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Important Feedback needed on the new bhop plugin.


Aug 19, 2016
Hello everyone who is paying attention to this thread and also feel that the new Bhop plugin is "different in a odd way",

many Blw.tf servers are running as of late a new and freshly coded bhop plugin that Benedevil made, this plugin is there to fix some problems that most of us had before with the old plugin, such as being bhop blocked when trying to do a normal jump and the jump being much shorter than intended.

As everyone knows any newly created product is not perfect as soon as it is developed and has to go through trials to get improved, during these trials the testers will use the product and evaluate it while pointing what is good, what is bad and what could be improved.

Sadly we have to skip that part and do a "open beta" test of the plugin. During this time we request you to try to pin point what you feel that could be better in the plugin, so later on a perfected plugin can be introduced to the servers.

For the feedback please do as follow:

-Problem encountered with a detailed description with for example:
occurrence rate (rarely, whenever X happens, often, etc...);
what was you condition shortly before, during and perhaps even shortly after(I was moving/stationary, I hast just left water, I had fallen, I was airblasted, etc...);
If known how, how to not be affected by that abnormality;

(Here I will use a problem we had with the old plugin as an example)

Rarely when jumping from point A to B while stationary, the jump made will be shorter than it should have been and the start of the jump feels as if I had stumbled on a rock. I noticed that if I don't start my jump from stationary, if I walk a bit before I jump, that my jump will always go perfectly and I won't get stuck.

Also feel free to add more relevant information than asked for.

Thank you very much for your support,


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
People complain that it's broken and doesn't work. Not the case for me, it works fine; you just need to be a little cleaner with timing your jumps (which isn't an issue for me as I always bhopped manually without the need of scripts or using the scroll wheel). My only complaint, however, is that it is almost impossible to gain speed from strafing and when you bhop up any kind of ramp or slope, you lose almost all of your speed instead of sliding upwards and keeping most of it.


Foster The People


Aug 13, 2017
The biggest problem i have is how floaty it makes you feel, there is a threshold when it comes to the angle you bhop in where it feels like W is slightly being pushed down the entire time.


Mildly Menacing
Jan 25, 2018
Give or take 2 weeks ago you could accelerate to a good speed(maybe 300+) but now it feels like a flat 150% movement speed. It slows you down and theres no acceleration. It's not about timing, I'm proficient at hopping. Something is different.


Sufficiently Lethal
May 29, 2017
I'm sorry, but what servers exactly have this plugin? Can you atleast give IPs?
I know for a fact Jailbreak NY is running it, .

As far as my opinion goes, it feels more like casual bhop than it used to (maybe i'm just bad lol), and I feel it takes away more than it gives. I felt that the "/bhop" command was enough already if you were having some sort of problem with it. Bhopping is one of the main components of what makes Blackwonder Jailbreak so fun. Now, since I now cannot viably bhop, rebelling, or just following orders, have become dulled.

I'd like to see the bhop plugin reversed to the old one, but I understand why it wouldn't be. I will just have to get good if that is the case.


Mildly Menacing
Jan 28, 2018
The biggest issues that I have personally noticed is a cap on the movement speed and an inability to efficiently accelerate, meaning rebelling is significantly harder and to me a big part of Jailbreak's charm is now missing. I agree with @emu in that the previous version was fine as is. Of course it had many issues, but it did what it had to do - and did it relatively well.


Mildly Menacing


Feb 10, 2018
Well I was wondering why I had so much trouble bhoping. I do have a problem that occurs fairly often and it's random jumping direction changes. Whenever I bhop and switch beetwen A or D after 6-10 jumps my character just jumps straight left or right instead of strafing a little, just like if my first jump was left or right instead of forward. It still keeps the bhop momentum and killed me quite a few times, so I stopped bhoping all together.


Mildly Menacing


Aug 10, 2016
yea I had the same problem as Sycrow it happens often whenever I chain a bhop with a rocket jump it doesnt happen in the old plugin

Daddy Puddin'

Truly Feared
Dec 10, 2017
If paired with the grappling hook (namely in Trade servers), you can basically bhop forever and for a very long distance.

1. Grapple onto the floor in front of you.
2. Hold the crouch button.
3. Time your jumps.



Okay, first of, you don't need to time your jumps, you can just hold the space bar after grappling.
Secondly, as long as you hold your crouch bar, your character's animation either bugs out or not, but you don't lose any HP from fall damage (even though you can hear the crunch sound) AND your fall distance becomes your jump distance. I imagine if you fall from the highertower, you can jump straight back up but I haven't tried it out.

Evidence part 2.
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Daddy Puddin'

Truly Feared
Dec 10, 2017
This bhop has been in our deathrun servers forever and will not be changed any time soon. However in trade this is debatable

Yeah, I initially suggested it for Trade servers but I didn't take into account the way it would work with the grapple hooks.
Removing it might be best, in my opinion.


Professional Nap Taker
Staff Member
Feb 2, 2017
Yeah, I initially suggested it for Trade servers but I didn't take into account the way it would work with the grapple hooks.
Removing it might be best, in my opinion.
I've been more active on trade ever since bhop has been added, and even though it's somewhat broken, it's the most fun I've ever had on trade in a long time. I've been playing on trade for about 3 weeks now, never seen a single person complain about it. Most of the time I'm there, people seem to enjoy it and love how broken it is because on most trade servers you have nothing to but kill and stand there pushing your binds. In my opinion, the bhop plugin shouldn't be changed because it allows players to go super fast and high without even trying; this shouldn't matter because it's a trade server and there nothing too important other than trading.
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