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Accepted PanYo's Moderator Application

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Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Username: PanYo


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? 5 Days, 13 Hours (as of 8/21/23)

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/7655723

Minnesota (Mini Soda)

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
Panyo#8913 (If that doesn't work due to updated discord, try (Panyo - panyo_pan)

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I play it with any free time I get
US VSH Reservoir (IP:
US Sky-High Resort (IP:
US Highertower x1000 Weapons (IP:
US Slender Fortress (IP:

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I haven't seen any mods or admins come onto VSH Reservoir in a while since the time's I've played. It could be due to different time zones, different playtimes, and dealing with things in real life. The only admin I've seen so far is Butler (and maybe others too but probably disguised so I really don't know who they are). There have been too many micspammers and racism on that server when admins or mods are not even on that server. I have reported 3 people in game and was hoping to see if an admin would come on just for a little just to deal with these micspammers, although no response came to my aid so I've decided to make a post a report forum online, also being handled by Butler (Also, thank you Butler, which I will post in the more information). Most of the time, I have the free time to play and be willing to put something new on my chest if it is something I can deal with and also learn about something new. I will be honest, playing that server has been so much fun for me ever since I came back to Tf2 dealing with in real life problems and due to other beloved servers that I used to play on, are now gone. Coming back to the server filled up with different types of people and the regulars who play on there, fills me with joy, knowing that I can have fun while being brutally beaten up by players who are way better than me. (NOT PHYSICALLY) After all, I have NO EXPERIENCE as a MOD or ANYTHING towards being an admin. Being a donor though for a few weeks give me a insight on how mods work and what admins have to do in order to ban, gag, kick, mute, etc.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

How often do you play TF2?
I play everyday if I'm not working or doing stuff in real life.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
VSH Rules:

No camping:
Classes that are allowed to Camp: Engineer and Sniper (Main Campers)
If engineer and/or sniper are the last ones alive, they must actively fight hale, if not
(Rules will begin to apply)
Warning - 2nd Warning - 3rd Warning - Slay after giving a 3rd chance to fight hale
If continued to not fight hale, after continuous warnings (Rules will begin to apply) (Also counts as Delaying)
Ban: 10 mins - 30 mins - 1 hour - 2 hours - 4 hours - 8 hours - 1 day - 2 day - 4 days - 8 days - 16 days - Permanent Ban (After continuous warnings, it should be said no more and be done with, they may post a ban forum online to get the ban off but under certain circumstances.)

Classes that are not allowed to Camp: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Spy, and Hale (Not consider a class to camp)
Classes above are not allowed to camp during alive and needs to actively fight hale. They're also not allowed to camp with engineers or with snipers as they are camping instead of fighting hale. Same rules apply to hale, must be actively be killing the reds. Hale must fight reds until round is over or until time is up. (Also counts as no friendly's if hale is being friendly with a red) If hale is camping and not actively killing reds,
(Rules will begin to apply)
Warning - 2nd Warning - 3rd Warning - Slay after giving a 3rd chance to fight
Ban: 10 mins - 30 mins - 1 hour - 2 hours - 4 hours - 8 hours - 1 day - 2 day - 4 days - 8 days - 16 days - Permanent Ban (After continuous warnings, it should be said no more and be done with, they may post a ban forum online to get the ban off but under certain circumstances.)

Delaying rounds: Delaying rounds can be boring for the dead people who are waiting for reds or hale to die. If delaying,
(Rules will begin to apply)
Ban: Warning - 2nd Warning - 20 Mins - 40 Mins - 1 hour - 2 hours - 4 hours - 8 hours - 1 day - 1 day 1/2 - 3 days - 6 days - 15 days - 1 month - Permaban (After previous warnings, no more should be said.)

Highertower x1000 Weapons Rules:

No spawn camping: Due to highertower having 3 exits, it shouldn't be hard to leave spawn but if there are players who are spawn camping all three without letting the team out, will result in penalties.
Ban: Warning - 2nd Warning - Slay/Smite - 30 Mins - 1 Hour - 2 Hours - 4 Hours - 8 Hours - 1 Day - 2 Days - 4 Days - 10 Days - 20 Days - 1 Month - Permaban

Slender Fortress Rules:

Griefing: Using voice commands or taunts to lure slender into the player while the other player is hiding with them is unacceptable leading both of you towards death or giving away your hiding spot. If player continues to do it again, results will apply.
Ban: Warning - 2nd Warning - 30 Mins - 1 Hour - 3 Hours - 6 Hours - 10 Hours - 1 Day - 3 Days - 9 Days - 15 Days - 1 Months - 3 Months - Permaban.

Basic Rules:

Micspamming (Mute): Warning - 30 Mins - 1 Hour - 2 Hours - 4 Hours - 8 Hours - 16 Hours - 1 1/2 day - 3 days - 6 days - 12 days -24 days - 1 Month - 3 Months - Permamute (After asking to silence their mics previous times, no more chances arise)

Non-English in VC (For US) (Mute): Warning - 30 Mins - 1 Hour - 2 Hours - 4 Hours - 10 Hours - 1 Day - 3 Days - 9 Days - 15 Days - 1 Month - Permamute (After asking the person who is not speaking english only in vc, will result in being muted.

Spamming Chat (Gag): Warning - 30 Mins - 45 Mins - 1 Hour - 1 1/2 Hours - 3 Hours - 6 Hours - 12 Hours - 1 day - 3 days - 6 days - 12 days - 24 days - 1 Month - 3 Months - Permagag (After asking to stop spamming chat, no more second chances after asking to stop)

Spamming Chat and Micspamming (Silence): Warning - 30 Mins - 1 Hour - 3 Hours - 6 Hours - 12 Hours - 1 day - 2 days - 4 days - 8 days - 16 days - 24 days - 1 Month - 3 Months - Permasilence (After asking to stop spamming chat and micspamming, no more chances)

Sprayban: NSFW (Instant Ban) (Must post a forum online to get it removed or to have it checked before to see their spray again)

Teamban: Wouldn't really consider it being in the gamemode due to players choosing to be hale and choosing to be not.

Griefing: Warning, Slay/Smite, 1 Hour Ban - 4 Hour Ban - 10 Hour Ban - 1 Day Ban - 3 Day Ban - 6 Day Ban - 15 Day Ban - 1 Month Ban - Permaban (Players who would troll as in "attacking" the hale but aren't doing actual damage would come in penalties.)

Exploiting: Warning - 2nd Warning - Slay/Smite - 1 Hour Ban - 5 Hour Ban - 12 Hour Ban - 1 Day Ban - 3 Day Ban - 10 Day Ban - 20 Day Ban - Permaban (Players using an exploited spot that hale or red players cannot get to, will result in penalties.) (Record evidence on the exploit, tell map maker and staff.)

Undercover Staff: 3 Hours Ban - 12 Hours Ban - 2 Day Ban - 5 Day Ban - 10 Day Ban - 30 Day Ban - Permaban (No player should tell troublemakers or other players that staff are present inside the server. The whole point of being undercover is to oversee the server)

Avoiding votekick polls or other messenges: 1 Hour Ban - 3 Hour Ban - 10 Hour Ban - 24 Hours Ban - 3 Days Ban - 9 Days Ban - 20 Day Ban - Instaban (After avoiding polls and messages, it should be unacceptable for the player to come back.)

False !calladmins: 30 Min Ban - 1 Hour Ban - 4 Hour Ban - 8 Hour Ban - 16 Hour Ban - 1 Day Ban - 3 Day Ban - 9 Day Ban - 15 Day Ban - 1 Month Ban - 3 Months Ban - Instaban (False calling admins on something stupid or not having enough evidence leads towards false calling and wasting admins time)

Donor Abuse: No donor should really abuse their powers without having enough evidence to actually use their powers. Donors abusing their powers will result in penalties.
1st Time - 30 Mins, 2nd Time - 6 Hour, - 3rd Time - 12 Hours, 4th Time - 1 Day, 5th Time - Revoke donors power (Donors are no longer to use their powers no more if they continue to abuse their powers, if not possible, instant ban for abusing their powers)

Cheating/Hacking: Cheating/Hacking will not be acceptable for any player to use. Of course, with evidence, and long time proof to prove that the person who is using a software to cheat will result in a permaban.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I do work so if I'm not on, just know that I'm at work or somewhere else besides home. Although if anything, I'm mostly online if anything is needed. Now that I have gotten the other information out of the way. Lets talk about chat. Yes, I do cuss, although I don't seem to find anyone who doesn't curse or anyone who hasn't cussed yet. If I do curse, it's something that I find funny or something that just made me laugh and joke around with someone. Although, the other person may not take it the right way if they view it on a different point of view. If admins and mods are looking through chat on VSH Reservoir, you will see me swear but it was a different reason and/or something stupid that happened during that time. Another thing is, I did fight was Bulgogi, (a troll) in which I did get a warning but it was stupid for me to give him attention. All it was, it was just stupid stuff like 2 little kids fighting each other trying to would get to play on the computer. (I'm just using this as an example, please don't take this serious, just a scenario that just came in my head) I ended up realizing that fighting him would only cause them to get more attention out of me.

Edit: Forgot to mention too, if you do wanna look at my profile, please friend me first. It is currently private (Friends Only) There has been scammers trying to get my unusuals so please friend me first and text me so I know what staff member I'm currently talking to.

2nd Alt: Mmm k

Here are my posts handled by Butler:
Please note, this has nothing to do with my application but appreciate an admin dealing with my forum.

Please admins do give me constructive criticism so that way I can fix my errors and if I need improvement. Also do please let me know if I did miss anything. Thanks for reading my application.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your applican real quick.

Good playtime, active sessions

No prior punishments
One warning in May

Chatlogs look clean


Engineer and Sniper are stationary due to the nature of their class supporting their team from a distance. I see the point you're trying to make, but let's avoid any possible confusion about which classes are "allowed" to camp.

Basic Rules:

There are more basic rules. How would you punish those? Feel free to edit your application to include missing information.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks!


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Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Sorry if you've read it early, I accidently hit enter and it made my post go online. Don't worry though, I fixed it now


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi, just gonna go over your applican real quick.

Good playtime, active sessions
View attachment 33513

No prior punishments
One warning in May

Chatlogs look clean

View attachment 33516
Engineer and Sniper are stationary due to the nature of their class supporting their team from a distance. I see the point you're trying to make, but let's avoid any possible confusion about which classes are "allowed" to camp.

There are more basic rules. How would you punish those? Feel free to edit your application to include missing information.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks!

Thank you Seraphina for responding to my application, I see that you saw my post as soon as I made a mistake but I did currently updated it as I mistakenly posted it. Please take a look at my updated application and I would love to hear your feedback on it again. Thanks

Also for the warning, that was the time when I was fighting back and forth with Bulgogi. Its nothing serious, just stupid bickering with me and them. Also, I didn't know that was 10000 Cold Knights that sent that so thank you. :)

Edit: In response to Engineer and Sniper "camping", it is true that they are support classes and can be afar instead of close up to hale. Yes, there is no camping allowed, I was kinda going for like an example I guess to kinda justify what would define "camping". I do understand your statement in which you've said which does make sense due to new players and such. I did include too as last red, if there is an engineer or sniper, you've must be actively be hitting/killing hale. Again, thank you for your response and it pleases me to have a staff review my application.
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Feb 7, 2023

seraphina already went over the basic info of your app so that’s all solid. I’m replying here to detail my personal experiences playing alongside you.

Overall, you’re a cool regular to play with. You know the rules well, play well, and every interaction I’ve seen from you is fun and respectable. Knowing how Bulgogi acts with the community, I don’t hold any bad blood with you in terms of “toxicity”. The reports you’ve made display a good understanding of the rules met with an equally matched desire to moderate when needed. My activity as mod took a huge dip on the reservoir server, so I think you’ll be a good fit to actively staff there. Though you don’t have any official/prior experience in moderation, I trust that you’ll learn the commands quickly and use good judgement. You have my personal approval but wait for the other staff to chime in with their thoughts.

Best of luck homie


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023

seraphina already went over the basic info of your app so that’s all solid. I’m replying here to detail my personal experiences playing alongside you.

Overall, you’re a cool regular to play with. You know the rules well, play well, and every interaction I’ve seen from you is fun and respectable. Knowing how Bulgogi acts with the community, I don’t hold any bad blood with you in terms of “toxicity”. The reports you’ve made display a good understanding of the rules met with an equally matched desire to moderate when needed. My activity as mod took a huge dip on the reservoir server, so I think you’ll be a good fit to actively staff there. Though you don’t have any official/prior experience in moderation, I trust that you’ll learn the commands quickly and use good judgement. You have my personal approval but wait for the other staff to chime in with their thoughts.

Best of luck homie
Thank you so much Heat! Hearing your experience with me has been a blast, and it was very fun to play with you. I can't thank you enough for commenting on my application! Hopefully I get used to the commands after I do it for a long time, if I do get the mod. Overall though, thank you Heat for reviewing my application and your personal approval. :giggle:


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Updated: 10/17/23

Added Griefing
Added Exploiting
Added Undercover Staff

Ash Shaw

Staff Member
Aug 2, 2020
Hello Panyo, app looks good. You have a lot of engagement on our forums and discord which is also good to see.

Two quick questions/comments
Cheating/Hacking: Cheating/Hacking will not be acceptable for any player to use. Of course, with evidence, and long time proof to prove that the person who is using a software to cheat will result in a permaban.
What source will you be recording evidence with?

Sprayban: NSFW (Instant Ban) (Must post a forum online to get it removed or to have it checked before to see their spray again)
This also applies to inappropriate objectors.

With all that said. Good luck on the app!


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hello Panyo, app looks good. You have a lot of engagement on our forums and discord which is also good to see.

Hallo Ash Shaw
Thanks for reading it :giggle:

Two quick questions/comments
What source will you be recording evidence with?

I will be recording with Medal.tv. I use it daily on whichever game I play.

PanYo said:
Sprayban: NSFW (Instant Ban) (Must post a forum online to get it removed or to have it checked before to see their spray again)

This also applies to inappropriate objectors.

Yep, I will keep that noted.

With all that said. Good luck on the app!

Thanks for stopping by and thank you for the luck :giggle: 🤞


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Update: 11/16/23

Added US Highertower x1000 Weapons, US Slender Fortress (Although it doesn't come alive often but I still enjoy playing it), and US Sky-High Resort onto my list that I would like to moderate.
Added US English VC only
Updated rules for different gamemodes. Due to the nature of the current gamemodes that I would like to moderate (For Highertower x1000 Weapons and Slender Fortress), not a lot of different type of rules are on there due to it falling into the basic rules.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
The no camping section of your application is borderline nonsensical. You seem to have thought it out "on paper" but when have you ever seen a staff member punish people for not "playing their class right?" Have you ever seen this be such an issue at all? If you have, why not report it since it's seems to be intricate enough where a staff member would be the only one qualified to intervene.

The rest of the application is mostly fine. You have a lot of assumptions made about how things operate which could be better thought out if you were more than remotely involved but you've made more than the bare minimum of contributions by posting some reports which is good.


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi Jim

I see you have some questions about my application. Let me answer them for you.

The no camping section of your application is borderline nonsensical. You seem to have thought it out "on paper" but when have you ever seen a staff member punish people for not "playing their class right?"
Are you saying you don't understand that part of my section or did I read a rule wrong and got the wrong message? I thought the whole point of no camping was to not camp in a single spot and stay there until the end of the game or just blatantly camp there for the entire round. I usually don't see a staff member punishing them.

Have you ever seen this be such an issue at all? If you have, why not report it since it's seems to be intricate enough where a staff member would be the only one qualified to intervene.
Not really, because players would just end up ghosting the person out and the hale/reds would find them. I feel like it's not report "worthy" quite enough for me to report due to it only being such a minor little thing.

The rest of the application is mostly fine.

You have a lot of assumptions made about how things operate which could be better thought out if you were more than remotely involved
I wouldn't say I've made assumptions about how things operate, I usually learn from different types of servers that I still like to play on.

but you've made more than the bare minimum of contributions by posting some reports which is good.
Thank you...? o_O

Thank you for your response Jim, it really does mean a lot. If you have questions still for me, please don't hesitate to ask me. Your input on my application really does mean a lot and I do love constructive criticism. Makes me learn a lot.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
You should tone the explaining back a bit, please. We're all staff here, we know how our own rules work. You're just needlessly outing the fact that you don't, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but directly calling attention to it like this puts yourself in a bad light.
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Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hallo 10000 Cold Knights

I see you made a comment, let me answer it for you.

You should tone the explaining back a bit. We're all staff here, we know how our own rules work. You're just needlessly outing the fact that you don't
I wanna say we got off in the wrong foot or maybe I read it wrong and got something different instead? I can't assume since I don't know any staff member here. Seraphina did correct me on my part in which I understand now when I said that there is camping for Engineer and Sniper but Seraphina said camping is not allowed due to engineer and sniper supporting from afar or being stationary.
Engineer and Sniper are stationary due to the nature of their class supporting their team from a distance. I see the point you're trying to make, but let's avoid any possible confusion about which classes are "allowed" to camp.
Seraphina corrected me on my part so I do understand what they said.
which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but directly calling attention to it like this puts yourself in a bad light.
Like I said, maybe we got off in the wrong foot? I am actually genuinely confused on what part got me in the wrong.

Thanks for your input 10000 Cold Knights, it really does mean a lot from you to respond onto my application. I appreciate the feedback and will learn from this mistake.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
Hello Panyo,

I am going to make it blunt. You strike me as a person who is trying way too hard to become a moderator, and may want the whatever perceived "prestige" that comes with having a staff role, rather than helping out the server. Just before and after you applied, you started posting and necroing old and dead threads which had nothing to do with you whatsoever, in order to artificially increase your forum activity in the hopes of making yourself look better. After you realised it would take a while for your app to be dealt with, you stopped posting on the forums altogether except for reports (which I will commend you on), in addition to the incident that happened above.

Then, once you saw that apps were being dealt with, you started to reply to reports, one against a staff member and one against a normal user in what seemed like an attempt to deal with them yourself. While we appreciate that you may be trying to help, we would prefer it if you allowed staff to do their jobs. If a report is being left there for a bit, there is typically a reason for doing so.

Overall, while you may be only trying to help out, which is made evident through your reports which we thank you for, you seem to be trying way to hard to become moderator in my eyes due to some of your behaviours, which for me brings what your intentions are for becoming staff into question.

Good luck with your application.


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi Crikey

I see you've made a comment about me. Let me answer it for you.

I am going to make it blunt. You strike me as a person who is trying way too hard to become a moderator, and may want the whatever perceived "prestige" that comes with having a staff role, rather than helping out the server.
I see that you feel this way but it kinda hurts me knowing that you also said that I rather have a staff role instead of helping the server. The whole reason of this application was to help the server. I do love playing on the servers that I constantly play because it's fun and it's a bit "unique" I would say that allows me to have joy on. I get you don't know me due to me being I guess "new" to Blackwonder but I actually like sticking to this community.
Just before and after you applied, you started posting and necroing old and dead threads which had nothing to do with you whatsoever, in order to artificially increase your forum activity in the hopes of making yourself look better.
I actually thought of it as a different way to "brighten" up the forums with some old posts that people can see again or remember that specific type of post that was on here. I hate to make myself look better for my app to shine because that on me, looks like a bad character of me.
After you realised it would take a while for your app to be dealt with, you stopped posting on the forums altogether except for reports (which I will commend you on), in addition to the incident that happened above.
I was busy playing with friends on different games and in real life stuff too but the forums didn't have much to go on.
Then, once you saw that apps were being dealt with, you started to reply to reports, one against a staff member and one against a normal user in what seemed like an attempt to deal with them yourself. While we appreciate that you may be trying to help, we would prefer it if you allowed staff to do their jobs. If a report is being left there for a bit, there is typically a reason for doing so.
The staff member one (Jim) and the normal report, I was actually curious so I took a look myself and decided to put my opinion on the situation itself and see if it would help out on whoever's side. I feel like I'm being criticized for trying to help but if that's how you feel, then it's understandable.
Overall, while you may be only trying to help out, which is made evident through your reports which we thank you for, you seem to be trying way to hard to become moderator in my eyes due to some of your behaviours, which for me brings what your intentions are for becoming staff into question.
I'm sorry you see it that way, but if you see it that way, then it's understandable. My behaviours though, did I really do something bad to really hit the line? Was there something I did that I wasn't aware of?

Thanks for your feedback Crikey. I don't really have much to go on since this is the perspective that you see it from. I appreciate your comment and will learn from this experience. Although, I feel like I'm being unfairly criticized which makes me feel even worse.
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi PanYo,

It's not often that I reply to a moderators application beyond the basic reviews. I believe you would make a good fit for the team.

Our interactions show me that you have a genuine interest in helping the servers. Your consistent reports are appreciated

I am questioning your decision to necro old posts and reply to reports. I trust your good intentions although the actions are unnecessary

Thank you for being patient and receptive to feedback. Hope to see you on the team


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi Seraphina

It's not often that I reply to a moderators application beyond the basic reviews. I believe you would make a good fit for the team.

Our interactions show me that you have a genuine interest in helping the servers. Your consistent reports are appreciated
Thank you for giving me hope as I continue to wait. It's really appreciated.

I am questioning your decision to necro old posts and reply to reports. I trust your good intentions although the actions are unnecessary
It was 2 weeks after I joined Blackwonder and decided to post on old and dead posts. I was fairly "new" to Blackwonder and didn't really know about if it was really okay to post on old and dead posts. Considering I still did it, I will definitely learn to not post on old and dead threads.

Thank you for being patient and receptive to feedback. Hope to see you on the team
Again, thank you for reviewing my application and thank you yet again for being a great staff to me.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi there,

We have had issues with you backseat modding report threads that don't even remotely involve you, but I think that's just one stain on what is otherwise a strong and meticulous application. Between the high effort on display, addressing of everyone's criticism in great detail, and overall just onerous application, I think we can give you a chance. It is my privilege to welcome you to the team.


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Thank you so much Fish. You don’t understand how much this means to me. 🥲
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