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Pending Several Common VSH Bugs

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Guntreads Exploit: Combines the effects of the Mantreads and Gunboats for trolldier antics.
Equip Mantreads and before you get revived after dying or after that round ends, equip the Gunboats and you'll receive the boost from Mantreads and get the damage reduction from Gunboats. I'm asking for it to be fixed to make it fair.
Goomba Instant Kill Glitch: Causes Hale to randomly die from a single stomp, crediting the user with far greater damage than normal. Unsure how to duplicate this one but it seems to most commonly occur when the stomping class is a spy or scout.

Hale Class Reset Glitch: Causes Hale to have some of his properties overwritten and replaced with their base TF2 class instead. Health and Damage is unchanged but other abilities including increased move speed are disabled. Seems to be random.

@ARC_Winters @Inconpicuoususername if you two or anyone else knows more about these, or any other bugs I missed, feel free to chime in.


Scarcely Lethal
Jan 4, 2021
To my knowledge, these are the only glitches that are on the servers for VSH, I have no other knowledge on other glitches, if there are anymore than this.
Unsure how to duplicate this one but it seems to most commonly occur when the stomping class is a spy or scout.
Only Spy is capable of performing this glitch. As I have been told but have been unable to replicate it myself, Spy has to backstab and goomba at the same time for this goomba insta-kill to occur and the remaining health of the hale is credited for the damage.
Hale Class Reset Glitch: Causes Hale to have some of his properties overwritten and replaced with their base TF2 class instead. Health and Damage is unchanged but other abilities including increased move speed are disabled. Seems to be random.
This is a server bug because it affects the entire server, it removes crits for every weapon that is given permanent minicrits or crits and Hale cannot super jump and can move at the base speed of a Soldier. Yes this is indeed random but happens more often then not.

Deleted User 4826

Jul 1, 2022
Guntreads Exploit: Combines the effects of the Mantreads and Gunboats for trolldier antics.
Personally I'm ok if this stays or not. Its been part of the meta for so long that most hales have learned how to bait out trolldiers, but its annoying to deal with if the trolldier is running away from you especially. If it does get fixed, I hope trolldier has serviceable replacement options for guntreads.

There is a few other bugs worth mentioning, like uber-trapping on skyhigh due to bad map design & people not enforcing it despite it supposedly being against the rules (Mod said it wasn't allowed, another mod said it was, admin said it was, then wasn't, etc. I cant remember names so dont ask me)

Oh, also insta kill goombas are only applicable to spy. Something about his hitboxes being weird or something, and applying multiple goombas at once, though I can't confirm thats how it works, thats just what I've heard from the source-savvy individuals


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Fast Hands (RTD) Glitch: Combined with Trolldier, using the mantreads and gunboats combined. Rolling fast hands as trolldier seems to negate the mantreads effect and making the gunboats only implied.

Ammo Glitch: Small ammo packs will receive double instead of a regular normal ammo. This is caused by last round and it seems to combine with the current round.

Infinite Uber Glitch: This one I have no clue on how to do it since it was a player that did it. He doesn't know how he did it either but apparently he ubered at the last sec of the last round into the current round and it seem to glitch out, causing him to have infinite uber whenever he pulls out the medigun without full uber. Switching to another weapon though, makes him vulnerable. I've only seen this 2 times whenever he did it, it's a rare one.

No Super Jump (For Hale) Glitch: This causes hale to not be able to jump anymore. This apparently happens whenever he jumps too much or his cooldown seems to glitch out and never seems to comeback. You'll occasionally see it little by little but then disappear and then you're stuck just moving around without the super jump. It'll pop up again whenever it wants too, however this one is weird.

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