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Declined [Please Close] Appeal by sinnr

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New Member
Jan 4, 2022
Username: sin (ingame)

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? <REDACTED>

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
[Anti-Cheat] Aimbot Detected (IT) | Weapon: tf_weapon_knife

Why should we revoke your punishment?

This is a false positive or something. I've been playing on the servers for a couple months now (https://tfstats.tf/player/26178078) and have been seriously enjoying myself. I have zero idea what could have triggered this on my system beyond some instability I've been facing due to an aggressive overclock. My account isn't some burner account. Checkout my inventory, you'll find a cheaters lament and some other badges.

I was also a donor if that helps any (altho it certainly doesn't justify anyone breaking the rules, as I did learn from a previous 1-day ban)

This also doesn't make sense to me... How do you aimbot with a knife? I was going around trying to trickstab medics lol.

I don't know how anti-cheat works but could the logs be manually reviewed or something? Please? The class wars server is so much fun for me, especially with me now being in between jobs. :/

Thanks for your time and consideration. No rush.

EDIT: I don't know how much this will help my case but here is a recording of my screen from a couple hours before the ban happened. The only recording I have of myself on the server. I took the shadowplay clip because someone refused to open the gate for me and I thought that was funny.
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Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
Just putting this here for future reference.

banned by anti-cheat for aimbotting with a spy knife (?)




New Member
Jan 4, 2022
Do you mess with interp much?
In general? Not much beyond the network settings applied by mastercomfig:
However, when I play spy and am primarily concerned with getting backstabs... I do tend to tweak my interp settings to give myself more of an... advantage so to speak. I will readily admit that and apologize for doing that on the server. I don't know how anti-cheat works, but it would surprise me immensely that something like abusing interp could trigger anti-cheat detection for aimbot or something. Additionally, upon familiarizing myself with the rules, I do see that this may be a violation of the No Exploiting rule. So perhaps in that sense the ban would be justified. Assuming the punishment for both exploiting and cheating are permanent bans. :/ Eh. Just trying to be transparent here. Definitely not something I'm going to repeat in blw or other servers.

Thanks for your input.


New Member
Jan 4, 2022
On second thought, after being banned from the server for a week, perhaps its for the best that I'm banned. I was spending an immense amount of time on TF2 and the class wars server. Too much. Please close this Ban appeal.

Thank you.
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