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I was playing in a 100% Crit server & other players were falsely accusing me of spawn camping

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New Member
Aug 8, 2023
The other team kept controlling the Top of their tower, with three Engies & 3 level 3 sentries there it was impossible to break the nest. No one also had a Quickiebomb launcher to reliably take it out. So I went Scout, drank Bonk! Atomic Punch, & went to the Enemy backlines to find the Teleporter Entrance to Destroy so they wouldn't instantly respawn on top of the tower. The Problem? The teleporter was literally inside their spawnroom, the only way to destroy it was to shoot inside the spawn. I kept trying to shoot the teleporter but of course people began attacking me & therefor I had to defend myself & therefor they accused me of Spawn Camping when all I was trying to do was destroy that darn Teleporter. There were also 2 exits to the Spawnroom, sure they were close to each other but they were also very wide appart. How is it exactly Spawn Camping when all I'm trying to do is destroy a single building that's giving the other team a huge advantage? I would make it where you could no longer build Teleporters in Spawn & maybe add some doors so the enemy can't spam at their spawn. I was going to run away as soon as I destroyed the Teleporter btw.
Hi there, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but I'll do my best to address your concerns.

Shooting directly into spawn is generally prohibited, especially on most variations of the orange map.

Understandably, a user who has recently respawned to find that an enemy is standing outside their base and shooting inside will target you.

I was going to run away as soon as I destroyed the Teleporter btw.
We can't really measure the validity of your intention
I would make it where you could no longer build Teleporters in Spawn & maybe add some doors so the enemy can't spam at their spawn
Some of our orange maps have spawn doors...


Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi there, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but I'll do my best to address your concerns.

Shooting directly into spawn is generally prohibited, especially on most variations of the orange map.

Understandably, a user who has recently respawned to find that an enemy is standing outside their base and shooting inside will target you.

I was going to run away as soon as I destroyed the Teleporter btw.
We can't really measure the validity of your intention
I would make it where you could no longer build Teleporters in Spawn & maybe add some doors so the enemy can't spam at their spawn
Some of our orange maps have spawn doors. There is nothing overly broken about the current teleporter spots
How is it exactly Spawn Camping when all I'm trying to do is destroy a single building that's giving the other team a huge advantage?
It's not really the intention that's the problem. The way you went about it is discouraged. Shooting into spawn at enemies is prohibited. If that sounds unfair to you, then you shouldnt be putting yourself in a position where enemies can you shoot you. In other words, back out from the enemy spawn.

the only way to destroy it was to shoot inside the spawn
Incorrect. As with all active teleporters, there is an entrance and an exit. Given the nature of the game mode, you should expect an established engineer nest to be guarded well, especially on the tower. But there are multiple ways to take it out. A quickiebomb launcher is reliable, but all stickybomb/grenade launchers can do the trick if you charge them up enough. A well-coordinated spy or Uber can get your team through with enough patience. Soldiers can abuse the blast radius of their crockets and the spammable angles of the tower to take out nests without ever getting in the firing range of a sentry. The list goes on. You or your team being unable to take out the nest(s) does not warrant you to shoot into enemy spawn, and by extention the players that will inevitably respawn there.

Hope this helps.
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