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  1. spencer2137

    Resolved Negative credits despite not even starting a trade + I cannot re-enable contracts

    So I got into Blackwonder VSH server today and after typing /storebot I saw "-11 credits" (later changed to -1). I had around 2600 credits beforehand and I didn't buy anything from the store. What is more, when I checked /contracts, the contracts were off (maybe I missclicked and pressed 1...
  2. TheGuy blw.tf

    Resolved Cant complete contract

    Hi! Today i was on achievement engineer server and wanted to make contract for another points. I must win 10 times. But on this map i cant win any round. When i was trying to do this contract on another server (deathrun #1) there was another contract to win 5 times.... What i can do with this...
  3. FerSave

    Resolved Contracts never coming...

    This happened since i suggested to add a way to boost the contracts earnings. what happened? the next contract came out with a 15% credits reduction, and then the new one didn't come for 3 days, also, my contracts counter disappeared, and now it keeps spacing more and more making it really...
  4. O

    Resolved Problem with Contracts

    I've been on this contract for ages, it's one to do with shotguns. I have to kill 50 people with a shotgun or kill them while they're rocket jumping, but it only scores when they rocketjump and I kill them. And when I got to the halfway point it reset. Could you fix this?
  5. B

    Important Jailbreak bugs and more

    Last couple of days I've seen some bugs on jb. Last request: Low gravity does nothing haven't gotten lr twice to test if high gravity does but I'm assuming that doesn't work either Teambans: Also does nothing it says when trying to guardban someone with sm_teamban name TimeInMinutes It says...
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