Resolved Dead ringer mute bug.


Mildly Menacing


Hey there, so this following bug has been around for as long as i can remember, but nothing has been done about it, so i would like to post it here now.
When you are playing vs saxton hale LR on Jailbreak, and you go spy, if you dead ringer out of Hale's hit, the game registers it as you dying and Mutes you in game. So after you dead ringer out of Hale's hit, you can no longer use in game voice chat anymore. this bug is really annoying when I'm trying to just chat with the people on the server but then i get muted for just playing the game.
Hope you can fix this.
P.S: i think this also applies for using the dead ringer during Class warfare and Warday LRs, i could be wrong tho.

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Velcro is a Furry
Staff Member


I made a similar thread a while ago :p Would be nice to see this fixed regardless.

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