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Completed Third person plugin rewrite


Truly Feared
Jun 15, 2020
I rewrote the third person plugin from scratch. The one that Blackwonder currently uses is old and was initially released in 2012, if Blackwonder uses the one I'm thinking of. My plugins are private, but I'm going to share this one with Blackwonder. The plugin offers the following improvements:

* Updated to fully use transitional source mod syntax.
* The plugin remembers your preferences (clientprefs), so if you leave in third person, you also join in third person. This is good for the people who prefer one of the two modes.
* All commands are toggles, meaning you only need one bind for first/ third person instead of two.
* Added more commands to support more binds for toggling first/ third person. This also includes the /3 command for adding compatibility to players who have the Skial third person bind.

The commands include:
* sm_tp (/tp)
* sm_thirdperson (/thirdperson)
* sm_fp (/fp)
* sm_firstperson (/firstperson)
* sm_3 (/3)

While before it was only:
* sm_thirdperson
* sm_firstperson

And you had to have 2 binds to be able to toggle between the two. Which is now no longer necessary.

All commands have the same function, and are toggles. A player can choose one command and use that as bind.

Plugin is fully tested and functional. Source code will be provided for checking as well, along with the compiled SMX. The suggestion must be approved first before the source code is provided.

A quick note: the prefix of the plugin can be found on line 12, so you can edit the colors. I would recommend Blackwonder to edit it since the colors I used are not really what Blackwonder traditionally uses on their plugins.
Last edited:


Truly Feared
Jun 15, 2020
The plugin was updated in the meanwhile to version 1.1.0.

Update log:
  • Optimized the code to be more efficient, basically less amount of lines for the same functionality.
  • The code only updates your third person setting in the database when the client leaves, to reduce database traffic and prevent people from spamming the database with queries by using the third person bind frequently.


Staff Member


Jul 26, 2017
Would it be possible to have a pair of commands that work in the legacy way or is that not reasonable to add?


Truly Feared
Jun 15, 2020
I personally don't really see a reason why you don't want to have them as a toggle, but for version 1.1.1 I turned the commands that Blackwonder currently has, sm_thirdperson and sm_firstperson to non-toggle commands, the rest are toggles. This way people who prefer the legacy way can keep the binds they have, and people who prefer toggles can bind one of the new commands.

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