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FF2 needs a complete fixing




Aug 18, 2017
Hi! This is bee here, and i've been playing EU FF2 quite regularly recently and there have been so many issues with the server and gamemode itself, and then with the plugin break a few weeks ago, the bugs have gotten worse.

I'm saying this all for EU FF2 as i'm unsure and unaware of the US one and if it has any issues but anyway.

First things first let's list the amount of bugs that have broken the game all players:

- Revive markers
When a medic goes to revive someone, sometimes in the persons chat (not the medics) it will say something along the lines of "you're trying to glitch/break revive markers!" or something like that, which just causes you to immediately die the second you're revived.

- Bosses being the same person
With a lower player count, FF2 usually will force everyone to play boss regardless if you have it enabled or not, but ever since the plugin breakage from a few weeks ago, it's now usually just one person who is permanently the boss. Now this doesn't apply to all maps, weirdly? But some maps will just only allocate one person and one person only.

- People unable to play boss
On similar notes, some people, such as myself has had bosses enabled and never chosen. I've reset my queue many times, i've turned ff2boss on and off again, i've even had people go spec for me just to see if it will force me as boss against a bot, and it still never happens.

- Counter Terrorist boss
With this boss, once you get 100% rage, and you kill someone with it, it completely crashes the server, several of us regulars have to remind people to please do not use 100% rage but sometimes people still abuse it. Also the model is just completely broken, just a huge error sign. Personally i'd say just remove the boss entirely or completely revamp it since most of the things about it is broken.

- Error bosses
MeeM and Counter Terrorist boss are both errors, and i don't know if this is a Source issue, since i've been told the models used to be completely fine before, but now they're just huge walking errors.

Now onto some personal things that i think (and others too, i promise!) should be redone or revamped for FF2. EU FF2 has such a low player base which is so strange especially because FF2, and VSH and other gamemodes like it are so very popular on other servers, yet on weekends/holidays the highest player count is around 10. I personally think completely revamping FF2 will help people not rage quit as boss, help its player count and just make it a lot more fun for everyone involved.

- Revive markers
I don't care who you are, as a player on FF2 revive markers is just so broken. Sure you can only be revived once, and sure in VSH they only last about like 30-60 seconds (i don't really remember) but in FF2 they are permanent until revived/round is over. I play medic so often, as do others, and the amount of times a boss has almost won and then proceeded to rage quit because the medic has just revived every single member of their team to destroy what little hope the boss had left is just so annoyingly painstaking for the boss. Even one medic can just break the whole game, someone can change their class whilst dead, come back as a medic, and do even more harm, or two medics will spawn and no one will ever die twice, and sometimes targeting the medic wont do much. Revive markers has made so many people ragequit and i don't think i've ever seen any of those players return to BLW FF2.

I'm gonna try compile a list of underwhelming and OP bosses or just some broken things of certain bosses here, which i just think need to be fixed.

- Duke Nukem
Everything other than Duke's rage is completely fine, his speed, his hp, his damage, etc. His rage is completely broken and completely unfair, it one hits heavies, goes through deadringer and the only thing that can prevent it is an Uber or a Batallions Backup rage, even with bullet spread, it doesn't need to be a full hit to completely kill you or bring you down to double or even single digit HP.

- Painis Cupcake
I completely do not mind an Uber and stun rage/loss of life thingy, but i feel like his stuns last way too long, especially if he is being ubered aswell. Other bosses with an uber and stun like Vagineer, Ass Pancakes, etc do not have a stun that lasts as long as his and it's a little broken especially considering he is ubered aswell.

- Pyroshark
When pyroshark is "swimming", he cannot be detected by sentries at all, i don't know if this is bugged or intentional but i feel like this should just be left as a RAGE rather than something Pyroshark can do on a whim, give him a superjump + keep his rage, perhaps even stun them cos some classes can still get away with that rage.

- Goof Merasmus
Merasmus is such a fun but underwhelming boss, no one ever wants to play him because he takes INSANE amount of knockback, and i believe he even takes way more damage than regular bosses, just for a rage that does the same as Seeman (and that guy is a duo boss!) and is way worse off.

- Grapple hook bosses
Whilst i believe that grapple hook is there to balance out the boss a little, it can be so broken if it hooks onto a player, because that player has immediately signed a death warrant. I don't know if its possible to not be able to grapple players, but perhaps just replace with a slower regenerating super jump or something along those lines.

- SCP-106 (i think... the one with noclip rage)
I see a lot of new players struggle with this bosses rage, the noclip is way too fast for people to realise "oh hey i need to stop and hit players and not just run around and aimlessly hit people trying to kill them" perhaps if it were slowed down, even just a little bit, so people have more control over the rage and who they can kill.

- Moyai
This boss can be so fun to play but it's not when you cant get even one kill in. Moyai's mechanics is fun and unique, but it only works if Moyai can get a kill, which is hard when he has knockback again, rendering him completely useless. I personally think that when he rages, (since this rage can be op if minions are huge brained) he should recieve no knockback for a period of time, as well as respawning blue's minions. This balances Moyai out a bit, so that he CAN actually get a minion or three.

- Rappy
What a lovely and derpy boss, however it's rage can be a little underwhelming. The pills don't need to one hit, but also they don't really scare players enough since they do very little damage, i think amping it up a little will do the trick!

That's all for the bosses for now! If anyone has some better mechanics in mind or anyone else I forgot, please dont hesitate to post.

- Map pool
There are just. Way too many maps. Unbelievably so many. More than half of these never get played, it's usually the same 6 maps that are played (both of the militaries, degroot, hellaswag, 2fortdesk and jurassic). As it stands right now, there are 12 PAGES of maps and some are just so bad, or not fun to play on, or never get played anyway due to the fact there are just ....... so many. Also Arena maps never have any big ammo or health packs, and i don't know if this is a fixable problem, but it makes it a real pain to play any non 1 hit bosses, or classes than can self damage, such as pyro/soldier, or any ammo heavy classes like soldier, heavy, engineer... most classes actually.

I know, controversial, but i personally think RTD should be removed for FF2. It can be so broken sometimes for both boss and players. I actually don't mind if this never gets removed but i do think it can be broken. A boss or even player getting something like powerplay, godmode, mercs die twice, or any other broken roll makes it so unfun for the opposing side and can literally tilt the weight of the scale to that persons side, if that particular team is losing. Of course i know a common argument will be "well it's random! you don't know what you're gonna get!" and sure while this is true, but in a server full of 10+ folk, nearly all using RTD, one is bound to get something OP. Of course i'm guilty of using RTD and abusing the good rolls, and then get payback when i get "Smite" or something, but I still at the very least think RTD should be thought over.

- Medic crossbow uber %
This is probably just me being nitpicky at this point, but i really do not understand why VSH gets 15% per crossbow hit, yet FF2 only gets 10%, it makes it way harder for people to get uber and help keep people alive and/or counter-act rages, 15% means you get in about 6-7 hits depending on how low your initial uber % is, yet with the 10% it's 10 hits of the crossbow, and most of the time you cant heal people with a beam cos they're either jumping about or way too close to the boss and you'd be too vulnerable.

FF2 is supposed to be a fun and chaotic gamemode for everyone involved, and growing a community on there is hard due to so many of these bugs and broken things about the server. I believe fixing ALL the bugs, and at least ATTEMPTING to try fix some of these bosses and unfun mechanics would help new players come in and actually stay and join again sometime soon! Whilst i know this thread is basically a whole bunch of complaining, i love FF2 and it's players, so i don't wanna see the server die off! .... more than it's already dead.

Thanks for reading this unfortunately unbelievably long post!
Also if i've failed to mention anything please do post below.

(Please an admin or owner or someone get on these bug fixes, some of these have been here awhile and nothing has been done, despite apparent several forum/bug posts.)

Oh and if i need proof of the bugs.. please let me know and i will try my best, but most of the playerbase have experienced these bugs anyway so just ask any of them i guess.

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