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Declined Admin Application from Zeprus

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Sep 4, 2016
Member Name Zeprus

Name Zeprus

Contact Information

Your Age 17 though I'm turning 18 in february.

Location Germany, GMT +1

Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:78737907

Other Information

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

If Yes, which ones?
I was admin for roughly one year on all panda.tf servers.
You can find some information about why I quit in my introduction thread. https://blackwonder.tf/threads/herrrrrrororor-here-commms-tddaaaa-grreeat-zperooooss.1906/
I mainly played on a Mario Kart server which was fairly frequently visited by hackers. Therefore I have a ton of experience in detecting hackers. Usually I also spend lots of time exploring my permissions to make sure I know when to use which command.

Why do you want to become an admin?
To sm_smite Viking. Honestly, I have not had too many problems with rulebreakers so far, while there were a few it was usually resolved by contacting someone or making a report. But, I do remember how annoying reports could be at times and in some situations action is required immediatly. That's why I offer my help.

Are you familiar with admin commands? Yes

Do you know any of our current staff members? Yes

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
I also had brief contact with 2010Wolf over 1.5 years ago, I doubt he'll remember.

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
I'm usually online during the afternoons and evenings. The time varies greatly depending on my lectures.

On what servers do you usually play?
As it is right now I don't have a server I'm mainly on, the one I visit the most would probably be the Mario Kart server. But I also visit Stop that Tank quite often.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
Most information I deemed useful is already stated in my introduction threat:https://blackwonder.tf/threads/herrrrrrororor-here-commms-tddaaaa-grreeat-zperooooss.1906/
I'm obsessed with binds, the more binds you have for certain situations the better. Also if anyone has any wishes regarding binds and can't do it themselfes, I always love a challenge!

How would you go about punishing a hacker/spammer/simple rulebreaker...etc.?
In general:

1 or 2 warnings followed by:

Mic/Text-spam: 30 min gag/mute/silence on the first offence, after that it increases, to ~2 hrs, 6 hrs, 12 hrs, 2 days, 1 week, permanent

Minor offences (e.g. spawncamping on orange or freekilling in jailbreak): same as spam but instead with bans

Major offences (e.g. mass freekilling on jailbreak): same as small offences and spam but without warning and starting at 1 day.

Hacking: No warning, instant permanent ban after gathering proof of what type is available, this can be a recording or an event log from stats.blackwonder.tf.

My punishments may vary depending on the person, if I know the person has a high chance of improving the punishment will be lighter where as someone who doesn't learn from his mistakes and repeats the same offence over and over again will get a heavier punishment.
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DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
Let's rate:

Since I do not know you ingame, I will only rate your app and forum behaviour.

You activity is... not lacking, but still could be more. You've done a few reports, made a few suggestions but nothing more.

Overall, you app is pretty decent. It has everything it needs and it was written nice and clear.

But it seems that Viking opinion hold the most value here, since it is the only admin you mentioned and both of you seem to know each other (pretty well?)

So for now, I will stay neutral and wait for other opinions.

Best of luck


P.s: When is you exact birthday? Because I am also from Germany and I will turn 18 in February...


Who you gonna call?!
Staff Member


Jun 26, 2016
Hey Zeprus, decent application. As far as I know we have no admin regularly visiting Mario Kart so that's a big + right away. At this point, half of the admin team consists of jailbreak admins.
You also certainly have experience which is another +.
The only bad thing I could nitpick is that you don't really want use sm_kick. I think you could include that in the minor offences section.
That's it basically, everyone will be waiting on Viking to say something -upsidedown-. Good luck, you can still take a vacation before this gets reviewed don't worry.




Sep 4, 2016
You activity is... not lacking, but still could be more. You've done a few reports, made a few suggestions but nothing more.
I tend to not post too much as I try to only put out quality content, if there is a thread I can contribute to be sure to expect me.
P.s: When is you exact birthday? Because I am also from Germany and I will turn 18 in February...
The only bad thing I could nitpick is that you don't really want use sm_kick. I think you could include that in the minor offences section.
I forgot to clarify that sm_kick is my second warning after the first one being sm_say/sm_csay and/or in voice. Sorry about that.


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
Zeprus is a genuine guy with good policies and an adept understanding of the internet. This is useful when dealing with notorious liars and trolls or anyone abusing the fact that they're protected by a screen.
He's got a bunch of previous experience with most sourcemod commands, the sourceban page, forum tools, and can spot cheats well.
unless you just happen to be a god at the game

Is friendly, polite, chatty, and is happy to help out with anything if you toss him a message.

An all-around all-right fellow all the time.


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Okay, so seeing as your application looks really lonely down here with 4 replies and the last reply being 12 days ago, I'm gonna try and kickstart you back into motion.

I don't think I've ever seen you in game, so I'm going to be rating you on your application, chatlogs and bans.

For starters, let's get the chatlogs and bans out of the way. You have had no previous comm blocks and no previous bans, which is always a good start. Your chatlogs, while seemingly few, are consistently helpful and friendly. This is a big deal as a lot of applicants fake maturity for an admin application when in game they're extremely toxic.

Now, the application. While it doesn't particularly stand out, it's definitely not bad and gives us all the information we need to know your intent. You have previous admin experience and good motive for applying for admin; you don't seem power hungry or remotely interested in becoming admin for bragging rights. Supposedly there are no current admins monitoring Mario Kart, so it's a plus that you're willing to take the time to do that. You seem to have a healthy friendship with Viking and Triix, both of whom I can say for certain are two of the most fun, active and helpful people in this community. If they can vouch for you, I can most likely assume you're a good guy. The only things I would say are bad about your application are the vagueness on time and the punishments. You say that your time available is largely affected by your lectures, which could hurt how active you are as an admin. Your punishments are too quick in the initial app, but I can see you've mended that in reply to Buster.

Your activity is somewhat lacking however. You've made 28 posts in a matter of 2 months and while I understand that you stated that you only post when necessary, it still is quite a bit of empty space considering I joined a day after you and have 140 posts once I finish typing this.

All in all, I'd give you a +Support. You appear to understand the responsibility that comes with being an administrator and you seem to only have interest in becoming an admin to help the community. While time and activity obviously appear to be a small problem, you have all the right qualities for an admin and I don't see why that should stop you from becoming admin; after all, helping every so often is better than only being able to help through reports. Good luck with your application, and come on guys. Can we give this app a little love? <3


Something Else
Staff Member
Feb 24, 2016
Remember him from Panda during my last lurking hours.

Contributed plenty of admin action and discussion. Did useful stuff. Often had controversial opinions.


Something Else
Staff Member
Feb 24, 2016
Zeprus has a perma ban on Panda for admin abuse, so that's a -SUPPORT from me. Plain and simple.

Getting in quick to negate this before it gets out of hand. Without looking, I can tell you that it's from the owner for disagreeing with his opinions. Not real admin abuse at all.
False ban, think nothing of it.

I'm permanently banned as well for whatever reason is in SourceBans.


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Getting in quick to negate this before it gets out of hand. Without looking, I can tell you that it's from the owner for disagreeing with his opinions. Not real admin abuse at all.
False ban, think nothing of it.

I'm permanently banned as well for whatever reason is in SourceBans.

Can we maybe get a bit of detail on this "not real admin abuse"?


α΄„ΚŸα΄‡α΄ α΄‡Κ€ Ι’ΙͺΚ€ΚŸ


Aug 27, 2016


Something Else
Staff Member
Feb 24, 2016
Can we maybe get a bit of detail on this "not real admin abuse"?

Hard to explain in short, without you having any knowledge and context of Panda and its underlying habits.
It's what the owner does when people disagree.

While I do not know the full details of what happened, I wouldn't read too much into it, as I'm aware there was conflict between him and Kevin.


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
With all of that information on Panda.tf I will have to give Zeprus a neutral. I will give Zeprus time to explain whats going on.
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Inactive, But always lurking.


Jul 25, 2016
I wouldn't jump quick into giving him -support

Yes, he admitted to being abusive with his powers, but is that really a reason why we should -support it?
He might have had his reasons, and knowing how panda.tf is, I can kinda understand it
I don't want to go into full detail, but I don't think what you guys previously mentioned should be a reason to -support

Do note, that I am not at panda.tf's side or Zeprus's side, I just wanted to get this out
That's just merely my opinion, and I don't know whatever happened.
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Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
I wouldn't jump quick into giving him -support

Yes, he admitted to being abusive with his powers, but is that really a reason why we should -support it?
He might have had his reasons, and knowing how panda.tf is, I can kinda understand it
I don't want to go into full detail, but I don't think what you guys previously mentioned should be a reason to -support

Do note, that I am not at panda.tf's side or Zeprus's side, I just wanted to get this out
That's just merely my opinion, and I don't know whatever happened.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Probably not the best response to these accusations...


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Hard to explain in short, without you having any knowledge and context of Panda and its underlying habits.
It's what the owner does when people disagree.

While I do not know the full details of what happened, I wouldn't read too much into it, as I'm aware there was conflict between him and Kevin.
Would it not be more eye opening for everyone if Zeprus himself were to defend himself? The vibe I'm getting here is that Zeprus doesn't care to defend himself and I'm sure his words would be more eyeopening than someone sticking up for him.

At least this application is finally getting attention.


Something Else
Staff Member
Feb 24, 2016
Would it not be more eye opening for everyone if Zeprus himself were to defend himself? The vibe I'm getting here is that Zeprus doesn't care to defend himself and I'm sure his words would be more eyeopening than someone sticking up for him.

At least this application is finally getting attention.

Because of group polarisation, and how people are unlikely to believe one person defending themselves from claims which have threads backed up with their defence as "You don't know the backstory and Panda". Therefore having someone with more authority and legitimacy backing it up makes it less fake. Adding to that how everyone (in a lot of communities, not just here) tend to pile on with massive red text of -support as soon as someone else does, and make some very far reaching conclusions and closed off reasons. As I originally stated, I was making a counter to that original statement to prevent everyone piling on it and being biased.




Sep 4, 2016
Zeprus has a perma ban on Panda for admin abuse, so that's a -SUPPORT from me. Plain and simple.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Edit: I will properly edit this comment with arguments and reasoning later.

Since there were so many posts I decided to not edit my post but instead write a new one.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. This is because to me it seems like you did not care enough to do proper research. There is much, MUCH more to this than just this one unban appeal.
As I said in my application, which I assume you read:
Most information I deemed useful is already stated in my introduction threat:https://blackwonder.tf/threads/herrrrrrororor-here-commms-tddaaaa-grreeat-zperooooss.1906/
In that thread I said:
I administrated there for roughly 1 year on a Mario Kart server and got frustrated with the owner. It resulted in me getting banned for lifting three of his bans that I deemed childish and unfair. If you want to know more about this story contact me in private, but please also make sure to listen to the other side before jumping to conclusions.
I did not recieve a message from you asking about the topic, neither did you put any effort in gathering additional information.
If you did you would have found this as well:
As shown in the last thread my appeal got accepted. Not only but I also apologized for any inconveniences I caused within the community. https://www.panda-community.com/threads/zeprus.10458/
Meaning, the bans should not be any longer in place. I don't know why neither of the stuff the owner said in my last appeal happened yet and I don't want to know.
If you are, for some reason, still concerned about the fact that someone stated I "abused" my admin privileges, this may include me but I'll talk about why I said that later in this post, I highly recommend reading my introduction thread again. If you ever had the joy of talking to the owner about bans he issued you would know that he does not negotiate about them at all. I resigned on panda.tf during a very special situation in which the owners face got leaked and he reacted, in my opinion, very immature about it. I won't go into further detail unless you want to talk about it in private. Lifting three bans that were put in place without proper reasoning, at least in my opinion, is nowhere near abuse.

In an unban appeal like this, it is not helpful to deny anything you are being accused of. Also, that is what was stated in my ban.
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