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Accepted Savage.'s Moderator Application

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Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
Username: Savage.


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/42224116


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
BlackWonder Dodgeball / & Black Wonder Dodgeball Advanced 128 ticks /
BlackWonder UK | Vs Saxton Hale | Sky-high Resort 24/ |

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I want to be a BlackWonder Staff member because I have been part of Black Wonder for quite some time and playing different BlackWonder community servers to see more experiences, I have fun talking to new people on the server I have made a lot of friends recently, and always having a fun time playing on such active and friendly community, I'm also online for around 7 hours on weekends, 5 hours a day. There are currently numerous reasons outstanding as to why I would want to become a BlackWonder Staff member on the Blackwonder dodgeball community servers. One of the biggest reasons is the recent blatant increment in rule-breakers. I have seen a low amount of mods online in the morning and late at night. I personally know that many players who quite want to play the server without people joining the game and rule-breaking or insulting & disrespecting them in chat, I do not want players to leave the server just because none of them decided to mess around. I've always wanted to join the staff team in this community because I have heard some of my friends would love to have a staff member in their friend group & I also have many experiences being a staff member on the other games for example Garry's mod many known as Gmod.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Ricky, JR, Elf

How often do you play TF2?
During workdays 4-5 hours a day & weekends around 7-9 hours, these hours can change if so there are plans for the weekend.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate

1. You join the server and play for a bit. Half an hour later you encounter a rule breaker during the session of your game, and you see him interacting with the voice chat by basically mic spamming/chat spamming to annoy other users of the community. My first step would be to warn him and notify him in chat/voice chat, if so the user does not comply I will strictly take action and mute the user from voice chat.

1.1 Punishment Ladder "mic spamming/chat spamming"
  • First Protocol - warning
  • Second protocol - half-hour mute
  • Third protocol - 12-hour mute
  • Fourth protocol - 1-day mute
  • Fifth protocol - 3-day mute
  • sixth protocol - 1 week mute
  • Seventh protocol - Permanent gag/mute
2. I encounter a user blocking another player for the first time and on purpose. I will watch him during the match if so he does it again for the second time, if so that is true I will warn him and kindly ask him to stop blocking other players as it is not allowed, and explain to him what rule he broke kindly. if the user does it again and completely ignores me, I will take action strictly and slay/kick him and tell him again in chat/voice chat that he isn't allowed to block other users from playing the game properly if so it keeps going I will step to third protocol and give him a 1-hour ban.

2.1 Punishment Ladder "Blocking"
  • First Protocol - Warn
  • Second protocol - Slay/kick
  • Third protocol - 1-hour ban
  • Fourth protocol - 6-hour ban
  • Fifth protocol - 12-hour ban
  • sixth protocol - 1-day ban
  • Seventh protocol - 3-day ban
  • Eight protocol - 7-day ban
  • ninth protocol - 4-week ban
  • tenth protocol - Permanent ban
3. I encounter a report through the system of !calladmin command, I review it and see the person's name and reason for the report which in this case is "Cheating/hacking". I join the server start up my recording software and start recording and hiding and spectating him while he can't see I am, if so after around 10 minutes of looking at the cheater and having a clear sign that he is cheating I will save the recording and upload it privately to proof that he is cheating if so the proof is asked for, I will simply permanently ban him.

3.1 Punishment Ladder "Cheating/hacking"
  • First Protocol - Permanent ban

4. I encounter a player spraying NSFW I take a screenshot, and simply ban him permanently from spraying.

4.1 NSFW
  • First Protocol - Permanent spray ban

5. I encounter a user Avoiding punishments for example being banned from the community servers. I will take proof screenshots/videos and save them, and ban him for avoiding punishment.

5.1 Avoiding punishments
  • First Protocol - double the length of the punishment on his main account & ban this account.

6. I encounter a person advertising his servers/group/cheats or any other social media. Absolutely no verbal as he should know better common sense and mute/gag him.

6.1 Advertising
  • First Protocol - 1-hour mute
  • Second protocol - Permanent mute until an appeal
7. I encounter a user abusing his donor power for example the donor gets killed and lost a round by a user called "Jeff" and the donor decides to slay him for the reason of "Killing him" Now in a dodgeball match it's normal to die in a round, now the user Jeff gets slayed successfully by the vote and i as staff member i will take a screenshot/video and save it and take immediate action.

7.1 Donor Abuse
  • First Protocol - 3-hour ban
  • Second Protocol - 12-hour ban
  • Third Protocol - 3-day ban
  • Fourth Protocol - 1-week ban
  • Fifth Protocol - 1-month ban
  • Sixth Protocol - Permanent ban
8. !CallAdmin abuse/spamming absolutely unacceptable and be the result in the following ladder

8.1!CallAdmin abuse/spamming
  • First Protocol - 3-day ban
  • Second Protocol - 7-Day ban
  • Third Protocol - 1-month ban
  • Fourth Protocol - Permanent ban
9. Exploits a user uses a bug or unintended feature of gameplay that is deliberately and knowingly used by the player to gain an advantage to give you an example if a bug enables a player to be immune to damage and a player knowingly uses it, it is an exploit. If so caught using it I will take immediate action by the following ladder.

9.1 Exploits:
  • First Protocol - 1-hour ban
  • Second protocol - 1-day ban
  • Third protocol - 7-day ban
  • Fourth protocol - 1-month ban
  • Fifth protocol - Permanent ban until an appeal
10. A user was caught griefing for example a player that goes out of his or her way to annoy other players.

10.1 Griefing:

  • First protocol - Warning and explain why
  • Second protocol - Last warning
  • Third protocol - 1-hour ban
  • Fourth protocol - 3-hour ban
  • Fifth protocol - Double the timer
11. Team Killing for example a user stands behind his teammate on purpose while the rocket is coming at him getting the teammate killed.

11.1 Team Killing:
  • First Protocol - Warn
  • Second protocol - Slay/kick
  • Third protocol - 1-hour ban
  • Fourth protocol - 6-hour ban
  • Fifth protocol - 12-hour ban
  • sixth protocol - 1-day ban
  • Seventh protocol - 3-day ban
  • Eight protocol - 7-day ban
  • ninth protocol - 4-week ban
  • tenth protocol - Permanent ban
12. RTD abuse for example you type: !RTD and receive a dispenser or sentry and the user purposely uses the dispenser to get the rocket stuck/dispenser blocking or for example getting god mode and blocking all the rockets from other players.

12.1 RTD abuse:
  • First protocol - Warning and explain why
  • Second protocol - slay/kick
  • Third protocol - 1-hour ban
  • Fourth protocol - 3-hour ban
  • Fifth protocol - Double the timer

13. Stealing means a user that steals a rocket that isn't his, for example, a user gets the rocket "Sentry sound" and the person next to him decides to steal the rocket from him, which isn't allowed and gives an automated message with a warning 1/1 to the user in the chat if so he does it again he gets slayed by the server, now this can happen the whole time so I will take action by giving a global message to the server so everyone sees it.

13.1 Stealing

  • First protocol - Warning in chat/ global message
  • Second protocol - Slay
  • Third protocol - slay with the last warning
  • Fourth protocol - 1-day ban
  • Fifth protocol - 3-day ban
  • Sixt protocol - double the timer

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Dutch.
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Australium Deadshot
Staff Member


May 14, 2018
Hi! Nice seeing an application for Dodgeball, so first things first!


You're good on playtime.

-Chat logs seem clean to me.
-Punishment history is very clean, no prior server bans, comm punishments, warnings or spraybans. No Discord gags, mutes or bans either.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
1. For this section I'd like you to add a bit more as to how you'd punish rule breakers specific to Dodgeball. There's a couple more rules we have besides blocking.
2. I'd like you to update the punishments on the general rule breakers. There are quite a few more ways one can break the rules than just by micspamming.

As for my personal input on this app:
I have never met you on Dodgeball as far as I know but that just means we play at different times. So there's not much I can say regards your behaviour besides what I can deduct from your logs. Which are nice and clean.

What I would like to see more from you is:
1. Using our Discord, helping fellow community members out and using our #requesthelp channel in case of rule breakers actively breaking the rules on the server you're playing on at that point in time.

2. Using our forums to report rule breakers if you can't get immediate help through our Discord. Don't forget to provide sufficient evidence which can be screenshots in cases of chat related rule breaks or sprays and can be demos in cases of voice chat related rule breaks and cheaters.

Considering all that, good luck on your application and if you feel like modifying your app a bit, feel free to do so using the edit button at the bottom of the post. :)(y)


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
Hi! Nice seeing an application for Dodgeball, so first things first!

View attachment 33271
You're good on playtime.

-Chat logs seem clean to me.
-Punishment history is very clean, no prior server bans, comm punishments, warnings or spraybans. No Discord gags, mutes or bans either.

1. For this section I'd like you to add a bit more as to how you'd punish rule breakers specific to Dodgeball. There's a couple more rules we have besides blocking.
2. I'd like you to update the punishments on the general rule breakers. There are quite a few more ways one can break the rules than just by micspamming.

As for my personal input on this app:
I have never met you on Dodgeball as far as I know but that just means we play at different times. So there's not much I can say regards your behaviour besides what I can deduct from your logs. Which are nice and clean.

What I would like to see more from you is:
1. Using our Discord, helping fellow community members out and using our #requesthelp channel in case of rule breakers actively breaking the rules on the server you're playing on at that point in time.

2. Using our forums to report rule breakers if you can't get immediate help through our Discord. Don't forget to provide sufficient evidence which can be screenshots in cases of chat related rule breaks or sprays and can be demos in cases of voice chat related rule breaks and cheaters.

Considering all that, good luck on your application and if you feel like modifying your app a bit, feel free to do so using the edit button at the bottom of the post. :)(y)
Thank you for the reply I've done what you asked and was glad that you wanted me to add more to my application which was absolutely no problem, if so you got any further questions you can always contact me on Discord or reply once again on my thread I'm always open to add more if asked.
Thank you for the comment have a great evening

Ricky :3

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Jul 31, 2020
Hello Savage.
I'm glad to see a dodgeball applicant.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
I agree with butler here.
Please provide your idea of the ideal punishment ladder that you would use for different rulebreakers.
You can do so in a new reply.

My opinion.

You seem like a nice and somewhat mature person from what ive seen from you so far in chatlogs and conversations ingame and PM's.

I have nothing more to say for now besides best of luck to you. (y)


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
Hello Savage.
I'm glad to see a dodgeball applicant.

I agree with butler here.
Please provide your idea of the ideal punishment ladder that you would use for different rulebreakers.
You can do so in a new reply.

My opinion.

You seem like a nice and somewhat mature person from what ive seen from you so far in chatlogs and conversations ingame and PM's.

I have nothing more to say for now besides best of luck to you. (y)
Thank you for the reply Ricky, I will be updating my application as soon as possible even more after work to make sure to add what you asked which is adding an ideal ladder list.
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Staff Member


Feb 6, 2020

- First of all, It is nice to see Dodgeball applicant.
- According
to all of the responses I have not so much to say.

1. Good
playtime with chat log clean and no prior punishments aswell.
2. Punishments - You miss some important rule "breaks" ; Tell us how would you deal with players that - Steal, Teamkill, exploit rtd.
That is for dodgeball Punishments
About general rules -
If someone is toxic or generally his/her behaviour is inappropriate. Here belongs Any type of lewd/nsfw - Racist or any kind of hate to other players. Text/Voice Chat

3. As I see, you are donor and used voting system a couple of times with reasonable reason. Great!

About my personal opinion about you :

- There is not so much to say here, I did encounter you a couple of times on dodgeball servers and you seemed like a mature guy to me.

I wish you good luck and have a great day!


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023

- First of all, It is nice to see Dodgeball applicant.
- According
to all of the responses I have not so much to say.

1. Good
playtime with chat log clean and no prior punishments aswell.
2. Punishments - You miss some important rule "breaks" ; Tell us how would you deal with players that - Steal, Teamkill, exploit rtd.
That is for dodgeball Punishments
About general rules -
If someone is toxic or generally his/her behaviour is inappropriate. Here belongs Any type of lewd/nsfw - Racist or any kind of hate to other players. Text/Voice Chat

3. As I see, you are donor and used voting system a couple of times with reasonable reason. Great!

About my personal opinion about you

- There is not so much to say here, I did encounter you a couple of times on dodgeball servers and you seemed like a mature guy to me.

I wish you good luck and have a great day!
Good morning Michael thank you for the reply, I have read your message about punishments missing some important rule breaks. I will be glad to update the application and add more for the examples you gave me 'Stealing & Teamkill & exploit & RTD etc...'!

It has been updated!
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Ricky :3

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Jul 31, 2020
Savage insulting someone for standing too close. (Voice chat)

Tick: 60000


  • 2023-08-08_18-59-35.dem
    8.6 MB · Views: 85


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
Thank you for the reply Ricky, I have watched the demo and of course, don't need to hide anything or lie I did say the specific word "Cun't" to the user "Deadlight", the reason why as you can see he when behind me which is not the first time he has done that to steal my position or potentially get me team killed. I can tell that I had a ruff background that day and of course that is not reasonable to act that way to another member of the community.

I sincerely apologize for what I've done and it won't happen again, the first time I have had my temper lost on the server. I agree I was in the wrong and will take this as advice.

The duty of a staff member is supposed to be a role model for the community. and act professionally at all times, and not make these mistakes.


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
I dont see stealing in your app
Good afternoon Zonas, I will be giving you an example of how I will handle a person "stealing" the rockets

13. Stealing means a user that steals a rocket that isn't his, for example, a user gets the rocket "Sentry sound" and the person next to him decides to steal the rocket from him, which isn't allowed and gives an automated message with a warning 1/1 to the user in the chat if so he does it again he gets slayed by the server, now this can happen the whole time so I will take action by giving a global message to the server so everyone sees it.

13.1 Stealing

  • First protocol - Warning in chat/ global message
  • Second protocol - Slay
  • Third protocol - slay with the last warning
  • Fourth protocol - 1-day ban
  • Fifth protocol - 3-day ban
  • Sixt protocol - double the timer
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Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023

Since joining this esteemed community, I have dedicated much time to immersing myself in the DB and VSH game modes. The unique challenges and captivating gameplay offered by both modes have provided me with immense enjoyment and excitement throughout my gaming journey.

After carefully considering the depth of my passion for DB and VSH, I have decided to apply to participate in both servers. I am fully committed to engaging with the distinct communities and contributing my skills and dedication to the success of both game modes.


Staff Member


Jul 15, 2023
Good evening

Over the past three weeks, I have been undergoing surgery, which has required my complete focus and attention during the recovery process. Unfortunately, this unforeseen circumstance has resulted in my inability to actively participate in the community and contribute to the server as I had initially intended.

However, I want to emphasize that my passion and interest in joining the BlackWonder Community remain. Despite the temporary setback, I am eager to continue pursuing my staff application.

If asking I'm fine now, if so details matter what happened that can be asked personally in my dms.
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The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi Savage,

Your app in general is super high-effort and I think it speaks for itself. I also like how you addressed criticism; many people fail the first really simple step, which is to apologize. Apologizing, explaining, and committing to be better is admirable. I wish I had more to say, but I think this is one of those cases where the app and its replies speak for itself.
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