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Accepted prowi.'s Moderator Application

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Staff Member


Mar 3, 2022
Username: prowi.


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes I have. https://tfstats.tf/player/2077

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I usually play on Blackwonder | Deathrun #2 and I would also like to moderate it.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I started to think about applying for a mod a while ago, when I started to really warn people and maybe even report them if they broke the rules or were about to. Its hard to let them know about the rules because then you get ignored the second after talking about it since you are just a normal player with no knowledge about the server rules according to them. I already have experienced players doing the exact same thing which I pointed out during this text and I want people to realize that there will always be someone who has the ability to punish these players.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Mushroom (moderator) and Adveno (moderator). Both gave me their permission to write their names down.

How often do you play TF2?
Almost daily. 2-4 hours. Depends on the stuff I have to do after coming back home.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate


Fake Freerun:

kick as a warning
after the warning:
1st time = 2 hours ban
2nd time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4th time = 3 days ban
5th time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

Bhop Abuse:
Instant slay/smite of the person as a warning
3rd time = 2 hours ban
4th time = 6 hours ban
5th time = 1 day ban
6th time = 3 days ban
7th time = 1 week ban
8th time = 1 month ban
9th time = perma ban

Delaying intentionally:
1st time = 2 hours ban
2nd time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4th time = 3 days ban
5th time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

A warning goes to the player
after the warning:
1st time = 2 hours mute/gag
2nd time = 6 hours mute/gag
3rd time = 1 day mute/gag
4th time = 3 days mute/gag
5th time = 1 week mute/gag
6th time = 1 month mute/gag
7th time = perma mute/gag

Avoinding being Death/ leaving as Death intentionally:
1st time = 2 hours ban
2nd time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4th time = 3 days ban
5th time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

1st time = 2 hours ban
2nd time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4th time = 3 days ban
5th time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma

Abusing Map Exploits:
Going to ask them to stop with it
still continues with it:
1st time = 2 hours ban
2nd time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4th time = 3 days ban
5th time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

-No specific gamemode-
racism/harrasment = perma mute/gag
inappropriate spray = sprayban
Hacking = perma ban
inpersonating staff = perma ban
1st time = 2 hours mute/gag
2nd time = 6 hours mute/gag
3rd time = 1 day mute/gag
4th time = 3 days mute/gag
5th time = 1 week mute/gag
6th time = 1 month mute/gag
7th time = perma mute/gag
insta perma if he/she is advertising things like hacks/cheats


1st time = 1 hours mute/gag
2nd time = 3 hours mute/gag
3rd time = 6 hours mute/gag
4th time = 1 day mute/gag
5th time = 3 days mute/gag
6th time = 1 week mute/gag
7th time = 1 month mute/gag
8th time = perma mute/gag

Abusing !calladmin:
1st time =2 hours ban
2st time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4nd time = 3 days ban
5rd time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

Donor abuse:
1st time =2 hours ban
2st time = 6 hours ban
3rd time = 1 day ban
4nd time = 3 days ban
5rd time = 1 week ban
6th time = 1 month ban
7th time = perma ban

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I have a good knowledge about the specific gamemode Deathrun and I also have a good knowledge about mapping. I'm also a generous person who just wants to help out if someone doesn't understand something like how commands work or if the person didn't know about some of the rules.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? I can also talk/write/understand german.
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Nov 8, 2019
Hey Prowi great to see you!

I looked at your application and i have just one question:

Hacking = perma ban
What would you do before banning the hacker?

Now i want to share my experiences with the applicant.

I have been friends with Prowi over a year. He is very friendly, trustfull and knows the rule well and he plays very fair on deathrun. I would say he would make a good staff member.

Good luck with the application!


Staff Member


Mar 3, 2022
Hey Prowi great to see you!

I looked at your application and i have just one question:

What would you do before banning the hacker?
Also a pleasure to see you here!

So what I would do before banning the hacker, I would record the suspecious behaviour and maybe even ask/notify the other staff members if it happens to be a new method of hacking or something similiar to the situation, or just record it if there needs to be something proven. Other than that, I have no clue on what do to, since I have the feeling that talking to the hacker seems not to be as effective. The same goes to bans with diffrent durations...seems kinda useless because the player doesn't really care much. And I think if I really meet a hacker, it should be obvious if that person is really hacking or not because most of the hacking methods should be pretty noticable. I hope that what I have said would be the right call in such case.

Hope you have a great day!

Type Ø Negative

Staff Member
Sep 6, 2021
Hello Prowi, great to see you.

I'll be dropping by and telling my experience with the applicant.

I've been friends with Prowi for two and a half years by now, and I can confidently say that I've never had an unpleasant moment with the aforementioned applicant. He knows the rules and has a good demeanor. He can handle situations methodically and is trustful. He's well-fitted to be a staff member.

Good luck on your application.


Staff Member
Jul 19, 2021
Hello Prowi, great to see you here.

Looking at your play time, it is 26 days wich is very nice. Looking at your recent chatlogs, i found some swearing in it (mostly starting with an F).

I'd also like to mention my experience with the applicant.

I have been friends with Prowi for a couple of months now and i can say that he is a very pleasant person to be around with. He's very calm, nice, trustful and in my opinion, he is very fit to be apart of the staff team.

Good luck with your application, Prowi!


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi prowi,

Thanks for your patience. Between your glowing recommendations, clean (from what I observed) chat logs, and decent application, we are convinced that you would be a strong asset to the team. Welcome!
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