow line and) AFK freeze upon arrival, facing me at all times." A lot of the time, a large bunch (I'm talking about 12-14 on a populated server) don't follow this order. The point against this that I heard is that you can't be AFK frozen and look at someone. I think that it should be allowed because a lot of times, definitions can be added upon by the warden. If a warden can say "AFK freeze, but freelooking is allowed" why can't they say "AFK freeze but look at me at all times"? They're both not technically AFK frozen. I'd like to hear about this one specifically and see what the staff will come up with.

A second one is something I personally disagree with. When typing a custom LR, sometimes the prisoner will request a day where everyone has to be a certain class. I'm not entirely sure on whether this should be allowed since A) The only time they can see the LR is when the person types it and once the next round has started, and B) Once the round has started, they can't obey the LR if they hadn't noticed what the LR was, or if they were AFK when the custom LR was given. It seems somewhat unfair to me, but I understand if this is still allowed to be done.

A final question is kind of a mixed and general question, because it can apply to multiple things. Earlier today, an LR was given where I had to sing (because my singing voice is apparently so sexy) Now I'm all fine with singing, but it seemed like a form of mic spam. So my question is A) is requesting someone to sing something that can be done, and B) would some sort of X Factor day be a legitimate game to play? While both are relatively fun to watch, it's somewhat spammy on the mic and the warden may not be able to be heard once someone has started singing. Personally I'd love an X-Factor day since I used to do that sort of thing ages ago in GMod Jailbreak.

Any reply to any of these questions would be helpful, even if it is only opinion. Thanks ^^


α΄„ΚŸα΄‡α΄ α΄‡Κ€ Ι’ΙͺΚ€ΚŸ


Aug 27, 2016
The first issue was cleared up on Discord yesterday, if I'm not mistaken. One look at our JB rules and you'll see the definition of AFK:

AFK freeze: No moving, no usage of mouse, no taunting.

As freelooking requires mouse movement, "AFK freeze, but keep your eyes on me" is a contradictory command. I'd suggest telling prisoners to AFK freeze, facing away from their cells or that once they make it to where they're supposed to be, that they may freelook only and not move otherwise.

I've had experience with the second issue, which isn't entirely fair. I use the short intervals between rounds as well as almost the entire round most of the time (because I keep getting killed) to check on Discord/ Blackwonder for reports. I was away for two seconds, came back and was killed, just because I wasn't a Pyro.

As for the third issue? There I can't help you. I'm not sure how people would feel about being put on the spot like that, though.


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
You don't need to follow verbal LRs such as 'warden must talk in squeaky voice', but you're allowed to as long as people can still understand you. I'd say 'Sing for me Grizzly' goes into that category. You might have heard me in-game at that time trying to make sure you sang at an opportune moment when no orders were given or a minigame was in progress.

For the class-specific LRs, I think it's a fresh idea and makes for interesting rounds, but I can see how it's unfair to the recently-joined or absent-minded. A custom LR could be set in place for this which also forces all prisoners to a certain class... I'll add that to my 'MAKE BEN DO PLS' list...

As of now, I just respawn players at the very start of the round if they pick the wrong class.


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
The first issue was cleared up on Discord yesterday, if I'm not mistaken. One look at our JB rules and you'll see the definition of AFK:

AFK freeze: No moving, no usage of mouse, no taunting.

As freelooking requires mouse movement, "AFK freeze, but keep your eyes on me" is a contradictory command. I'd suggest telling prisoners to AFK freeze, facing away from their cells or that once they make it to where they're supposed to be, that they may freelook only and not move otherwise.
In regards with the first issue, I can see why you may disagree with it as it does contradict the term AFK freeze, and I am aware of that rule. However, I've seen a lot of orders pass that are similar to it such as "AFK freeze" and then "AFK taunts are allowed" even though the definition includes no taunting. A lot of the time, it seems that wardens may add their own parts to a definition as long as they are clear about it and it doesn't make anything drastically unfair. One example of this would be the AFK taunting thing, and I don't see why looking at the warden wouldn't fit into that category as well. If you're allowed to make an exception to taunting, I think you should be able to make an exception to moving your mouse as well. The only way I would support your point GRXD is if it was made clear that the only reason an exception can be made for AFK taunts is because it's optional, where as being forced to look at the warden is not.

You don't need to follow verbal LRs such as 'warden must talk in squeaky voice', but you're allowed to as long as people can still understand you. I'd say 'Sing for me Grizzly' goes into that category. You might have heard me in-game at that time trying to make sure you sang at an opportune moment when no orders were given or a minigame was in progress.
What worries me is that no, I didn't hear you trying to make sure I sang at opportune moments as I was probably singing. Although, I did make sure I only sang specifically when the warden asked, and I stopped when I was asked. So I guess it's not that bad of a thing to do, although there will always be the people who won't stop singing and ruin the round.

Also, thanks for both of your input on the second question, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having problems.


Aug 24, 2016
Well the first issue was basically sorted out as what @GRXD [ α΄„Κœ ] mentioned.
I have experienced the second issue multiple times. It does annoy people since they disagree with it and I personally disagree with it as well. A class restricted lr is quite annoying and depending on the class, permits rebelling. If the lr was to be all scouts, majority of the whole red team will be sandman scouts and just throw their balls and instantly rebel. Heavies well time for the pootis pow spam. So you kind of get my point I hope.
The third issue does kind of fall in the category of mic spam. I do mute some people for singing on mic so that lr would be invalid imo. But there was one incident where Miyu was on the blue team and my lr was "For the first 10 seconds of the round, the blue team must moan." It was obviously a dumb lr but pretty fun since one kid got really into it. I will never do an lr like that again since it's massive mic spam. Well nonetheless those are my opinions, let's see what else everyone has to say.


Swiss Knife


Jul 20, 2016
Well the first issue was basically sorted out as what @GRXD [ α΄„Κœ ] mentioned.
I have experienced the second issue multiple times. It does annoy people since they disagree with it and I personally disagree with it as well. A class restricted lr is quite annoying and depending on the class, permits rebelling. If the lr was to be all scouts, majority of the whole red team will be sandman scouts and just throw their balls and instantly rebel. Heavies well time for the pootis pow spam. So you kind of get my point I hope.
The third issue does kind of fall in the category of mic spam. I do mute some people for singing on mic so that lr would be invalid imo. But there was one incident where Miyu was on the blue team and my lr was "For the first 10 seconds of the round, the blue team must moan." It was obviously a dumb lr but pretty fun since one kid got really into it. I will never do an lr like that again since it's massive mic spam. Well nonetheless those are my opinions, let's see what else everyone has to say.
then we discuss this issue further to ban the lr where you request all to be a certain class.. basically, custom lr should be "requesting a minigame for reds" or something..

seen a red requesting blu to do obby while red watches.. but then it will result in reds going into armoury and rebel.. lr's can't be requests where they get an easy chance on rebelling imo


Aug 24, 2016
then we discuss this issue further to ban the lr where you request all to be a certain class.. basically, custom lr should be "requesting a minigame for reds" or something..

seen a red requesting blu to do obby while red watches.. but then it will result in reds going into armoury and rebel.. lr's can't be requests where they get an easy chance on rebelling imo
Remember that time when a red requested for everyone to be crouching at all times except the warden? That's what I call favoritism at its best.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
Don't really know if resolved but here is my opinion on a part:

The AFK Freeze + [freelook, etc] should not be allowed. I started yesterday with binding definitions of rules; like AFK freeze.
A lot of people make up rules or don't know ALL the rules. Like "inside rebel day: If you are in your cell you are KOS." which is not mentioned in the JB rules.

"AFK freeze: No moving, no usage of mouse, no taunting."
So NO taunting and moving whatsover (btw AFK = AWAY FROM KEYBOARD.. so shouldnt it be: no typing/speaking too?)
But you also have; Taunt freeze: "Equal to AFK freeze but you can use a non-lethal and non-moving taunt."
Taunt Freeze is a command a lot of people don't know about.
So when a warden says AFK freeze, they still ask if they can taunt.

I also don't understand why the: "No free looking: No usage of mouse so you keep viewing where you are looking at." is a thing. When else would you use it than with a FREEZE command?
Because when people are standing on a line and you tell them they can't freelook, it's just a half-FREEZE. Because they can still walk.

So there either should be a FREEZE command that makes it clear for people they can freelook and/or taunt instead of saying: "AFK freeze on arrival, BUT you can freelook" which is contradicting the statement before the BUT.

This is my opinion and if you don't understand it or think I am wrong than, please let's have a conversation about the Definitions of Warden commands.

EDIT: fixed a few typos


Swiss Knife


Jul 20, 2016
AFK means no moving and no freelooking as if you are afk, you are away from your mouse aswell, and your pc. That's why we gave AFK Freeze that definition. People do can say afterwards, you are allowed to taunt or freelook. But if they don't, you can't do untill permission given. People will still ask anything, even if I say "upon arrival, be afk, that means no moving, no freelooking and no taunting" and then they ask "can we taunt". What did I just say? Anyway, a warden can say "be afk frozen but you can freelook" that means he wants you to not move from your place. but it's easier to use known terms than saying "upon arrival, you can not move anymore, do not taunt but you can freelook" to say "upon arrival, afk freeze but you can freelook" c:

People listen very badly, even when it comes to reading they only read what they want to read.

If things are not in the rules, it could be a possible thing that could be allowed if it's making sence. They can do a "in cell rebel day" but they have to explain clearly what it means. But they can't do minigames where it involves reds attacking blues or where someone is getting favorited. If you notice any minigame being created that shouldn't be allowed or atleast set up with rules we allow, please mention us. Like "gladiator" and "shark" are not allowed as that is just guards freekilling.

We can't add everything into our jb rules as there is so much, we cover the most important and basics to our servers. And if anything is causing lots of confusion, we try to clarify and add it to the list. But we can't explain it all in details as it will become too long and too much... then nobody bothers reading.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
So you can basically say: ("AFK freeze on arrival" + "[command.x]") where x is a command like: "freelooking" or "taunting".
So you can use the basic commands but modify them if you explain what they are?

Sorry if it is a bit in "code" format... That is because I just write that way :p

EDIT: fixed typos
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