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Closed Crits on Jailbreak. (Yup, THAT topic again)

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Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
on one of the 300 servers.
I was mainly talking about jailbreak and specifically staff for jailbreak.
this is not a job. Stating they should be more active is implying there is an expectation when one can't exist.
I mean you can expect at least SOME level of activity from staff, not a baseline minimum figure but actually playing jailbreak once in a while.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
I mean you can expect at least SOME level of activity from staff, not a baseline minimum figure but actually playing jailbreak once in a while.
We do monitor their activity level on the server, thank you for what I am sure is your genuine concern.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
What’s the point in moderating their activity if there is no expectation to bet met.
Obviously it’s a genuine concern or else I wouldn’t bother talking here.
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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
What’s the point in moderating their activity if you there is no supposedly no expectation to bet met.
Obviously it’s a genuine concern or else I wouldn’t bother talking here.

The bigger is issue is finding new staff.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
Dumb old polls representing an old player base are dumb and most people don’t even use the forums
People who don’t even play jailbreak anymore would take up a significant amount of the votes so that’s such a silly point to make. Why wouldn’t a change benefitting the MAJORITY of people be favoured by the majority?
basically polls aren’t a valid way of looking at a player base since it does not give an accurate picture of the servers wants.
I think Robbs right, back then we used to still have rulebreakers but we also had people who genuinely just wanted to play jailbreak but that doesn’t mean the some of the systems in place shouldn’t be changed.
Do you even have any evidence to back your claims? Because all you say is that the polls are filled with people who don’t play jb anymore so they are unreliable. Can you actually prove that, or is it some random claim you made to propel you’re argument further. Also how does the polls not give a accurate representation of the community? If the people who didn’t want crits really cared, they would’ve gone onto the forums and vote. Oh, one last thing, just because you and a couple other people want to remove crits, it doesn’t mean the majority does.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
Do you even have any evidence to back your claims?
The fact that they’re old, the threads always mentioned are ridiculously old.
Also how does the polls not give a accurate representation of the community? If the people who didn’t want crits really cared, they would’ve gone onto the forums and vote.

Hard to believe but no one gives a rats ass about forums unless they’re dedicated players, a majority of players especially now are new and won’t really care about the forums unless they are getting their punishment. So it’s a small minority, including people that don’t even play jailbreak.

Oh, one last thing, just because you and a couple other people want to remove crits, it doesn’t mean the majority does.
Hmm why would a change benefitting the majority of the player base NOT be liked by the majority, you’re just being ignorant and gravely misunderstanding it. You don’t hear reds complain about wanting crits. Because why would they?
The majority do and you need to get with the times old man.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Hmm why would a change benefitting the majority of the player base NOT be liked by the majority, you’re just being ignorant and gravely misunderstanding it. You don’t hear reds complain about wanting crits. Because why would they?
The majority do and you need to get with the times old man.

The majority talk about it, the majority supposedly did last year. Bene made an entire dedicated server and it died within 2 weeks, even with persistent steam invites to the server. Totally open to new ideas though

Tax Fraud

The Monkey King
Aug 12, 2018
I spent about 2 or 3 hours on the no crits US Jailbreak server last night. The entire time, there were never more than 4 or 5 blues compared to around 18-20 reds. There were about 4 out of 30 rounds where blues successfully gave out an LR. A large majority of the time, reds either just walked up to the blues and killed them, or ran away and used their damage as speed boosts for bunny hops. It’s simple. People don’t want to play blue if they’re just going to get run down all game, powerless to do anything. There were a few rounds where we just sat around with no blues, waiting for someone to join. Crits are essential for power balance between the teams. It makes less mobile classes like spy, sniper, and engi more viable. Forcing blues to play soldier or scout all game isn't healthy for people who don't enjoy playing those classes. Without crits, reds can just turn off their brains and run away with relative ease.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
I spent about 2 or 3 hours on the no crits US Jailbreak server last night. The entire time, there were never more than 4 or 5 blues compared to around 18-20 reds. There were about 4 out of 30 rounds where blues successfully gave out an LR. A large majority of the time, reds either just walked up to the blues and killed them, or ran away and used their damage as speed boosts for bunny hops.
Dumb because other no crit servers have this issue, this is just a thing thats temporary. Even with that stupid disparity crits wouldnt have helped in that specific situation anyway so what’s your point really.
Without crits, reds can just turn off their brains and run away with relative ease.
That’s also dumb because with a competent team that’s not really the case. That already happens with crits. Like all of the stuff you mentioned happens with crits.
Playing ONE match with ONE specific scenario where the outcome ISNT changed by crits and using it as an argument is just wrong.
It’s weak as hell.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
I spent about 2 or 3 hours on the no crits US Jailbreak server last night. The entire time, there were never more than 4 or 5 blues compared to around 18-20 reds. There were about 4 out of 30 rounds where blues successfully gave out an LR. A large majority of the time, reds either just walked up to the blues and killed them, or ran away and used their damage as speed boosts for bunny hops. It’s simple. People don’t want to play blue if they’re just going to get run down all game, powerless to do anything. There were a few rounds where we just sat around with no blues, waiting for someone to join. Crits are essential for power balance between the teams. It makes less mobile classes like spy, sniper, and engi more viable. Forcing blues to play soldier or scout all game isn't healthy for people who don't enjoy playing those classes. Without crits, reds can just turn off their brains and run away with relative ease.
The reason i discussed in my first response is why adjusting critz is incapable of changing the larger problem.

Tax Fraud

The Monkey King
Aug 12, 2018
crits wouldnt have helped in that specific situation anyway

That’s also dumb because with a competent team

Like all of the stuff you mentioned happens with crits.
Gross oversimplification. Reds have to be clever and have good timing to get away from blues. People running away once the round starts is a lot rarer when crits are on.
Playing ONE match with ONE specific scenario where the outcome ISNT changed by crits and using it as an argument is just wrong.
It’s weak as hell.
??? What the fuck does this mean?




Apr 11, 2017
-In reply to yellow-

The power balance should be in favour of BLUs to begin with LOL

You're a prisoner. Rebelling isn't meant to be easy. What Tax Fraud observed will become more and more common as BLUs lose the will to put up with being rushed over and over and over.

The skill level of BLUs on Blackwonder JB (All of them) is not high enough to allow no-crits in 90% of situations. Add Bhop to that and, well, rebelling is doable by even zero-hour players.

Rebelling is a learned skill. It should be hard to rebel. Bhopping makes it too easy to rebel already, even if BLUs also have access to it. There are restrictions that prevent BLUs from immediately chasing you down.

-"Playing ONE match with ONE specific scenario where the outcome ISNT changed by crits and using it as an argument is just wrong."
Tax said he spent 2-3 hours. That's what? 3 maps? There's a lot of chances for the outcome to be reliant on crits in that time. The fact he said that approx 4 out of 30 rounds were successful rounds would indicate a clear power balance issue in favour of REDs, where BLUs are meant to always be in control in an ideal situation.

That means crits are basically required for the gamemode to function as it should within this community, no? People are too low skill to work without crits, and those that can are overrun because noone else wants to play BLU due to the lack of power.

You are a victim of this yourself based on the clip from the other night, even if it's a heavily RED-sided (and absolutely garbage) map.
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