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[Jailbreak] jb_alkatraz_rebuilt feedback


Face Melting
Jul 2, 2018
So as many probably have noticed, alkatraz has been updated into a remake of itself.
The remake seems to have been poorly received, which confuses me since it has the same layout and has the same secrets (although some slightly changed).
The remake mainly expanded and improved the map, adding popular minigames such as climb, karts, and surf.
And still it seems to have been really poorly recieved so I wanted to know why, anyone that played it, what bothers you about the new version, what does it do worse?

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Alkatraz was good because despite everything it brought to the table it still managed to be a very simple, open map layout-wise. These are both gone in the new version. The new areas (which cannot simply be ignored since 2 of them have rebel exits and another 2 have putin breakables) are extremely, to borrow from @Inconpicuoususername , chokey for both teams. The changes to the catwalks feel ugly and obstructive, and cause similar choking issues especially near crush game.
Another thing I noticed is that some of the more "fun" parts of the map were inexplicably removed. Cells are no longer connected by breakables, the cup room is (afaik) inaccessible, and you can no longer hit blue players through the walls in death run.
Most baffling of all imo are the changes to the putin secret. It was formerly one of the easiest powerups for new players to access, having both hints to its existence in main cells and a demonstrative component right in cell area. These are not only both gone, but the putin glitch (defeat sequence playing while putin is still alive, I believe it's tied to putin taking fall damage) is still very present.

TLDR: Map feels more complex for newer players and less enjoyable for experienced ones, and a decent amount of fun factor is gone too.
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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
I do like how looks, but it gives more players the to rebel since the basement has little to no lights that rebels can actually hide, and blue really can't see any rebels in the basement due to the dark. I totally agree with what 10k saying about catwalks. A lot of catwalks have been added to create ugly doors to obstructive.

Ironic, I think many JB players on BLW really don't want any rebuilt or remake map. Which is quite sad, since it gives reupdate with modern looks and much more.

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