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  1. P

    Completed jb hide and seek suggestions

    to make it more fair for guards, one of the following can be done so that hide and seek is easier to survive 1. give guards extended immunity 2. remove demoman and soldier and kritzkrieg altogether from red hide and seek like in prop hunt 3. freeze reds earlier
  2. P

    Resolved Report against Supreme (jb)

    the first one, but why would i be punished for something that takes 2 minutes to get done, affects like 4 people, makes like 16 other people happy, and shortens the length of quite possibly the most hated lr in the game
  3. P

    Resolved Report against Supreme (jb)

    the way to stop is play medic, pyro, or huntsman sniper. soldier and demo sometimes work as well, and that's the majority of classes
  4. P

    Resolved Report against Supreme (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? Supreme What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198817193061/ (steam id finder is being weird for me doesnt show steam ids) What is the...
  5. P

    Declined Report against america runs on bunger (jb)

    did attach idk why it didnt go in 26000
  6. P

    Declined Report against america runs on bunger (jb)

    Username: Preacher_Platinum Who are you reporting? america runs on bunger What server game mode is the report concerned with? jb What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313076017/ (went to steamid finder, it said some weird id that didn't look...
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