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Accepted RodneyBuckentime's Ban appeal

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Oct 10, 2018
Username: RodneyBuckentime

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? 76561198354119982

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
Talking while muted

Why should we revoke your punishment?
Simply put, I wasn't aware I was bypassing the mute, I didn't even know I HAD the mute in the first place.
It all started off when I was playing some Jailbreak and I briefly spammed some sounds along with actually using voicechat and then I was randomly kicked for "Talking while muted". I was a bit confused since I did not see the notification that I was muted in the first place and had no idea that I have circumvented a comm block so me ,thinking it was a misconception, decide to join back and see that juicy old "You've Been Gagged!" message and so I was curious and decided to check the reason why I was muted and whenever I tried to check the block it would just say that I have not been gagged or muted, I simply thought that the admin must of muted the wrong guy and so I go on with the round and using voice chat to hopefully get a response from the admin by saying something among the lines "Why was I kicked?" or "I literally don't have a comm block." and get zero elaboration and so decided to roll with it. Then a moment later while I was talking to somebody I was promptly banned from the server for evading a mute I didn't even know I had. Unfortunately I do not have any screenshots, recordings n all that because I simply didn't think it was that big of a deal and thought it was a misconception like before (+ the fact that I simply couldn't even review the reason why I was muted). I hope you would reconsider the punishment and let me off with a warning all because of the plugin and not muting me or even letting me know I was muted in the first place, it may sound like utter mumbo jumbo but you should take my word for it.


Staff Member
Apr 16, 2019
I'll shorten the ban length to match your mute since there are issues with mutes/gags not working at the moment. You still were making obnoxious sounds on mic, so the mute/ban is staying at 12 hours now.
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