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How to trade (with coins) in Blackwonder TF2 Servers


Aug 13, 2018
1. Say "/store" in chat.
2. Press the option to trade (usually you should press 3 on your keyboard but if you have a daily reward, press 4).
3. Select the username of the player whom you want to trade with.
4. Select how many coins or select the items that you want to give and recieve.
5. View your trade and send it. It depends on the player you traded with if they want to accept it or not.

To view a trade offer, say "/viewtrade" in chat.
Keep in mind: Some trade offers might be scams, so make sure you decline those.
Scam trade offers often look like they want you to trade all your coins and items.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
Yes. There is a very common scam where the person requests all your coins and tries to make you rush.
Always take your time during these trades, make sure what you're trading for is correct and isn't in the other side of the trade offer.

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