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Tacos or Burgers


Face Melting
Aug 3, 2021
Honestly tacos, they vary in what you can do with them similar to burgers, except burgers are often limited by how you cook the meat itself and how high you can stack it before it topples over or becomes inedible because the bun gets mushy and gross. Tacos like the crunchy shell, can afford to get slightly soggy but still remain crunchy and even more savory because of it. Tacos can also be bigger, and still have the taco shell holding everything inside more stable than what a burger ever could. My favorite type of taco would have to be the traditional Carne asada, with red spicy sauce, shredder lettuce. Taco shell could be crunchy but I like the homemade flour tortillas my mom makes for me, I've even started learning how to bake them properly so I can make my own banger Tacos whenever.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
It depends on when I like it, it may be crazy, but right off Mojo aka taco place in Nashville, TN. There is a steak taco bowl which includes dirty rice, black beans, pico, etc etc. it was great! If I prefer burgers, I would try a special place, since where I used to go unfortunately closed without any reason, assuming the lease is up. Steak 'n Shake is so good, that I can't remember what I ordered since I ordered last year lol. I'm trying to go out to eat. but it is quite expensive in the middle of Tennessee.




Nov 18, 2018
Pineapple on Pizza (probably tacos if I had to choose, for the crunchiness and spices albeit if you make a burger that has a similar texture and flavour, it tastes just as great) :).

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