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Answered Fire abuse


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
Was there anyone who was actually punished for fire abuse.
And if so what are the examples of Fire abuse besides firing the entirety of blu just to get free day.


Head Mod
Staff Member


Oct 26, 2016
Abusing !fire gets you banned for a day or more depending on previous punishments. Firing the warden for no valid reason (i.e. typing !fire as soon as a new warden steps in, firing because you want freeday), rallying other people to fire the warden for no valid reason and firing on a FDFA are what I would consider !fire abuse.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
Abusing !fire gets you banned for a day or more depending on previous punishments. Firing the warden for no valid reason (i.e. typing !fire as soon as a new warden steps in, firing because you want freeday), rallying other people to fire the warden for no valid reason and firing on a FDFA are what I would consider !fire abuse.
Sorry mate but there is literally NOTHING in the rules about fire abuse, I guess you could file it in under “no exploits” but still there have been plenty of incidences of people firing someone instantly and you know it. It happens all the time but admins don’t do anything because it’s not a rule, I think.
Also what is a good reason to fire someone? Give me a good definition pretty please.
Love you mate but still I have to disagree with you here.

If you have proper video evidence.
Like I said before no ones been reported for fire abuse, and no one has actually been punished for fire abuse. Hell most reports like Aegeus’s reports (Sorry I love you man but you report people prominently and have done this before)
See a warden and fire him for no apparent reason. And I would like to add countless admins have seen his reports. And shouldn’t they be punished if fire abuse is a thing? I’m going to judge that your views on fire abuse are the same as Wankas because you did not respond to him nor correct him. So that means you find it cool, which is honestly pretty cool.
A few examples include: (look in chat)
(yes he was being a tard but reds were firing before he gave orders)
(One below is at 3:00 sorry for the poor formatting I’m doing this while on the shitter)
There are many more from other reports yet admins did not recognise this and punish the player if there was such a thing as admin abuse.
Maybe they should go the extra mile with their reports like how you went an extra mile by extending my ban by checking for priors :)

I only typed this up because you saying that I don’t know the rules isn’t very nice of you :)

PS Jim pls shorten my ban a day to a 2 weeks is a bit harsh when I force baited someone in medic and hit them like 4 times before being banned without a verbal warning. Or just check my appeal okay love you.
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Head Mod
Staff Member


Oct 26, 2016
Sorry mate but there is literally NOTHING in the rules about fire abuse
It's still a punishable offence as it's a very shitty thing to do. If you want to stretch it, you could put it under the "use common sense" rule like Jim likes to do with a lot of things.

no ones been reported for fire abuse, and no one has actually been punished for fire abuse.
I've warned people not to do it and I've punished people for it (usually with a kick since dealing with appeals gives me a headache). Not sure why they don't appear in SourceBans but whoopdy doo.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
It's still a punishable offence as it's a very shitty thing to do.
A lot of things in jailbreak are shitty to do.
Doing games based on random chance is a shitty move, doing Warday with freedays is a shitty thing to do. Closing the door and getting a blue killed as warden is a shitty thing to do.
Doing cell wars when there are a few amounts of reds is a shitty thing to do, doing meat grinder with a heavy and spy is a shitty thing to do. Not playing a mini game and walking around the map with markers is a shitty thing to do. Camping obby when the hale is hale as a eureka effect engie is a shitty thing to do.
Yet all of this isn’t breaking the rules.
So this point is just not a very good one.

If you want to stretch it, you could put it under the "use common sense" rule like Jim likes to do with a lot of things.
That’s a pretty long stretch, how is abusing the !fire command common sense. There are no guidelines on firing and the entire point of firing rid a blue of warden. Maybe we could idk add that to the rules.

Jim thinks that being sarcastic, rude and passive aggressive towards 90% of people he talks to is a cool thing to do, when in reality it isn’t and makes him look ill mannered and childish, not saying I’m a saint or anything but he’s supposed to be an admin and you know set an example. So him saying “it’s common sense” doesn’t really hold any weight considering his overall tone.

Common sense is kinda a ignorant move considering fire abuse has quite a few paths and since firing isn’t really given any guidelines then, how can we only use common sense.
Common sense will only work in black and white scenarios which are few and far between.

I've warned people not to do it and I've punished people for it (usually with a kick since dealing with appeals gives me a headache). Not sure why they don't appear in SourceBans but whoopdy doo.
That’s pretty rad. But when handling reports like I’ve shown before there have been cases of fire abuse.
Imagine this.
A report for a freekill on Retail Worker
The evidence proves this, however at the beginning of the round he tried to fire the warden for no apparent reason.
However this is overlooked by an admin and as a result the guy is only teambanned for a freekill when in reality he should have been punished for fire abuse.
You get what I’m saying.
You enforcing it when you are on server isn’t enough. There should be clear details of what fire abuse is, “muh common sense ughhhh get it guys I called him dumb” just isn’t good enough.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Since common sense isn't good enough for you I have come up with a new good rule of thumb for these kinds of scenarios.

If you need to even question whether something is allowed or not, record it and submit it as a report.

Steve Harvey Oswald

Blackwonder's Own
Nov 12, 2016


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
Since common sense isn't good enough for you I have come up with a new good rule of thumb for these kinds of scenarios.

If you need to even question whether something is allowed or not, record it and submit it as a report

First off I would like to say you ignored my other points and only a picked a portion of my arguement.
Secondly regarding the common sense point yes it is usually a good rule however in terms of fire abuse there are multiple grey areas that I believe SHOULD be addressed.
The question was what examples of fire abuse are there. I’m okay with common sense covering it if the answers I get are actually good and cover the reasons of firing someone. That’s why I said those things about common sense because the answer Wanka gave me was poor in its own right.
It would’ve been far more beneficial to actually give me examples of what could be considered fire abuse.

I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad,
The arguments we're having are ones we already had


Also worth noting that the common sense rule you're shilling against now you were shilling for a couple months ago.

Literally only one of those links is about the topic at hand and common sense was already a small part of my post.
I still fully support the common sense rule however I just want a good example of fire abuse. Not just “it’s common sense”.


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
Also what is a good reason to fire someone? Give me a good definition pretty please.
The warden should follow the rules when playing Jailbreak. If they break any of them for whatever reason, it's already a valid reason to fire them. In otherwords, using the rules as a guideline should already give you a platform to know whether or not it's a valid reason to fire them.
And if so what are the examples of Fire abuse besides firing the entirety of blu just to get free day.
Nobody cares about anyone's intentions to falsely fire a warden, it's essentially what provided the reason to do so in the first place.
If the warden had done NOTHING wrong in terms of following the rules, then the player who fired the warden is abusing !fire.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
First off I would like to say you ignored my other points and only a picked a portion of my arguement.

There was nothing to ignore. It was merely conjecture and you cannot argue someone's ill-conceived notions manifested in the inability to accept what is and what is not "common sense".


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
You are 17 (supposedly) and should know the difference between a substantive argument and baloney-riddled conjecture.
I do see the difference and your argument is a good one.
But I fail to see the point in further disputing this as my question has already been answered. This arguement will lead to nothing so why should I partake in something that will waste my time.

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