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Completed Remove Coldfront and Foundry from Zombie Survival/Medic vs. Engineer


Sufficiently Lethal
Staff Member


Nov 5, 2020
Here are reasons that I, and other people, think Coldfront and Foundry should be removed.

1. The maps don't get voted very often. There are several reasons but the maps arent very popular, people don't like it because there are so many better options.

2. They have not many spots, and the ones that they do have are bad. Coldfront for example is a koth map, and that means its mirrored. Koth maps dont have very many rooms to colony or high points to hide in because thats not the objective of the game. Koth maps encourage fighting out in the open to win a point, but in zombie survival, you can't battle engineer unless you have a lot of engineers and coordination, which doesnt really happen in zombie survival. Foundry is a Control Point map which is like koth because you have to have big fights in open areas with lots of action to win a point.

3.The maps are small. Coldfront has a big open area by the center point at the broken down house, and then some chokey areas, then an enclosed area, and not too many small rooms to nest in. Foundry is not too small but there are no rooms to nest in, its big room after big room, then open area with nowhere to nest.

4. Player count drop. Whenever Coldfront or Foundry are gonna be the next map or are the current map, player count drops a lot. Once on some map it was voted Coldfront, and the server had a good 20 players, but after we were done with coldfront it was around 7-10. I remember when browsing around the menus, it was 15 players ona map then on Foundry it was only 5 players, and then it dropped down to 0 after.


Staff Member
Oct 29, 2020
And yes I'm regretting the suggestion for foundry
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Jan 9, 2021
I know that my thoughts on this matter don't hold much weight because I'm not a regular, so I'll leave out stuff about balance and just give general opinions.

Just because maps don't get picked often doesn't mean that they should be removed entirely. Some maps that barely get picked can be really good at times, while others that get picked a lot can be really bad. Favouritism shouldn't be a factor in a map's inclusion.

I can think of four areas to defend in Coldfront (above control point, near control point, second spawn, long hallway) and the same for Foundry (inside top passage, small hut with concrete blocks, large staircase, train near control point). That's a pretty typical number for Zombie Survival. Only if the map had two or less viable defences would I be concerned.

You seem to have more of a problem with the apparent lack of spots rather than the map size, which I've discussed above. Also, sometimes people just want to leave the server, and the best time to leave is typically between maps.

I have to admit, it's surpising to see people not liking Coldfront and Foundry, so I will have to investigate the maps to see whether it is their fault or whether the core gameplay is to blame.
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Sufficiently Lethal
Staff Member


Nov 5, 2020
Can people vote on this suggestion so I can see what the general consensus is?

i did a poll on each my discord server and turricans discord server

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