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Cammy VS Herzog Go Karting Video

Is Cammy and I good at Go Karting

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Nov 18, 2018
Hi everyone of the BLW community, hope you are all doing well.

As you may or may not know, I travelled out of London for a couple days to go and visit a very famous man in BLW called Cammy, to go and take him out of his comfort zone (outside šŸ˜„) and have fun doing activities together. One of these activities in which I took Cammy to included Go Karting, in which I paid an extra 8 quid to get GoPro footage of.

Below I have edited and put together two of the races in which we took part in, race 2 and race 3. For race 1 I didn't have the GoPro footage attached so there will only be the results shown in the video. It is a quite lengthy video, as each race was 15 minutes in length and there are 2 shown, but if you have the time and enjoy Go Karting I would recommend you to watch the video :).

Me and Cammy had a great time together, and I would love to go and do more Karting in the future.

I am going to also add a poll to this post, to see whether or not the community thinks me and Cammy are good at Karting or absolutely trash. All I know is I am better than Cammy so that's all that matters to me ;).

P.S. Smart Water makes you smart.




Apr 11, 2017
Having watched the entire thing, I'm definitely better than Herzog.
I didn't spin at all, hit nobody (one person hit me from the side on bridge hairpin exit), and had a consistently better time, save for the third race with a difference of 0.060.

Herzog was practically a beyblade.

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