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Declined Report against 10,000 Cold Knights (Discord)

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Mildly Menacing
Jan 7, 2020
Username: snakeman

Who are you reporting? 10,000 Cold Knights

What server game mode is the report concerned with?

What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/%5BU:1:29035457%5D

What is the reason of the report? Abusing admin

Files you have as proof File(s) attached

Any other proof you have 10k banned me from the Discord because I was going to ask a question in request help. I said “I have a question” because I wanted to ask about a rule on Jailbreak for clarification.
Somebody else ended up giving me an answer so I didn’t follow up on the question in request help, and didn’t think much of it. 10k assumed I was somehow being malicious (by wanting to ask a question) and perma banned me from the Discord. He brought up that I’ve “pulled this stunt before” meaning that on one other occasion I went to ask a question but ended up having it answered so I didn’t go further with it. The first time (IIRC) was regarding a question about a player I was trying to report. I appealed the decision and the appeal was immediately denied by 10k (how is this not a conflict of interest???)

I understand that 10k doesn’t like me and assumes that I only exist to troll but I legitimately wanted to ask a question and was punished for it. You can even see by the wording of his response to my appeal that he is letting his personal vendetta against me influence his decision making as an admin. Not to mention, as you can see in the screenshot or just by browsing request help there is TONS of irrelevant or inappropriate content in request help that nobody seems to ever be punished for. It feels ridiculous that I even have to plead my innocence here.


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